Magazijn & Bedrijfsruimte (Te koop)
/ 8513
Type vermelding:
Te koop
Type woning:
Magazijn & Bedrijfsruimte
Omvang woning:
105 m²
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:8513 Meer bekijken Minder bekijken 'May I one day find refuge in the forests of an island in Oceania, and live there in ecstasy, peace, and art.' (Gauguin, 1890)Today, Gauguin could realize this dream right in the heart of Lisbon, in Alvalade, one of the city's trendiest neighborhoods.Surrounded by a lush, tropical landscape, this T1+1 loft apartment of 105m² is anything but ordinary. It reflects the owner's passion for the arts, travel, and the diversity of the world.A lover of green spaces and tropical flora, the owner designed a unique tropical garden around his homea project recognized by the local council as an urban garden. This vibrant sanctuary hosts over 100 tropical and subtropical species, creating an authentic biodiversity haven in the city center. Pineapples, banana trees, mangoes, papayas, and goldenberries are just a few examples among many others.The residence itself is fascinating. It's essentially an atelier equipped for living, with a kitchen, bedrooms, and sanitary facilities. Originally a garage in a building from the Estado Novo era, it has insulated walls and ceilings with air chambers, rendering air conditioning unnecessary. The temperature is mild and stablecool in the summer and relatively warm in winter. The kitchen is well-equipped, featuring an island with an induction cooktop and exhaust system.This space is not conventional and not for a conventional buyer. It's for someone who seeks a space with soul, originality, and character, offering tranquility and an escape in the heart of the city, close to the bustling shops, services, and cultural and artistic offerings of Lisbon's trendiest neighborhood.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:8513 'Que algún día me refugie en los bosques de una isla de Oceanía, y allí viva en éxtasis, calma y arte'. (Gauguin, 1890)Es casi esa sensación de evasión que puedes disfrutar en este espacio tan original, en el corazón de Lisboa, en el corazón de uno de los barrios más de moda, Alvalade.Envuelto en un entorno exuberante y tropical, este apartamento tipo loft de 1+1 dormitorios de 105m2 es cualquier cosa menos ordinario. Expresa la sensibilidad de su propietario hacia las artes, los viajes y la diversidad del mundo. Apasionado por los espacios verdes y la flora tropical, diseñó un jardín tropical, diverso y único en las cercanías de su propia casa -esfuerzo que desde entonces ha sido reconocido por el Consejo Parroquial que lo clasificó como jardín urbano- cohabitando allí decenas de especies tropicales y subtropicales, en un auténtico paraíso de biodiversidad en el corazón de la ciudad. Piñas, plátanos, mangos, papayas y physalis, son algunos ejemplos entre muchos otros. La vivienda resulta ser fascinante. Se trata, en realidad, de una nave dotada de todas las condiciones de habitabilidad -con cocina, dormitorios e instalaciones sanitarias-, originalmente un espacio destinado al aparcamiento del edificio Estado Novo. Las paredes y techos están debidamente aislados con cámaras de aire; La cocina está diseñada con su equipamiento, una isla con una placa de inducción y extracción correctamente instalada. El espacio es poco convencional. No es para un comprador convencional. Es para aquellos que buscan un espacio con alma, original, diferenciador, que ofrezca tranquilidad y evasión, en pleno centro de la ciudad, muy cerca del bullicio de las tiendas, los servicios y la oferta cultural y artística del barrio más de moda de Lisboa.Al seguir manteniendo su asignación de 'Almacén', el espacio disfruta de una plaza de aparcamiento reservada en el exterior. Si se quiere cambiar la asignación para vivienda, lo mismo es perfectamente posible, y ya no se requiere el acuerdo de condominio para este fin (ver Decreto-Ley n.º 10/2024 de 8 de enero).
Categoría Energética: Exento
#ref:8513 « Puissé-je un jour me réfugier dans les forêts d'une île d'Océanie, et y vivre d'extase, de calme et d'art. » (Gauguin, 1890)Aujourd'hui, Gauguin pourrait réaliser ce rêve en plein centre de Lisbonne, au cur de l'un des quartiers les plus branchés : Alvalade.Entouré d'un paysage luxuriant et tropical, ce loft T1+1 de 105 m² est tout sauf ordinaire. Il exprime la sensibilité de son propriétaire pour les arts, le voyage et la diversité du monde.Passionné par les espaces verts et la flore tropicale, le propriétaire a conçu, autour de sa résidence, un jardin tropical unique et diversifié - un effort reconnu par la municipalité qui l'a classé comme jardin urbain - abritant plus de 100 espèces tropicales et subtropicales, un véritable paradis de biodiversité en plein cur de la ville. Ananas, bananiers, mangues, papayes et physalis en sont quelques exemples parmi tant d'autres.La résidence est fascinante. Il s'agit en réalité d'un atelier doté de toutes les conditions d'habitabilité - avec cuisine, chambres et sanitaires -, anciennement un espace de stationnement dans un bâtiment de l'époque de l'Estado Novo. Les murs et plafonds sont bien isolés avec des chambres d'air, et la climatisation est absente car inutile : la température est douce et stable, fraîche en été et relativement chaude en hiver. La cuisine est bien équipée, avec un îlot comprenant une plaque de cuisson et un système d'extraction correctement installés.Cet espace n'est pas conventionnel et n'est pas destiné à un acheteur conventionnel. Il est fait pour ceux qui recherchent un lieu avec une âme, original, distinctif, offrant tranquillité et évasion, en plein centre-ville, tout proche de l'animation des commerces, des services et de l'offre culturelle et artistique du quartier le plus branché de Lisbonne.
Performance Énergétique: Exempt
#ref:8513 'May I one day find refuge in the forests of an island in Oceania, and live there in ecstasy, peace, and art.' (Gauguin, 1890)Today, Gauguin could realize this dream right in the heart of Lisbon, in Alvalade, one of the city's trendiest neighborhoods.Surrounded by a lush, tropical landscape, this T1+1 loft apartment of 105m² is anything but ordinary. It reflects the owner's passion for the arts, travel, and the diversity of the world.A lover of green spaces and tropical flora, the owner designed a unique tropical garden around his homea project recognized by the local council as an urban garden. This vibrant sanctuary hosts over 100 tropical and subtropical species, creating an authentic biodiversity haven in the city center. Pineapples, banana trees, mangoes, papayas, and goldenberries are just a few examples among many others.The residence itself is fascinating. It's essentially an atelier equipped for living, with a kitchen, bedrooms, and sanitary facilities. Originally a garage in a building from the Estado Novo era, it has insulated walls and ceilings with air chambers, rendering air conditioning unnecessary. The temperature is mild and stablecool in the summer and relatively warm in winter. The kitchen is well-equipped, featuring an island with an induction cooktop and exhaust system.This space is not conventional and not for a conventional buyer. It's for someone who seeks a space with soul, originality, and character, offering tranquility and an escape in the heart of the city, close to the bustling shops, services, and cultural and artistic offerings of Lisbon's trendiest neighborhood.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:8513 'May I one day find refuge in the forests of an island in Oceania, and live there in ecstasy, peace, and art.' (Gauguin, 1890)Today, Gauguin could realize this dream right in the heart of Lisbon, in Alvalade, one of the city's trendiest neighborhoods.Surrounded by a lush, tropical landscape, this T1+1 loft apartment of 105m² is anything but ordinary. It reflects the owner's passion for the arts, travel, and the diversity of the world.A lover of green spaces and tropical flora, the owner designed a unique tropical garden around his homea project recognized by the local council as an urban garden. This vibrant sanctuary hosts over 100 tropical and subtropical species, creating an authentic biodiversity haven in the city center. Pineapples, banana trees, mangoes, papayas, and goldenberries are just a few examples among many others.The residence itself is fascinating. It's essentially an atelier equipped for living, with a kitchen, bedrooms, and sanitary facilities. Originally a garage in a building from the Estado Novo era, it has insulated walls and ceilings with air chambers, rendering air conditioning unnecessary. The temperature is mild and stablecool in the summer and relatively warm in winter. The kitchen is well-equipped, featuring an island with an induction cooktop and exhaust system.This space is not conventional and not for a conventional buyer. It's for someone who seeks a space with soul, originality, and character, offering tranquility and an escape in the heart of the city, close to the bustling shops, services, and cultural and artistic offerings of Lisbon's trendiest neighborhood.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:8513 'Possa eu um dia refugiar-me nas florestas de uma ilha da Oceania, e lá viver de êxtase, de calma e de arte.' (Gauguin, 1890)É quase essa sensação de evasão que pode desfrutar neste espaço tão original, em pleno centro de Lisboa, no coração de um dos bairros mais trendy, Alvalade.Envolto num quadro luxuriante e tropical, este apartamento loft T1+1 de 105m2 é tudo menos vulgar. Ele exprime a sensibilidade do seu proprietário pelas artes, pela viagem e pela diversidade do mundo. Apaixonado pelos espaços verdes e pela flora tropical, desenhou nas imediações da sua própria habitação um jardim tropical, diverso e único - esforço entretanto reconhecido pela Junta de Freguesia que o classificou de jardim urbano - cohabitando aí dezenas de espécies tropicais e subtropicais, num autêntico paraíso da biodiversidade no coração da urbe. Ananáses, bananeiras, mangas, papaias e fisálias, são alguns exemplos entre muitos outros. A habitação revela-se fascinante. Trata-se, na verdade, de um armazém dotado de todas as condições de habitabilidade - com cozinha, quartos e instalações sanitárias -, originalmente espaço afeto ao estacionamento do prédio do Estado Novo. As paredes e tetos encontram-se devidamente isoladas com câmaras de ar; a cozinha está pensada com os seus equipamentos, uma ilha com placa de indução e extração devidamente instalada. O espaço não é convencional. Não é para um comprador convencional. È para quem procura um espaço com alma, original, diferenciador, que oferece tranquilidade e evasão, em pleno centro da cidade, muito próximo da azáfama dos comércios, dos serviços e da oferta cultural e artística do bairro mais trendy de Lisboa.Por manter ainda a sua afetação 'Armazém', o espaço usufrui de um lugar de estacionamento reservado no exterior. Se pretender alterar a afetação para habitação, o mesmo é perfeitamente possível, não sendo mais necessário o acordo do condomínio para o efeito (ver Decreto-Lei n.º 10/2024 de 8 de Janeiro).
Categoria Energética: Isento
#ref:8513 'May I one day find refuge in the forests of an island in Oceania, and live there in ecstasy, peace, and art.' (Gauguin, 1890)Today, Gauguin could realize this dream right in the heart of Lisbon, in Alvalade, one of the city's trendiest neighborhoods.Surrounded by a lush, tropical landscape, this T1+1 loft apartment of 105m² is anything but ordinary. It reflects the owner's passion for the arts, travel, and the diversity of the world.A lover of green spaces and tropical flora, the owner designed a unique tropical garden around his homea project recognized by the local council as an urban garden. This vibrant sanctuary hosts over 100 tropical and subtropical species, creating an authentic biodiversity haven in the city center. Pineapples, banana trees, mangoes, papayas, and goldenberries are just a few examples among many others.The residence itself is fascinating. It's essentially an atelier equipped for living, with a kitchen, bedrooms, and sanitary facilities. Originally a garage in a building from the Estado Novo era, it has insulated walls and ceilings with air chambers, rendering air conditioning unnecessary. The temperature is mild and stablecool in the summer and relatively warm in winter. The kitchen is well-equipped, featuring an island with an induction cooktop and exhaust system.This space is not conventional and not for a conventional buyer. It's for someone who seeks a space with soul, originality, and character, offering tranquility and an escape in the heart of the city, close to the bustling shops, services, and cultural and artistic offerings of Lisbon's trendiest neighborhood.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:8513 'May I one day find refuge in the forests of an island in Oceania, and live there in ecstasy, peace, and art.' (Gauguin, 1890)Today, Gauguin could realize this dream right in the heart of Lisbon, in Alvalade, one of the city's trendiest neighborhoods.Surrounded by a lush, tropical landscape, this T1+1 loft apartment of 105m² is anything but ordinary. It reflects the owner's passion for the arts, travel, and the diversity of the world.A lover of green spaces and tropical flora, the owner designed a unique tropical garden around his homea project recognized by the local council as an urban garden. This vibrant sanctuary hosts over 100 tropical and subtropical species, creating an authentic biodiversity haven in the city center. Pineapples, banana trees, mangoes, papayas, and goldenberries are just a few examples among many others.The residence itself is fascinating. It's essentially an atelier equipped for living, with a kitchen, bedrooms, and sanitary facilities. Originally a garage in a building from the Estado Novo era, it has insulated walls and ceilings with air chambers, rendering air conditioning unnecessary. The temperature is mild and stablecool in the summer and relatively warm in winter. The kitchen is well-equipped, featuring an island with an induction cooktop and exhaust system.This space is not conventional and not for a conventional buyer. It's for someone who seeks a space with soul, originality, and character, offering tranquility and an escape in the heart of the city, close to the bustling shops, services, and cultural and artistic offerings of Lisbon's trendiest neighborhood.
Energy Rating: Exempt