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Appartement & condo te koop — Sofiya-Grad

EUR 71.673

Appartement & Condo (Te koop)

1 k
Referentie: EDEN-T102908310 / 102908310
Imoti plus+ is pleased to offer you a 2-bedroom apartment in a new project with start-up construction in November 2024, in which investors create a living environment that will give you more than just a home. With its convenient location in one of the most attractive southern regions of Sofia, the vision of the architecture, the choice of materials, controlled execution and future maintenance make it the right choice for you of your dream home or investment. Another advantage of the location is the proximity to the Ring Road, Ring Mall, Ikea store, which gives quick access to the exits of the city, Vitosha Mountain and numerous retail and business outlets. Characteristics of the apartment: Floor: 3 out of 5; Total area 41.43 sq.m; Net area 35.98 sq.m Common parts: 5.45 sq.m Distribution: Entrance hall, living room with dining room and kitchen, storage, bathroom with toilet and balcony. Exposure: North-West. Here are some of the main advantages for your investment: Planned completion with Act 16 - 12.2027. Innovative German premium PVC window system ( Schuko ) Schuco, providing excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation, Solid doors, luxurious common areas with a garden with a children's playground, silent elevators. It is also planned to build solar installations in order to minimize the operating costs of the building. In the newly built buildings we offer one-bedroom, two-bedroom, three-bedroom four-bedroom apartments, as well as underground garages. The dwellings will be finished to plaster and putty, giving you the opportunity to customize and decorate it according to your taste. Possibility for a deferred payment scheme 50% - 30% - 10% - 10% or another more convenient payment scheme. Payments are made in 4 installments. 1 installment of the Preliminary Contract 2 installment of Act 14 3 installment of Act 15 4 installment of Act 16 There is an opportunity to purchase a garage or parking space. Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Имоти plus+ има удоволствието да ви предложи 2 - стаен апартамент в Нов проект със стартиращо строителство през м. Ноември 2024, в който инвеститорите създават жилищна среда, която ще Ви даде нещо повече от дом. С удобната си локация в един от най-привлекателните южни райони на София, визията на архитектурата, изборът на материали, контролирано изпълнение и бъдещата поддръжка го правят подходящия за вас избор на мечтаното собствено жилище или инвестиция. Друго предимство на локацията е близостта до Околовръстен път, Ринг мол, магазин Икеа което дава възможност за бърз достъп до изходите на града, планината Витоша и многобройни търговски и бизнес обекти. Характеристики на жилището: Етаж: 3 от 5; Обща площ 41,43 кв.м; Чиста площ 35,98 кв.м Общи части: 5,45 кв.м Разпределение: Антре, дневна с трапезария и кухня, склад, баня с тоалетна и балкон. Изложение: Север-запад. Ето някои от основните предимства за вашата инвестиция: Планирано завършване с Акт 16 - 12.2027г. Иновативна немска премиум система ПВЦ дограма ( Шуко ) Schuco, осигуряваща отлична топлоизолация и звукоизолация, врати Solid, луксозни общи площи с градина с детски кът, безшумни асансьори. Планира се изграждане и на соларни инсталации с цел минимизирането на експлоатационните разходи на сградата. В новостроящите се сгради ви предлагаме едностайни, двустайни, тристайни четиристайни апартаменти, както и подземни гаражи. Жилищата ще бъдат завършени до шпакловка и замазка, което ви дава възможност да го персонализирате и декорирате според вашия вкус. Възможност за разсрочена схема на плащане 50% - 30% - 10% - 10% или друга по-удобна схема на плащане. Плащанията се извършват на 4 вноски. 1 вноска на Предварителен договор 2 вноска на Акт 14 3 вноска на Акт 15 4 вноска на Акт 16 Има възможност за закупуване на гараж или паркомясто. Imoti plus+ se complace en ofrecerle un apartamento de 2 dormitorios en un nuevo proyecto con puesta en marcha de la construcción en noviembre de 2024, en el que los inversores crean un entorno de vida que le dará algo más que un hogar. Con su conveniente ubicación en una de las regiones más atractivas del sur de Sofía, la visión de la arquitectura, la elección de los materiales, la ejecución controlada y el mantenimiento futuro lo convierten en la elección correcta para la casa o inversión de sus sueños. Otra ventaja de la ubicación es la proximidad a la carretera de circunvalación, el centro comercial Ring, la tienda Ikea, que da acceso rápido a las salidas de la ciudad, la montaña Vitosha y numerosos puntos de venta y comercio. Características del apartamento: Planta: 3 de 5; Superficie total 41,43 m²; Superficie útil 35,98 m² Partes comunes: 5,45 m² Distribución: Hall de entrada, salón con comedor y cocina, trastero, baño con aseo y balcón. Exposición: Noroeste. Estas son algunas de las principales ventajas para su inversión: Finalización planificada con la Ley 16 - 12.2027. Innovador sistema de ventanas de PVC premium alemán ( Schuko ) Schuco, que proporciona un excelente aislamiento térmico y acústico, puertas sólidas, lujosas áreas comunes con un jardín con un parque infantil, ascensores silenciosos. También está prevista la construcción de instalaciones solares con el fin de minimizar los costes de funcionamiento del edificio. En los edificios de nueva construcción ofrecemos apartamentos de uno, dos dormitorios, tres dormitorios y cuatro dormitorios, así como garajes subterráneos. Las viviendas estarán acabadas en yeso y masilla, dándote la oportunidad de personalizarlas y decorarlas a tu gusto. Posibilidad de un esquema de pago aplazado 50% - 30% - 10% - 10% u otro esquema de pago más conveniente. Los pagos se realizan en 4 cuotas. 1 cuota del Contrato Preliminar 2 cuota de la Ley 14 3 cuota de la Ley 15 4 cuota de la Ley 16 Existe la oportunidad de comprar un garaje o un espacio de estacionamiento. Imoti plus+ is pleased to offer you a 2-bedroom apartment in a new project with start-up construction in November 2024, in which investors create a living environment that will give you more than just a home. With its convenient location in one of the most attractive southern regions of Sofia, the vision of the architecture, the choice of materials, controlled execution and future maintenance make it the right choice for you of your dream home or investment. Another advantage of the location is the proximity to the Ring Road, Ring Mall, Ikea store, which gives quick access to the exits of the city, Vitosha Mountain and numerous retail and business outlets. Characteristics of the apartment: Floor: 3 out of 5; Total area 41.43 sq.m; Net area 35.98 sq.m Common parts: 5.45 sq.m Distribution: Entrance hall, living room with dining room and kitchen, storage, bathroom with toilet and balcony. Exposure: North-West. Here are some of the main advantages for your investment: Planned completion with Act 16 - 12.2027. Innovative German premium PVC window system ( Schuko ) Schuco, providing excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation, Solid doors, luxurious common areas with a garden with a children's playground, silent elevators. It is also planned to build solar installations in order to minimize the operating costs of the building. In the newly built buildings we offer one-bedroom, two-bedroom, three-bedroom four-bedroom apartments, as well as underground garages. The dwellings will be finished to plaster and putty, giving you the opportunity to customize and decorate it according to your taste. Possibility for a deferred payment scheme 50% - 30% - 10% - 10% or another more convenient payment scheme. Payments are made in 4 installments. 1 installment of the Preliminary Contract 2 installment of Act 14 3 installment of Act 15 4 installment of Act 16 There is an opportunity to purchase a garage or parking space. Imoti plus+ vám s potěšením nabízí byt se 2 ložnicemi v novém projektu se startovací výstavbou v listopadu 2024, ve kterém investoři vytvoří životní prostředí, které vám poskytne více než jen domov. Díky své výhodné poloze v jedné z nejatraktivnějších jižních oblastí Sofie je vize architektury, výběr materiálů, kontrolovaná realizace a budoucí údržba tou správnou volbou pro váš vysněný domov nebo investici. Další výhodou lokality je blízkost Ring Road, Ring Mall, obchodního domu Ikea, který umožňuje rychlý přístup k východům z města, hory Vitoša a mnoha maloobchodních a obchodních prodejen. Charakteristika bytu: Patro: 3 z 5; Celková plocha 41,43 m2; Čistá plocha 35,98 m2 Společné části: 5,45 m2 Distribuce: Vstupní chodba, obývací pokoj s jídelnou a kuchyní, komora, koupelna s WC a balkon. Expozice: Severozápad. Zde jsou některé z hlavních výhod pro vaši investici: Plánované dokončení zákonem 16 - 12.2027. Inovativní německý prémiový okenní systém z PVC ( Schuko ) Schuco, poskytující vynikající tepelnou a zvukovou izolaci, masivní dveře, luxusní společné prostory se zahradou s dětským koutkem, tiché výtahy. Počítá se také s výstavbou solárních instalací z důvodu minimalizace provozních nákladů budovy. V nově postavených budovách nabízíme apartmány s jednou ložnicí, dvěma ložnicemi, třemi ložnicemi a čtyřmi ložnicemi, stejně jako podzemní garáže. Obydlí budou dokončena omítkou a tmelem, což vám dá možnost přizpůsobit a vyzdobit je podle vašeho vkusu. Možnost režimu odložené platby 50% - 30% - 10% - 10% nebo jiného výhodnějšího schématu platby. Platby jsou prováděny ve 4 splátkách. 1 splátka Předběžné smlouvy 2 splátka zákona 14 3 splátka zákona 15 4 splátka zákona 16 Je zde možnost zakoupení garáže nebo parkovacího stání.
Referentie: EDEN-T102908310
Land: BG
Stad: Sofia
Categorie: Residentieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Appartement & Condo
Omvang woning: 42
Kamers: 1
Verdieping: 3


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