Huis en eengezinswoning (Te koop)
lot 323.749 m²
/ 103582029
This diverse 80 acres of woods, cranberry marsh, small seasonal water spots, and native grass bedding areas make for ideal habitat for deer and turkey. The North property line has a quarter of a mile frontage on The Pere Marquette State Trail for Four Season Recreation. This family owned property since 1966 has been enjoyed primarily for hunting.Rolling terrain with mature hardwoods, cranberry marsh and native grasses. A gated entrance for the maintained trails that offer great access to all areas. A nice elevated blind is located in the heart of this lightly hunted property for the last several years. The North Line borders the Pere Marquette State Trail for easy access to unlimited outdoor recreation. The South Line road frontage consists of thick brush and trees. The perimeter has an old woven wire fence in some areas. Beautiful property to build a home on! This area in Osceola County is known for strong deer and turkey populations and is desirable for all outdoor recreation activities. Very limited hunting and or activity on this property for the last several years. The North property line has a quarter of a mile frontage on the Pere Marquette State Trail, a 55 mile asphalt rail trail family friendly trail located near Osceola County Michigan. This multi-use trail can be used in both directions with a 465 ft green climb. Activities include Mountain Bike, E-Bike, Horse, Hiking, Trail Running and Snowmobiling. This area in North Central Michigan has four distinct seasons of weather. Evart is 4 miles. Clare is 23 miles. Mt. Pleasant, Soaring Eagle Casino is 42 miles. Snow Snake Ski and Gold Resort is 29 miles. Birch Valley 18 hole golf course is 5 miles.
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This diverse 80 acres of woods, cranberry marsh, small seasonal water spots, and native grass bedding areas make for ideal habitat for deer and turkey. The North property line has a quarter of a mile frontage on The Pere Marquette State Trail for Four Season Recreation. This family owned property since 1966 has been enjoyed primarily for hunting.Rolling terrain with mature hardwoods, cranberry marsh and native grasses. A gated entrance for the maintained trails that offer great access to all areas. A nice elevated blind is located in the heart of this lightly hunted property for the last several years. The North Line borders the Pere Marquette State Trail for easy access to unlimited outdoor recreation. The South Line road frontage consists of thick brush and trees. The perimeter has an old woven wire fence in some areas. Beautiful property to build a home on! This area in Osceola County is known for strong deer and turkey populations and is desirable for all outdoor recreation activities. Very limited hunting and or activity on this property for the last several years. The North property line has a quarter of a mile frontage on the Pere Marquette State Trail, a 55 mile asphalt rail trail family friendly trail located near Osceola County Michigan. This multi-use trail can be used in both directions with a 465 ft green climb. Activities include Mountain Bike, E-Bike, Horse, Hiking, Trail Running and Snowmobiling. This area in North Central Michigan has four distinct seasons of weather. Evart is 4 miles. Clare is 23 miles. Mt. Pleasant, Soaring Eagle Casino is 42 miles. Snow Snake Ski and Gold Resort is 29 miles. Birch Valley 18 hole golf course is 5 miles.
Tato rozmanitá rozloha 80 akrů lesů, brusinková bažina, malé sezónní vodní skvrny a původní travnaté záhony jsou ideálním prostředím pro jeleny a krůty. Severní hranice pozemku má čtvrt míle dlouhou frontu na státní stezce Pere Marquette pro čtyřsezónní rekreaci. Tento rodinný majetek je ve vlastnictví od roku 1966 a slouží především k lovu. Zvlněný terén se vzrostlými tvrdými dřevinami, brusinkovým močálem a původními travinami. Uzavřený vstup pro udržované stezky, které nabízejí skvělý přístup do všech oblastí. Pěkná vyvýšená žaluzie se nachází v srdci této málo lovené nemovitosti posledních několik let. North Line hraničí se státní stezkou Pere Marquette State Trail pro snadný přístup k neomezené venkovní rekreaci. Průčelí silnice South Line se skládá z hustého křoví a stromů. Po obvodu je v některých oblastech starý tkaný drátěný plot. Krásná nemovitost pro stavbu domova! Tato oblast v okrese Osceola je známá silnou populací jelenů a krocanů a je žádoucí pro všechny venkovní rekreační aktivity. Velmi omezený lov nebo aktivita na tomto pozemku v posledních několika letech. Severní hranice pozemku má čtvrt míle před Pere Marquette State Trail, 55 mil dlouhou asfaltovou železniční stezkou pro rodiny s dětmi, která se nachází poblíž Osceola County v Michiganu. Tuto víceúčelovou stezku lze použít v obou směrech s 465 stop dlouhým zeleným stoupáním. Mezi aktivity patří horské kolo, elektrokolo, jízda na koni, pěší turistika, trailový běh a jízda na sněžných skútrech. Tato oblast v severním centrálním Michiganu má čtyři různá roční období počasí. Evart je 4 míle. Clare je 23 mil. Mt. Pleasant, Soaring Eagle Casino je 42 mil. Snow Snake Ski and Gold Resort je 29 mil. Birch Valley 18 jamkové golfové hřiště je 5 mil.
Type vermelding:
Te koop
Type woning:
Huis en eengezinswoning
Omvang perceel:
323.749 m²