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Appartement & condo te koop — Mandelieu-la-Napoule

EUR 285.000

Appartement & Condo (Te koop)

2 k
1 slk
1 bk
Referentie: EDEN-T95161937 / 95161937
Your Orpi team is available by phone, so prefer a call for a quick and efficient response. 2 ROOMS WITH TERRACE - GRAND DUC - ABSOLUTE CALM POSSIBILITY OF A CLASSIC SALE MARKET VALUE: 320.000 SOLD VALUE: 285.000 IMMEDIATE GAIN: 35.000 and full ownership in 4 years. POSSIBILITY OF A CLASSIC SALE (more information on the bare property at the end of the text) Come and discover this 2-room apartment of 48.12 m² Carrez in MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE (06210). SOUTH-WEST EXPOSURE, magnificent breathtaking view of the Esterel. It includes a west-facing bedroom, a fitted and equipped kitchen, shower room and a separate toilet. Two cellars, one of which adjoins the large garage, offer this apartment more storage. Enjoy even more space with a terrace with a total surface area of 8 m² and a balcony served by the room. It is located on the first floor of a two-storey residence. The building dates from 1990. It is a condominium of 115 residential lots and equipped with an elevator. It is in good overall condition. Everything is provided for your vehicle: among the spaces available in the building, a large garage and underground parking are reserved for the apartment. An intercom provides secure access to the building, as does the caretaker, who is present 24 hours a day at the entrance to the estate. Swimming pool and club with swimming pools, fitness and tennis in the estate. There is one college within a radius of 10 km: the Albert Camus College. As for public transport, there is a bus less than 10 minutes away. Cannes Mandelieu Airport is 4 km away. There is a restaurant and a library in the vicinity. The sale price of this apartment is 285,000 (sale of the bare ownership with temporary usufruct of 4 years) 3D Virtual Tour available in Agency. Contact our agency for more information about this apartment for sale in MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE. We speak of a real estate purchase in bare ownership when the property acquired has been dismembered, i.e. the right of ownership over the property is divided between: The usufructuary who can occupy the property or use it to receive income, such as rent for example. The bare owner who disposes of the property can thus proceed with its sale and recovers, in this specific case, full ownership in 4 years. Agency reference: 8071
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace
- Lift
- Balcony
Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Your Orpi team is available by phone, so prefer a call for a quick and efficient response. 2 ROOMS WITH TERRACE - GRAND DUC - ABSOLUTE CALM POSSIBILITY OF A CLASSIC SALE MARKET VALUE: 320.000 SOLD VALUE: 285.000 IMMEDIATE GAIN: 35.000 and full ownership in 4 years. POSSIBILITY OF A CLASSIC SALE (more information on the bare property at the end of the text) Come and discover this 2-room apartment of 48.12 m² Carrez in MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE (06210). SOUTH-WEST EXPOSURE, magnificent breathtaking view of the Esterel. It includes a west-facing bedroom, a fitted and equipped kitchen, shower room and a separate toilet. Two cellars, one of which adjoins the large garage, offer this apartment more storage. Enjoy even more space with a terrace with a total surface area of 8 m² and a balcony served by the room. It is located on the first floor of a two-storey residence. The building dates from 1990. It is a condominium of 115 residential lots and equipped with an elevator. It is in good overall condition. Everything is provided for your vehicle: among the spaces available in the building, a large garage and underground parking are reserved for the apartment. An intercom provides secure access to the building, as does the caretaker, who is present 24 hours a day at the entrance to the estate. Swimming pool and club with swimming pools, fitness and tennis in the estate. There is one college within a radius of 10 km: the Albert Camus College. As for public transport, there is a bus less than 10 minutes away. Cannes Mandelieu Airport is 4 km away. There is a restaurant and a library in the vicinity. The sale price of this apartment is 285,000 (sale of the bare ownership with temporary usufruct of 4 years) 3D Virtual Tour available in Agency. Contact our agency for more information about this apartment for sale in MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE. We speak of a real estate purchase in bare ownership when the property acquired has been dismembered, i.e. the right of ownership over the property is divided between: The usufructuary who can occupy the property or use it to receive income, such as rent for example. The bare owner who disposes of the property can thus proceed with its sale and recovers, in this specific case, full ownership in 4 years. Agency reference: 8071
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace
- Lift
- Balcony
Votre équipe Orpi est disponible par téléphone, privilégiez un appel pour une réponse rapide et efficace. 2 PIÈCES TRAVERSANT AVEC TERRASSE - GRAND DUC - CALME ABSOLU POSSIBILITÉ D'UNE VENTE CLASSIQUE VALEUR VÉNALE : 320.000 VALEUR VENDU : 285.000 GAIN IMMÉDIAT : 35.000 et pleine propriété dans 4 ans. POSSIBILITÉ D'UNE VENTE CLASSIQUE (plus d'informations sur la nue propriété en fin de texte) Venez découvrir cet appartement 2 pièces de 48,12 m² Carrez à MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE (06210). EXPOSITION SUD-OUEST, magnifique vue imprenable sur l'Estérel. Il comprend une chambre exposée à l'ouest, une cuisine américaine aménagée et équipée, salle d'eau et d'un toilette séparé. Deux caves, dont une attenante au grand garage, offrent à cet appartement davantage de rangements. Jouissez d'encore plus d'espace avec une terrasse d'une surface totale de 8 m² et d'un balcon desservis par la chambre. Il se situe au premier étage d'une résidence de deux étages. Le bâtiment date de 1990. Il s'agit d'une copropriété de 115 lots d'habitation et équipée d'un ascenseur. Il est en bon état général. Tout est prévu pour votre véhicule : parmi les emplacements disponibles dans l'immeuble, un grand garage et un parking en sous sol sont réservés pour l'appartement. Un interphone assure un accès sécurisé à l'immeuble, tout comme le gardien, présent 24h/24 à l'entrée du domaine. Piscine et club avec piscines, fitness et tennis dans le domaine. Il y a un collège dans un rayon de 10 km : le Collège Albert Camus. Côté transports en commun, on trouve un bus à moins de 10 minutes. L'aéroport Cannes-Mandelieu est accessible à 4 km. Il y a un restaurant et une bibliothèque dans les environs. Le prix de vente de cet appartement est de 285 000 (vente de la nue-propriété avec usufruit temporaire de 4 ans) Visite Virtuelle 3D disponible en Agence. Contactez notre agence pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur cet appartement à vendre à MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE. On parle d'achat immobilier en nue-propriété lorsque le bien acquis a fait l'objet d'un démembrement, c'est-à-dire que le droit de propriété sur le bien est divisé entre : L'usufruitier qui peut occuper le bien ou l'utiliser pour percevoir des revenus, tels que des loyers par exemple. Le nu-propriétaire qui dispose du bien, peut ainsi procéder à sa vente et récupère, dans ce cas précis, la pleine propriété dans 4 ans. Référence agence : 8071
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace
- Lift
- Balcony
Váš tím Orpi je k dispozícii telefonicky, takže uprednostnite hovor pre rýchlu a efektívnu odpoveď. 2 IZBY S TERASOU - GRAND DUC - ABSOLÚTNY POKOJ MOŽNOSŤ KLASICKÉHO PREDAJA TRHOVÁ HODNOTA: 320.000 PREDANÁ HODNOTA: 285.000 OKAMŽITÝ ZISK: 35.000 a plné vlastníctvo za 4 roky. MOŽNOSŤ KLASICKÉHO PREDAJA (viac informácií o holej nehnuteľnosti na konci textu) Príďte a objavte tento 2-izbový byt o rozlohe 48,12 m² Carrez v MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE (06210). JUHOZÁPADNÁ EXPOZÍCIA, nádherný úchvatný výhľad na Esterel. Jeho súčasťou je spálňa orientovaná na západ, vybavená a vybavená kuchyňa, sprchovací kút a samostatné WC. Dve pivnice, z ktorých jedna susedí s veľkou garážou, ponúkajú tomuto bytu viac úložného priestoru. Užite si ešte viac priestoru s terasou s celkovou plochou 8 m² a balkónom obsluhovaným izbou. Nachádza sa na prvom poschodí dvojpodlažnej rezidencie. Budova pochádza z roku 1990. Je to byt 115 obytných pozemkov a vybavený výťahom. Je v dobrom celkovom stave. Všetko je zabezpečené pre vaše vozidlo: medzi priestormi, ktoré sú k dispozícii v budove, je pre byt vyhradená veľká garáž a podzemné parkovisko. Interkom poskytuje bezpečný prístup do budovy, rovnako ako správca, ktorý je prítomný 24 hodín denne pri vchode do nehnuteľnosti. Bazén a klub s bazénmi, fitnes a tenisom na panstve. V okruhu 10 km je jedna vysoká škola: Albert Camus College. Pokiaľ ide o verejnú dopravu, autobus je vzdialený menej ako 10 minút. Cannes Mandelieu letiska je 4 km ďaleko. V blízkosti sa nachádza reštaurácia a knižnica. Predajná cena tohto bytu je 285 000 (predaj holého vlastníctva s dočasným užívacím právom na 4 roky) 3D virtuálna prehliadka je k dispozícii v agentúre. Kontaktujte našu agentúru pre viac informácií o tomto byte na predaj v MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE. Hovoríme o kúpe nehnuteľnosti v holom vlastníctve, keď bol nadobudnutý majetok rozobratý, t. j. vlastnícke právo k nehnuteľnosti sa rozdeľuje medzi: Užívateľ, ktorý môže užívať nehnuteľnosť alebo ju používať na príjem, napríklad nájomné. Holý vlastník, ktorý s nehnuteľnosťou nakladá, tak môže pristúpiť k jej predaju a v tomto konkrétnom prípade získa späť plné vlastníctvo do 4 rokov. Referenčné číslo agentúry: 8071
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace
- Lift
- Balcony
Il tuo team Orpi è disponibile telefonicamente, quindi preferisci una chiamata per una risposta rapida ed efficiente. 2 VANI CON TERRAZZO - GRANDUCA - ASSOLUTA CALMA POSSIBILITA' DI VENDITA CLASSICA VALORE DI MERCATO: 320.000 VALORE VENDUTO: 285.000 GUADAGNO IMMEDIATO: 35.000 e piena proprietà in 4 anni. POSSIBILITÀ DI VENDITA CLASSICA (maggiori informazioni sulla nuda proprietà alla fine del testo) Vieni a scoprire questo appartamento di 2 locali di 48,12 m² Carrez a MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE (06210). ESPOSIZIONE SUD-OVEST, magnifica vista mozzafiato sull'Esterel. Comprende una camera da letto esposta a ovest, una cucina attrezzata e attrezzata, un bagno con doccia e un WC separato. Due cantine, una delle quali confinante con l'ampio garage, offrono a questo appartamento più spazio di archiviazione. Goditi ancora più spazio con una terrazza con una superficie totale di 8 m² e un balcone servito dalla camera. Si trova al primo piano di una residenza a due piani. L'edificio risale al 1990. Si tratta di un condominio di 115 lotti residenziali e dotato di ascensore. Si presenta in buone condizioni generali. Tutto è previsto per il vostro veicolo: tra gli spazi disponibili nell'edificio, all'appartamento sono riservati un ampio garage e un parcheggio sotterraneo. Un citofono fornisce un accesso sicuro all'edificio, così come il custode, che è presente 24 ore su 24 all'ingresso della tenuta. Piscina e club con piscine, fitness e tennis nella tenuta. C'è un college nel raggio di 10 km: l'Albert Camus College. Per quanto riguarda i mezzi pubblici, c'è un autobus a meno di 10 minuti di distanza. L'aeroporto di Cannes Mandelieu dista 4 km. Nelle vicinanze troverete un ristorante e una biblioteca. Il prezzo di vendita di questo appartamento è di 285.000 (vendita della nuda proprietà con usufrutto temporaneo di 4 anni) Virtual Tour 3D disponibile in Agenzia. Contatta la nostra agenzia per maggiori informazioni su questo appartamento in vendita a MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE. Si parla di acquisto immobiliare in nuda proprietà quando l'immobile acquisito è stato smembrato, ovvero il diritto di proprietà sull'immobile è suddiviso tra: L'usufruttuario che può occupare l'immobile o utilizzarlo per percepire rendite, come ad esempio l'affitto. Il nudo proprietario che dispone dell'immobile può così procedere alla sua vendita e recupera, nel caso specifico, la piena proprietà in 4 anni. Riferimento agenzia: 8071
- SwimmingPool
- Terrace
- Lift
- Balcony
Referentie: EDEN-T95161937
Land: FR
Stad: Mandelieu La Napoule
Postcode: 06210
Categorie: Residentieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Appartement & Condo
Omvang woning: 48
Kamers: 2
Slaapkamers: 1
Badkamers: 1
Toilet: 1
Parkeerplaatsen: 1
Lift: Ja
Zwembad: Ja
Balkon: Ja
Terras: Ja



Gemiddelde verkoopprijs per
Okt 2023
3 maanden
1 jaar
EUR 7.512
EUR 6.336



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