Magazijn & Bedrijfsruimte (Te koop)
1.965 m²
/ 94851833
Offer 79071 Exclusive only from us! TOP LOCATION with fast connections to the city and beyond! We offer you an industrial property within the city of Plovdiv - Trakia Industrial Zone. Suitable for any type of production or warehouse and commercial activity. Constitutes: 1. Thermal panel hall on street level with an area of 1 217 sq.m. divided into 2 parts by a thermal wall and doors with fire resistance 120 min. Direct TIR access in the halls. A hoist crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons. A dust capture system is installed. Height 10m.-12m. 2. Hall on level -1 reinforced concrete structure with access via ramp and with a net area of about 550 sq.m. Height 3.70m. Truck access to the entrance. Built office part and rooms for the workers. The two levels are also connected by a lifting platform. 3. Office floor in an office building with an area of 198sq.m. representing 3 rooms with bathroom and toilet. 4. Adjacent land to the property 1 854 sq.m. The property has permits for chemical production. All floors are sanded concrete. Fire alarm throughout the property. Industrial current capacities, direct and reverse water. Price: 2 150 000 Euro without VAT
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Оферта 79071 Ексклузивно само от нас! ТОП ЛОКАЦИЯ с бързи връзки за града и извън него! Предлагаме ви промишленен имот в рамките на град Пловдив - Индустриална зона Тракия. Подходящ за всякакъв вид производство или складова и търговска дейност. Съставлява: 1. Термопанелно хале на улично ниво с площ 1 217кв.м. разделено на 2 части посредством термо стена и врати с пожароустойчивост 120мин. Директен ТИР достъп в халетата. Телферен кран с товароподемност 5т. Монтирана система за прахово улавяне. Височина 10м.-12м. 2. Хале на ниво -1 стоманобетонова конструкция с достъп по рампа и с чиста площ около 550кв.м. Височина 3,70м. Тир достъп до входа. Изградена офисна част и стаи за работниците. Двете нива са свързани и с подемна платформа. 3. Офис етаж в офис сграда с площ 198кв.м. представляващ 3 помещения с баня и тоалетна. 4. Прилежаща земя към имота 1 854 кв.м. Имота е с разрешителни за химическо производство. Всички подове са шлайфан бетон. Пожароизвестяване в целия имот. Индустриални токови мощности, права и обратна вода. Цена: 2 150 000 евро без ДДС
Offer 79071 Exclusive only from us! TOP LOCATION with fast connections to the city and beyond! We offer you an industrial property within the city of Plovdiv - Trakia Industrial Zone. Suitable for any type of production or warehouse and commercial activity. Constitutes: 1. Thermal panel hall on street level with an area of 1 217 sq.m. divided into 2 parts by a thermal wall and doors with fire resistance 120 min. Direct TIR access in the halls. A hoist crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons. A dust capture system is installed. Height 10m.-12m. 2. Hall on level -1 reinforced concrete structure with access via ramp and with a net area of about 550 sq.m. Height 3.70m. Truck access to the entrance. Built office part and rooms for the workers. The two levels are also connected by a lifting platform. 3. Office floor in an office building with an area of 198sq.m. representing 3 rooms with bathroom and toilet. 4. Adjacent land to the property 1 854 sq.m. The property has permits for chemical production. All floors are sanded concrete. Fire alarm throughout the property. Industrial current capacities, direct and reverse water. Price: 2 150 000 Euro without VAT
Offre 79071 Exclusive uniquement chez nous ! EMPLACEMENT TOP avec des connexions rapides vers la ville et au-delà ! Nous vous proposons une propriété industrielle dans la ville de Plovdiv - Zone industrielle de Trakia. Convient à tout type de production ou d’entrepôt et d’activité commerciale. Constitue : 1. Hall de panneaux thermiques au niveau de la rue d’une superficie de 1 217 m². divisé en 2 parties par une paroi thermique et des portes avec résistance au feu 120 min. Accès direct TIR dans les halls. Une grue de levage d’une capacité de levage de 5 tonnes. Un système de dépoussiérage est installé. Hauteur 10m.-12m. 2. Hall sur structure en béton armé du niveau -1 avec accès par rampe et d’une surface nette d’environ 550 m². Hauteur 3,70m. Accès des camions à l’entrée. Construction d’une partie bureau et de pièces pour les ouvriers. Les deux niveaux sont également reliés par une plate-forme élévatrice. 3. Étage de bureaux dans un immeuble de bureaux d’une superficie de 198 m² représentant 3 chambres avec salle de bain et toilettes. 4. Terrain adjacent à la propriété 1 854 m² La propriété dispose de permis pour la production de produits chimiques. Tous les sols sont en béton sablé. Alarme incendie dans toute la propriété. Capacités de courant industriel, eau directe et inversée. Prix : 2 150 000 Euro HT
Type vermelding:
Te koop
Type woning:
Magazijn & Bedrijfsruimte
Omvang woning:
1.965 m²