Kantoor en commerciële ruimte (Te koop)
188 m²
/ 87734142
VELDOM Agency sells OFFICE/SHOP/CABINET 188 m2 in a new luxury residential complex with Act 16 and excellent location - Briz South, the most desired and most beautiful part of Briz, providing quick access to the center of our sea capital and to the resorts of St. Constantine and Helena. St. Constantine and Helena and Golden Sands. Its immediate proximity to public transport stops provides convenient connection in all directions. Nearby - schools, high schools, kindergartens, shops, a step away from the Sea Garden and the beach! The premise is on the ground floor with a height of 3.26 m. With large showcases, bright and welcoming. It consists of a main hall and a smaller one (or cabinets) with a level difference of 90 cm. Built bathroom. Luxury and quality construction of the building with materials of the highest class, technologies - latest generation! Facades lined with travertine, lobbies with Egyptian marble. Joinery Rehau Geneo- leader in luxury construction - 86 mm system, 7 chamber, triple glazing. Hardware - aktivPilot- the highest class contemporary design. 10 cm. graphite thermal insulation, guaranteeing up to 85% savings in heating and cooling. Price: 267800 E or 1424 E / m2. For more details and viewing: Zdravko Velikov
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Агенция ВЕЛДОМ продава ОФИС/МАГАЗИН/КАБИНЕТ 188 м2 в нов луксозен жилищен комплекс с АКТ 16 и отлична локация - Бриз Юг, най- желаната и най- хубава част на Бриз, осигуряваща бърз достъп до центъра на морската ни столица и до курортните комплекси Св. Св. Константин и Елена и Златни Пясъци . Непосредствената му близост до спирки на градския транспорт осигурява удобна връзка по всички направления. В близост- училища, гимназии, детски градини, магазини, на крачка от Морската Градина и плажа! Помещението е на партер с височина 3,26 м. По БДС. С големи витрини, светло и приветливо. Състои се от основна зала и по-малка такава (или кабинети) с разлика в нивото от 90 см. Изграден санитарен възел. Луксозно и качествено строителство на сградата с материали от най- висок клас, технологии- последно поколение! Фасади- облицовани с травертин, фоайета с египетски мрамор. Дограма Rehau Geneo- лидер в луксозното строителство- 86 мм система, 7 камерна, троен стъклопакет. Обков- aktivPilot- най- висок клас съвременен дизайн. 10 см. графитна топлоизолация, гарантираща до 85 % икономии при отопление и охлаждане. Цена: 267800 Е или 1424 Е/м2. За повече подробности и оглед: Здравко Великов
VELDOM Agency sells OFFICE/SHOP/CABINET 188 m2 in a new luxury residential complex with Act 16 and excellent location - Briz South, the most desired and most beautiful part of Briz, providing quick access to the center of our sea capital and to the resorts of St. Constantine and Helena. St. Constantine and Helena and Golden Sands. Its immediate proximity to public transport stops provides convenient connection in all directions. Nearby - schools, high schools, kindergartens, shops, a step away from the Sea Garden and the beach! The premise is on the ground floor with a height of 3.26 m. With large showcases, bright and welcoming. It consists of a main hall and a smaller one (or cabinets) with a level difference of 90 cm. Built bathroom. Luxury and quality construction of the building with materials of the highest class, technologies - latest generation! Facades lined with travertine, lobbies with Egyptian marble. Joinery Rehau Geneo- leader in luxury construction - 86 mm system, 7 chamber, triple glazing. Hardware - aktivPilot- the highest class contemporary design. 10 cm. graphite thermal insulation, guaranteeing up to 85% savings in heating and cooling. Price: 267800 E or 1424 E / m2. For more details and viewing: Zdravko Velikov
La agencia VELDOM vende OFICINA/TIENDA/OFICINA de 188 m2 en un nuevo complejo residencial de lujo con ACT 16 y excelente ubicación - Briz South, la parte más deseable y mejor de Briz, que proporciona un acceso rápido al centro de nuestra capital marítima y a los complejos turísticos de St. Constantine y Constantine. C. Constantino y Helena y Arenas Doradas. Su proximidad a las paradas de transporte público proporciona una conexión conveniente en todas las direcciones. Cerca - escuelas, institutos, guarderías, tiendas, a un paso del Jardín del Mar y de la playa. La habitación se encuentra en la planta baja con una altura de 3,26 m. Con grandes vitrinas, luminosas y acogedoras. Consta de una sala principal y otra más pequeña (o despachos) con un desnivel de 90 cm. Baño de obra. Construcción lujosa y de alta calidad del edificio con materiales de la más alta clase, tecnologías: ¡la última generación! Fachadas: forradas con travertino, vestíbulos con mármol egipcio. Carpintería Rehau Geneo - líder en construcción de lujo - sistema de 86 mm, 7 cámaras, triple acristalamiento. Herrajes - aktivPilot - el diseño contemporáneo de la más alta clase. 10 cm. Aislamiento térmico de grafito, garantizando hasta un 85% de ahorro en calefacción y refrigeración. Precio: 267800 E o 1424 E/m2. Para más detalles y visitas: Zdravko Velikov
L’agence VELDOM vend BUREAU / BOUTIQUE / BUREAU 188 m2 dans un nouveau complexe résidentiel de luxe avec ACT 16 et excellent emplacement - Briz Sud, la partie la plus désirable et la meilleure de Briz, offrant un accès rapide au centre de notre capitale maritime et aux complexes de villégiature de Saint-Constantin et Constantine. St. Constantin et Helena et Golden Sands. Sa proximité avec les arrêts de transport en commun permet une connexion pratique dans toutes les directions. A proximité - écoles, lycées, jardins d’enfants, commerces, à deux pas du jardin de la mer et de la plage ! La chambre se trouve au rez-de-chaussée avec une hauteur de 3,26 m. Avec de grandes vitrines, lumineuses et accueillantes. Il se compose d’un hall principal et d’un plus petit (ou bureaux) avec un dénivelé de 90 cm. Salle de bain construite. Construction luxueuse et de haute qualité du bâtiment avec des matériaux de la plus haute classe, des technologies - la dernière génération ! Façades - doublées de travertin, halls d’halles en marbre égyptien. Menuiserie Rehau Geneo - leader dans la construction de luxe - système 86 mm, 7 chambres, triple vitrage. Quincaillerie - aktivPilot - le design contemporain de la plus haute classe. 10 cm. Isolation thermique en graphite, garantissant jusqu’à 85% d’économies de chauffage et de refroidissement. Prix : 267800 E ou 1424 E/m2. Pour plus de détails et pour visionner : Zdravko Velikov
Type vermelding:
Te koop
Type woning:
Kantoor en commerciële ruimte
Omvang woning:
188 m²
Stad |
Gem. Prijs per m² woning |
Gem. Prijs per m² appartement |
Shumen | EUR 770 | EUR 1.117 |