Grond (Te koop)
10.000 m²
/ id-575631
Building land of 10000 sq.m. with beautiful sea view for sale, situated in a quiet location in Sutivan on the island of Brač, approx. 150 m from the sea. Water and electricity connections are located nearby. This property has access road.Additional information about the facility, its exact location and sightseeing is possible after signing a brokerage agreement with the agency that is in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the Real Estate Brokerage Act. For more information, please contact: +385913233654
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Ein Baugrundstück von 10000 m2 in Sutivan auf der Insel Brač zum Verkauf. Es befindet sich nur 150 m vom Meer und bietet wunderschöne Aussicht aufs Meer. Strom- und Wasser- Anschlüsse sind in der Nähe. Diese Immobilie hat direkte Zufahrt.Zusätzliche Informationen über die Einrichtung, ihren genauen Standort und Besichtigungen sind nach Unterzeichnung eines Maklervertrags mit der Agentur möglich, der dem Datenschutzgesetz und dem Immobilienmaklergesetz entspricht. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an: +385913233654
Prodaje se građevinsko zemljište površine 10000 m2 s prekrasnim pogledom na more, smješteno na mirnoj lokaciji u Sutivanu na otoku Braču, svega 150 m od mora. Zemljište ima pristupni put, a priključci struje i vode nalaze se u neposrednoj blizini.Dodatne informacije o objektu, njegovoj točnoj lokaciji i razgledavanje mogući su nakon potpisivanja ugovora o posredovanju s agencijom koji je u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti podataka i Zakonom o posredovanju u prometu nekretnina. Za više informacija, molim, kontaktirajte na tel: +385913233654
Продается земельный участок площадью 10000 м2 с прекрасным видом на море, расположенный в тихом месте в поселке Сутиван на острове Брач, всего в 150 м от моря. Участок имеет подъездную дорогу, а электричество и вода находятся в непосредственной близости.Дополнительная информация об объекте, его точной локации и просмотр возможны после подписания с агентством договора о посредничестве, который соответствует Закону о защите данных и Закону о брокерских услугах. За дополнительной информацией, пожалуйста, обращайтесь по телефону: +385913233653
Building land of 10000 sq.m. with beautiful sea view for sale, situated in a quiet location in Sutivan on the island of Brač, approx. 150 m from the sea. Water and electricity connections are located nearby. This property has access road.Additional information about the facility, its exact location and sightseeing is possible after signing a brokerage agreement with the agency that is in accordance with the Data Protection Act and the Real Estate Brokerage Act. For more information, please contact: +385913233654
Splitsko - dalmatinska
Type vermelding:
Te koop
Type woning:
Omvang woning:
10.000 m²
Onderhouden terrein: