Residentieel - Te koop
  • Madalena


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Huis en eengezinswoning te koop — Madalena

EUR 2.850.000

Huis en eengezinswoning (Te koop)

11 slk
5 bk
lot 7.794
Referentie: YJKS-T322 / 16914-r-510
Fabulous historic farmhouse near Mafra-Lisbon. Quinta das Acacias, with its Solar and Chapel, dates from 1713, having withstood the devastation caused by the 1755 earthquake, which tragically devastated Lisbon and the entire area around it. Located at the top of the hill overlooking the Serra do Socorro, this farmhouse has a breathtaking view, a privileged point of reference for the communication and observation station of the Lines of Torres Vedras. The Chapel of Nª Srª do Socorro, and some buildings were the headquarters of the Duke of Wellington during the French invasion, known locally as "The Eagle's Nest of Wellington". The parish of Azueira was once very prosperous and vital in both political and economic terms. Many farms in the area belonged to prominent members of society; Quinta das Acacias was one of them. The Quinta belonged to the Brunette Gorjao family, the last of the family; a widow died in the mid-twentieth century, leaving no descendants. The farmhouse and the chapel maintain the original architecture, features, materials and constructive elements. The last owners made some adjustments and restorations, keeping the original design and some ceilings, floors, stonework, sculptures, and tiles of the time. Independent from Solar and Capela, there are leisure and support facilities, such as: * Rustic house for caretakers, close to the service entrance of the farm (old iron gate), located in a strategic location. * Stables with "boxes", harness room, storage for straw and feed, arena with sound system, changing rooms for animals, support facilities for handlers, riders and "Paddock". * Small sports park with a multipurpose rink for skating, volleyball, basketball, futsal or tennis. * Small playground. * Boxes for service vehicles and agricultural implements. * Capoeiras(Space for birds), two side vegetable gardens, very varied fruit trees; hidden by hedges and vines. * Lake with artificial island and vegetation suitable for birds, reptiles and other exotic animals. * Unusual well, accessible up to the water level through masonry stairs, with an engraving of the year of construction (1713). * Water mine dug into the rock, with a spring, whose underground reservoir has a protected esplanade with a railing, providing enjoyable visits, especially in the summertime. * A fountain with bronze sculptures of incredible beauty and artistic value, with several fountains. * A swimming pool with a large spout, surrounding marble floor with non-slip treatment and balconies overlooking stunning landscapes. * Vast area of ​​the farm is landscaped with lawn and lush vegetation. * Between the main and service gate is the old mill and warehouse, this building benefits from hosting all sorts of parties and social gatherings. One can imagine roasting hams and sausages huddled around the log fires, which can burn for days while also smoking various meats. This building includes a support kitchen, two mezzanine bedrooms, pantries, wine cellars, two bathrooms and an interior connection to the main garage, accommodating nine cars. The owners of the Quinta open the Capela to the People on occasions of worship. These well-attended events do provide an income. Continuing the visit, we have five suites, three lounges, a vast dining room, office, two standard bedrooms, six bathrooms, an expansive and characteristic old fully adapted kitchen, pantry and laundry area. The main ensuite opens onto a panoramic terrace/solarium, with a view of the entire farm and Serra do Socorro and its Ermida as a battleground right in front of us (truly stunning landscapes). Also noteworthy is that the thresholds, stairs, lintels, some benches, and other stonework are in original stone, along with some of the floors. Also original are some wooden ceilings and floors, recovered and treated. Interestingly, all the windows that have side benches in stone, characteristic of the time, are also called conversation chairs. Many tile panels with religious motifs and others in use at the time enrich interior and exterior walls, stone niches and alabaster complete the decorative details, presumably also of original construction, some with sculptures. The historical references around this farm, its families, French invasions, geographic involvement, ethnography and others are so vast that it will be worth approaching and deepening them as a matter of interest or merely out of curiosity. In addition to strictly residential use, Quinta das Acacias is an excellent place for holding events, especially weddings, celebrated in the chapel. Accommodation for newlyweds and guests, and the grounds are not lacking in pleasant spaces, landscaped, with a vast swimming pool, lakes and fountains, plus the equestrian and sports side. Great place for birthday parties, bachelor parties, group meetings, companies, and much more. This estate provides a unique opportunity to acquire a historic property full of mysticism. Bedrooms : 11 Bathrooms : 5 Furnished : No Area Build : 641 m2 Land Size : 7794 m2 Floor : 0 / 0 Year built : 1713 Reference Id : R-510 District : Lisbon Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Fabulous historic farmhouse near Mafra-Lisbon. Quinta das Acacias, with its Solar and Chapel, dates from 1713, having withstood the devastation caused by the 1755 earthquake, which tragically devastated Lisbon and the entire area around it. Located at the top of the hill overlooking the Serra do Socorro, this farmhouse has a breathtaking view, a privileged point of reference for the communication and observation station of the Lines of Torres Vedras. The Chapel of Nª Srª do Socorro, and some buildings were the headquarters of the Duke of Wellington during the French invasion, known locally as "The Eagle's Nest of Wellington". The parish of Azueira was once very prosperous and vital in both political and economic terms. Many farms in the area belonged to prominent members of society; Quinta das Acacias was one of them. The Quinta belonged to the Brunette Gorjao family, the last of the family; a widow died in the mid-twentieth century, leaving no descendants. The farmhouse and the chapel maintain the original architecture, features, materials and constructive elements. The last owners made some adjustments and restorations, keeping the original design and some ceilings, floors, stonework, sculptures, and tiles of the time. Independent from Solar and Capela, there are leisure and support facilities, such as: * Rustic house for caretakers, close to the service entrance of the farm (old iron gate), located in a strategic location. * Stables with "boxes", harness room, storage for straw and feed, arena with sound system, changing rooms for animals, support facilities for handlers, riders and "Paddock". * Small sports park with a multipurpose rink for skating, volleyball, basketball, futsal or tennis. * Small playground. * Boxes for service vehicles and agricultural implements. * Capoeiras(Space for birds), two side vegetable gardens, very varied fruit trees; hidden by hedges and vines. * Lake with artificial island and vegetation suitable for birds, reptiles and other exotic animals. * Unusual well, accessible up to the water level through masonry stairs, with an engraving of the year of construction (1713). * Water mine dug into the rock, with a spring, whose underground reservoir has a protected esplanade with a railing, providing enjoyable visits, especially in the summertime. * A fountain with bronze sculptures of incredible beauty and artistic value, with several fountains. * A swimming pool with a large spout, surrounding marble floor with non-slip treatment and balconies overlooking stunning landscapes. * Vast area of ​​the farm is landscaped with lawn and lush vegetation. * Between the main and service gate is the old mill and warehouse, this building benefits from hosting all sorts of parties and social gatherings. One can imagine roasting hams and sausages huddled around the log fires, which can burn for days while also smoking various meats. This building includes a support kitchen, two mezzanine bedrooms, pantries, wine cellars, two bathrooms and an interior connection to the main garage, accommodating nine cars. The owners of the Quinta open the Capela to the People on occasions of worship. These well-attended events do provide an income. Continuing the visit, we have five suites, three lounges, a vast dining room, office, two standard bedrooms, six bathrooms, an expansive and characteristic old fully adapted kitchen, pantry and laundry area. The main ensuite opens onto a panoramic terrace/solarium, with a view of the entire farm and Serra do Socorro and its Ermida as a battleground right in front of us (truly stunning landscapes). Also noteworthy is that the thresholds, stairs, lintels, some benches, and other stonework are in original stone, along with some of the floors. Also original are some wooden ceilings and floors, recovered and treated. Interestingly, all the windows that have side benches in stone, characteristic of the time, are also called conversation chairs. Many tile panels with religious motifs and others in use at the time enrich interior and exterior walls, stone niches and alabaster complete the decorative details, presumably also of original construction, some with sculptures. The historical references around this farm, its families, French invasions, geographic involvement, ethnography and others are so vast that it will be worth approaching and deepening them as a matter of interest or merely out of curiosity. In addition to strictly residential use, Quinta das Acacias is an excellent place for holding events, especially weddings, celebrated in the chapel. Accommodation for newlyweds and guests, and the grounds are not lacking in pleasant spaces, landscaped, with a vast swimming pool, lakes and fountains, plus the equestrian and sports side. Great place for birthday parties, bachelor parties, group meetings, companies, and much more. This estate provides a unique opportunity to acquire a historic property full of mysticism. Bedrooms : 11 Bathrooms : 5 Furnished : No Area Build : 641 m2 Land Size : 7794 m2 Floor : 0 / 0 Year built : 1713 Reference Id : R-510 District : Lisbon Fabulosa Quinta historica no Concelho de Mafra.Fabulosa Quinta historica no Concelho de Mafra.A Quinta das Acacias, com Solar e Capela, data de 1713, tendo resistido ao devastamento causado pelo terramoto de 1755, que assolou tragicamente Lisboa e toda a zona ao seu redor. Esta implantada no cimo da colina sobranceira a serra do Socorro, com vista deslumbrante sobre a mesma, constando que era um ponto de referencia privilegiado da estacao de comunicacao e observacao das Linhas de Torres, onde ainda permanecem a Ermida de Nª Srª do Socorro e algumas construcões que eram quartel-general do duque de Wellington, durante as invasões francesas, conhecido localmente como 'O Ninho da Águia de Wellington'.A freguesia da Azueira, foi outrora muito prospera e importante nos dominios politico e economico, sendo disso testemunho historico, algumas quintas que pertenceram a membros proeminentes e influentes da sociedade da epoca, como e o caso da Quinta das Acacias, que foi parte integrante do vasto patrimonio de uma alta patente militar, apelidada de Brunette Gorjao, cuja viuva nela habitou ate meados do seculo XX, nao deixando descendentes.O solar da quinta e a capela, situam-se frontais ao largo Brunette, cuja denominacao perpetua a memoria da familia de Jose Brunette Gorjao, avo do ultimo proprietario da quinta. Mantem a arquitetura e tracos originais, bem como muitos materiais e elementos construtivos, no seu interior.Os ultimos proprietarios, fizeram alguns ajustes e restauracões, mantendo-se a traca original, bem como alguns tetos, pavimentos, cantarias, esculturas e azulejos da epoca.Independentes do Solar e Capela, existem instalacões de lazer e apoio, como:* Habitacao rustica para caseiros, proxima da entrada de servico da quinta (portao antigo em ferro), situada em local estrategico.* Cavalaricas com 'boxes', sala de arreios, armazem para palha e racões, picadeiro com instalacao sonora, balnearios para animais, instalacões de apoio para tratadores e /ou equitadores e 'Padock'.* Pequeno parque desportivo, com ringue polivalente para patinagem, voleibol, basquetebol, futsal ou tenis.* Pequeno parque infantil.* Boxes para viaturas de servico e alfaias agricolas.* Capoeiras, duas hortas laterais, arvores de fruto muito variadas; conjunto que esta oculto por sebes e trepadeiras.* Lago com ilha artificial e vegetacao propria para aves, repteis e outros animais exoticos. * Poco invulgar, visitavel ate ao nivel da agua atraves de escadas em alvenaria, com gravacao do ano de construcao (1713).* Mina cavada na rocha, com nascente, cuja bacia de retencao subterranea, possui uma esplanada protegida com gradeamento, proporcionando visitas muito agradaveis, principalmente no verao.* Fontanario com esculturas em bronze de grande beleza e valor artistico, tendo varias bicas e repuxos.* Piscina, com grande bica, piso envolvente em marmore com tratamento antiderrapante e varandas com vista sobre paisagens deslumbrantes.* Vasta area da quinta e ajardinada com relvado e vegetacao luxuriante.* Em destaque, entre o portao principal e o de servico, esta o antigo lagar e armazem, conjunto imponente, cuja dimensao permite que agora seja um grande salao de convivio, jogos diversos ou festas, mantendo uma grande lareira-fumeiro com bancos laterais interiores em pedra, permitindo a permanencia de varias pessoas em saudavel convivio nas noites de inverno e queima de grandes troncos que ardem durante dias, alem da possibilidade de curar enchidos ou presuntos caseiros. Faz parte deste conjunto uma cozinha de apoio, dois quartos em 'mezanine', dispensas, garrafeiras, duas casas de banho e comunicacao interior para a garagem principal, onde cabem nove automoveis.Nao e por acaso que a descricao do Solar e Capela, ficam para o fim desta visita ao passado, pois tratando-se da mais nova zona edificada, merece destaque especial pela importancia historica que nela encerra, sendo atualmente ex-libris da aldeia e, a sua capela, local de culto e devocao, principalmente quando acolhe com alguma frequencia Nª Srª de Fatima Peregrina e, a cada dezassete anos, Nossa Senhora da Nazare cujo sirio constitui uma devota manifestacao festiva das gentes do Oeste e de muitos devotos de todo o pais, que ocorrem a este acontecimento.Os proprietarios da Quinta, franqueiam a Capela ao Povo nestas e noutras ocasiões de culto. Alem da comunicacao com o exterior, existe uma porta para um confessionario e ligacao direta aos aposentos privados.Prosseguindo a visita, temos cinco suites, tres salões, enorme sala de jantar, sala de refeicões, escritorio, 2 quartos normais, 6 casas de banho, enorme e caracteristica cozinha antiga totalmente adaptada, dispensa e zona de tratamento de roupas. A master suite tem saida para um terraco / solario panoramico, avistando-se nao so toda a quinta, como tambem a Serra do Socorro e a sua Ermida como local de batalha, mesmo a nossa frente (cenarios paisagisticos deslumbrantes).Destaca-se ainda, o fato de soleiras, escadas, vergas, alguns bancos e restantes cantarias, serem em pedra original, bem como alguns pavimentos. Tambem originais, sao alguns tetos e soalhos em madeira, recuperados e tratados. Pormenor interessante e o de todas as janelas que possuem bancos laterais em pedra caracteristicos da epoca, denominados tambem por conversadeiras.Muitos paineis de azulejo com motivos religiosos e outros em uso na epoca, enriquecem paredes interiores e exteriores, bem como nichos em pedra e um alabastro, completam os detalhes decorativos, presumivelmente, tambem de construcao original, alguns com esculturas..As referencias historicas a volta desta quinta, suas familias, invasões francesas, envolvimento geografico, etnografia e outras, sao tao vastas, que valera a pena aborda-las e aprofunda-las, a titulo de interesse ou meramente por curiosidade.Para alem do uso estritamente residencial, a Quinta das Acacias e um excelente local para a realizacao de eventos, especialmente casamentos, que podem ser celebrados na propria capela, que para tal e autorizada, reunindo condicões para o servico de "copo de agua" e alojamento para noivos e/ou convidados, nao faltando espacos apraziveis, ajardinados, com enorme piscina, lagos e fontanarios, alem da vertente hipica e desportiva. Local otimo tambem para festas de aniversario, despedidas de solteiros, reuniões de grupos, empresas e outras.Esta e uma oportunidade unica para adquirir uma propriedade historica, carregada de misticismo.
Referentie: YJKS-T322
Land: PT
Regio: Lisbon
Stad: Lisbon
Categorie: Residentieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Huis en eengezinswoning
Omvang woning: 641
Omvang perceel: 7.794
Slaapkamers: 11
Badkamers: 5



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