EUR 1.200.000
3 slk
152 m²
It is located in the southern part of the village of Jezera on the island of Murter, located 45 meters from the sea (marina) and 300 meters from the beach. The settlement is introverted, that is, oriented towards its own interior, in order to ensure peace and intimacy, but the inspiring view of the sea and islands is an integral element of every residential unit.
The houses are accessed via their own street-square, which in form and materials resembles traditional urbanism of streets and squares while respecting the natural configuration of the terrain, and around the central square the houses are arranged in 8 directions, inspired by the wind rose, after which the houses are named. The inner street, as well as the outer public streets, are uneven in relation to the plots in the settlement, so each plot is always higher than the road it borders. The curve of the street is followed by retaining walls that overcome the terrain and functionally separate the common from the private.
Each house has a parking space, its own swimming pool and a landscaped garden, and the placement of the houses on the plots ensures shelter from the view of the neighbors, an outdoor space in the shade, as well as a sunbathing area. Each house has a furnished roof terrace with the most impressive views of the surroundings.
The houses are designed according to higher standards of construction and living. Each house is equipped with a heat pump that heats and cools the house, and every room is heated and cooled, except for the storage room. All bathrooms and the kitchen are equipped with electric underfloor heating. Glass walls and windows are made of high-quality aluminum profiles with low heat and sound conduction factors. All openings and glazing are equipped with controllable sun protection.
Heating and cooling, protection from the sun and video surveillance can be controlled via a smartphone device from a remote location.
Each residential unit will be fully equipped with furniture, which will be visible in the interior design that will be created later. Bathroom equipment, installation equipment, floor and wall coverings are products of renowned global manufacturers. The outdoor area is decorated with paving, local plants or pebbles, and the outdoor pool is heated.
ID CODE: DA100062634
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool Meer bekijken Minder bekijken ID CODE: DA100062634
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool WIND ROSE novo je stambeno naselje zatvorenog tipa koje se sastoji od 7 obiteljskih kuća i 1 stambene zgrade sa 2 stana.
Nalazi se u južnom dijelu naselja Jezera na otoku Murteru, smješteno 45 metara od mora (marine) i 300 metara od uređene plaže. Naselje je introvertiarno, odnosno orijentirano na vlastitu unutrašnjost, kako bi osiguralo mir i intimnost, no inspirativni pogled na more i otoke sastavni je element svakoj stambenoj jedinici.
Kućama se pristupa preko vlastite ulice-trga, koja formom i materijalima podsjeća na tradicijski urbanizam ulica i trgova uz poštivanje prirodne konfiguracije terena, a oko središnjeg trga kuće se smještaju u 8 smjerova, inspirirano ružom vjetrova, prema kojoj kuće nose imena. Unutarnja ulica, kako i vanjske javne ulice, denivelirane su u odnosu na parcele u naselju, tako je svaka parcela uvijek viša od prometnice s kojom graniči. Krivulju ulice prate potporni zidovi koji savladavaju teren i funkcionalno odvajaju zajedničko od privatnog.
Svaka kuća posjeduje parkirališni prostor, vlastiti bazen i uređeni vrt, a smještaj kuća na parcelama osigurava zaklonjenost od pogleda susjeda, vanjski prostor u hladovini, kao i sunčalište. Svaka kuća sadrži uređenu krovnu terasu sa koje se pružaju najimpresivniji pogledi na okruženje.
Kuće su projektirane prema višim standardima gradnje i življenja. Svaka kuća opremljenja je dizalicom topline pomoću koje se kuća grije i hladi, te je svaka prostorija grijana i hlađena, osim spremišta. Sve kupaonice i kuhinja opremljene su električnim podnim grijanjem. Staklene stijene i prozori izrađeni su od kvalitetnih aluminijskih profila sa niskim faktorima provodljivosti topline i zvuka. Svi otvori i ostakljenja opremljeni su upravljivom zaštitom od sunca.
Grijanjem i hlađenjem, zaštitom od sunca te video nadzorom mogu će je upravljati putem smartphone uređaja sa udaljene lokacije.
Svaka stambena jedinica biti će potpuno je opremljena namještajem, koji će bit vidljiv u naknadno izrađenom projektu interijera. Kupaonska oprema, instalacijska oprema, podne i zidne obloge proizvodi su renomiranih svjetskih proizvođača. Vanjski teren uređen je oploćenjem, lokalnim biljem ili kamenom oblutkom, a vanjski bazen je grijan.
Siroko je prva kuća u naselju ruža vjetrova i nalazi se u jugo-istočnom dijelu. Parceli se pristupa iz smjera sjevera, a sa jugo-zapadne strane graniči sa javnom ulicom od koje je odignuta i prema kojoj je zatvorena radi čuvanja intimnosti.
Kuća sadrži 4 spavaće sobe i 5 kupaonica, jedna spavaća soba nalazi se na razini prizemne etaže te je dostupna slabo pokretnima ili može služiti kao ured / gym.
Promišljenim tlocrtom i središnje smještenim stepeništem odnosno komunikacijom ostvarena je visoka učinkovitost tlocrta, uz sačuvanu funkcionalnost.
Obiteljska soba povezana je sa natkrivenom terasom i vrtom, tu se nalazi i bazen.
Orijentirano je prema unutrašnjosti naselja odnosno središnjoj ulici, kako bi osigurala mir i privatnost, a iz okućnice moguće je sagledavati i gradsku ulicu, ili interni trg naselja, od kojeg je kuća također odignuta.
Na krovu se nalazi panoramska terasa sa koje se pruža nesmetan pogled na more, marinu i otok, a krovna kućica postavljena je tako da umanji poglede sa susjednih krovnih terasa. Zaštita od sunca osigurana je oblikom kuće, odnosno konzolnim istakom, nepomičnim letvicama koji su, osim tradicionalnog kamena, prepoznatljiv motiv naselja, i elektro pomičnim žaluzinama. Na parceli postoji parking za dva vozila.
Slobodno nas kontaktirate s povjerenjem za dodatne informacije ili dogovor za razgled.
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool ID CODE: DA100062634
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool WIND ROSE is a new gated residential complex consisting of 7 family houses and 1 residential building with 2 apartments.
It is located in the southern part of the village of Jezera on the island of Murter, located 45 meters from the sea (marina) and 300 meters from the beach. The settlement is introverted, that is, oriented towards its own interior, in order to ensure peace and intimacy, but the inspiring view of the sea and islands is an integral element of every residential unit.
The houses are accessed via their own street-square, which in form and materials resembles traditional urbanism of streets and squares while respecting the natural configuration of the terrain, and around the central square the houses are arranged in 8 directions, inspired by the wind rose, after which the houses are named. The inner street, as well as the outer public streets, are uneven in relation to the plots in the settlement, so each plot is always higher than the road it borders. The curve of the street is followed by retaining walls that overcome the terrain and functionally separate the common from the private.
Each house has a parking space, its own swimming pool and a landscaped garden, and the placement of the houses on the plots ensures shelter from the view of the neighbors, an outdoor space in the shade, as well as a sunbathing area. Each house has a furnished roof terrace with the most impressive views of the surroundings.
The houses are designed according to higher standards of construction and living. Each house is equipped with a heat pump that heats and cools the house, and every room is heated and cooled, except for the storage room. All bathrooms and the kitchen are equipped with electric underfloor heating. Glass walls and windows are made of high-quality aluminum profiles with low heat and sound conduction factors. All openings and glazing are equipped with controllable sun protection.
Heating and cooling, protection from the sun and video surveillance can be controlled via a smartphone device from a remote location.
Each residential unit will be fully equipped with furniture, which will be visible in the interior design that will be created later. Bathroom equipment, installation equipment, floor and wall coverings are products of renowned global manufacturers. The outdoor area is decorated with paving, local plants or pebbles, and the outdoor pool is heated.
ID CODE: DA100062634
Draženka Blazinarić
Asistent u posredovanju
Mob: 091/796-2322
Tel: 022/646-360, 022/646-361
E-mail: ...
... />Features:
- SwimmingPool