Drvenik Mali, near Trogir, construction land of approximately 1110 m2. The island is known for its peaceful atmosphere, crystal-clear sea, and beautiful landscapes. It is less populated, making it a popular destination for those seeking a peaceful escape into nature. On Drvenik Mali, you can enjoy swimming, hiking, and exploring untouched nature. It is often the perfect place for relaxation and a getaway from the crowds. The island does not have a municipal water supply; wells or water tanks (cisterns) are used. www.biliskov.com - ID: 14957
Meer bekijkenMinder bekijken
Drvenik Mali, in der Nähe von Trogir, Bauland von ca. 1110 m2. Die Insel ist bekannt für ihre friedliche Atmosphäre, das kristallklare Meer und die wunderschönen Landschaften. Sie ist weniger bevölkert und daher ein beliebtes Ziel für diejenigen, die einen ruhigen Rückzugsort in die Natur suchen. Auf Drvenik Mali können Sie schwimmen, wandern und die unberührte Natur erkunden. Es ist oft der perfekte Ort zum Entspannen und um den Menschenmassen zu entfliehen. Die Insel verfügt nicht über eine kommunale Wasserversorgung; es werden Brunnen oder Wassertanks (Zisternen) verwendet. www.biliskov.com - ID: 14957
Drvenik Mali, okolica Trogira, građevinsko zemljište površine cca. 1110 m2. Otok je poznat je po svojoj mirnoj atmosferi, kristalno čistom moru i prelijepim krajolicima. Manje je naseljen, što ga čini popularnim odredištem za sve one koji traže miran bijeg u prirodu. Na Drveniku Malom možete uživati u kupanju, pješačenju i istraživanju netaknute prirode. Često je savršeno mjesto za opuštanje i bijeg od gužve. Na otoku nema gradskog vodovoda, koriste se bušotine ili cisterne; spremnici za vodu. www.biliskov.com - ID: 14957
Drvenik Mali, near Trogir, construction land of approximately 1110 m2. The island is known for its peaceful atmosphere, crystal-clear sea, and beautiful landscapes. It is less populated, making it a popular destination for those seeking a peaceful escape into nature. On Drvenik Mali, you can enjoy swimming, hiking, and exploring untouched nature. It is often the perfect place for relaxation and a getaway from the crowds. The island does not have a municipal water supply; wells or water tanks (cisterns) are used. www.biliskov.com - ID: 14957
The island is known for its peaceful atmosphere, crystal-clear sea, and beautiful landscapes.
It is less populated, making it a popular destination for those seeking a peaceful escape into nature.
On Drvenik Mali, you can enjoy swimming, hiking, and exploring untouched nature.
It is often the perfect place for relaxation and a getaway from the crowds.
The island does not have a municipal water supply; wells or water tanks (cisterns) are used.
www.biliskov.com - ID: 14957 Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Drvenik Mali, in der Nähe von Trogir, Bauland von ca. 1110 m2.
Die Insel ist bekannt für ihre friedliche Atmosphäre, das kristallklare Meer und die wunderschönen Landschaften.
Sie ist weniger bevölkert und daher ein beliebtes Ziel für diejenigen, die einen ruhigen Rückzugsort in die Natur suchen.
Auf Drvenik Mali können Sie schwimmen, wandern und die unberührte Natur erkunden.
Es ist oft der perfekte Ort zum Entspannen und um den Menschenmassen zu entfliehen.
Die Insel verfügt nicht über eine kommunale Wasserversorgung; es werden Brunnen oder Wassertanks (Zisternen) verwendet.
www.biliskov.com - ID: 14957 Drvenik Mali, okolica Trogira, građevinsko zemljište površine cca. 1110 m2.
Otok je poznat je po svojoj mirnoj atmosferi, kristalno čistom moru i prelijepim krajolicima.
Manje je naseljen, što ga čini popularnim odredištem za sve one koji traže miran bijeg u prirodu.
Na Drveniku Malom možete uživati u kupanju, pješačenju i istraživanju netaknute prirode.
Često je savršeno mjesto za opuštanje i bijeg od gužve.
Na otoku nema gradskog vodovoda, koriste se bušotine ili cisterne; spremnici za vodu.
www.biliskov.com - ID: 14957 Drvenik Mali, near Trogir, construction land of approximately 1110 m2.
The island is known for its peaceful atmosphere, crystal-clear sea, and beautiful landscapes.
It is less populated, making it a popular destination for those seeking a peaceful escape into nature.
On Drvenik Mali, you can enjoy swimming, hiking, and exploring untouched nature.
It is often the perfect place for relaxation and a getaway from the crowds.
The island does not have a municipal water supply; wells or water tanks (cisterns) are used.
www.biliskov.com - ID: 14957