Huis en eengezinswoning (Te koop)
lot 141.640 m²
/ 102090069
Kings Canyon 35 consists of a nice blend of open country and alpine forest with direct access to Routt National Forest. The property boasts world-class views of the North Platte River Valley and the Park Range of North Park. There is a homesite ready for construction with a recently built road, graded area for a foundation, and a water well. Access to the property is seasonal with access in winter by snowmobile or tracked vehicle only.Kings Canyon 35 is a diverse property for its size with a multitude of different elevations and habitat types suitable for game animals year-round. A large live-water spring flows through the southern part of the property and provides water for cattle and wildlife at all times of the year. The deeded land and the forest land bordering the property offers a perfect blend of mixed shrub open country transitioning to dense Evergreen and Aspen cover. There is a good building site for a cabin or hunting lodge that offers outstanding views. There is a recently drilled water well on the property next to the homesite. Views of the North Park Valley can be had from almost anywhere on the property looking to the west. The property borders Routt National Forest to the east and one could walk straight from the property into National Forest to hunt or explore. The property is located in Colorado game management unit 6 which offers over-the-counter tags for both Archery and Rifle Elk Seasons and draw for Mule Deer. This area of the state boasts one of the strongest Elk populations in the country and offers exceptional hunting opportunities for someone willing to put in time to find unpressured areas. Being only a short drive into the Park the property is blessed with abundant fishing resources as North Park is the headwaters of the famed North Platte River. With 360 degrees of major mountain ranges in the Park, hundreds of high country lakes and streams feed into the valley and make up the North Platte River which flows north into Wyoming. This valley makes up one of the most diverse riparian stream ecosystems in the state and the variety of fishing resources and public access in North Park is extensive. Most of Jackson County is categorized as Alpine Valley and is a relatively high elevation basin with cold winters and cool summers. North Park is rimmed on the west by the Park Range and the Sierra Madre mountains, on the south by the Rabbit Ears Range and the Never Summer Mountains, and on the east by the Medicine Bow Mountains. The property is located just 12 miles northeast of Walden, Colorado the county seat of Jackson County and one of the least populated counties in the state. Walden has sufficient amenities with a grocery store, hardware store, and multiple good dining options. Driving distance from the ranch is approximately 1.5 hours to world-class skiing and amenities in Steamboat Springs, 1 hour from Laramie, WY, 2 hours from Fort Collins, CO and 2.5 hours from the Denver metro area. Commercial air service can be found in Laramie, WY just under an hour drive to the northeast.
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Kings Canyon 35 consists of a nice blend of open country and alpine forest with direct access to Routt National Forest. The property boasts world-class views of the North Platte River Valley and the Park Range of North Park. There is a homesite ready for construction with a recently built road, graded area for a foundation, and a water well. Access to the property is seasonal with access in winter by snowmobile or tracked vehicle only.Kings Canyon 35 is a diverse property for its size with a multitude of different elevations and habitat types suitable for game animals year-round. A large live-water spring flows through the southern part of the property and provides water for cattle and wildlife at all times of the year. The deeded land and the forest land bordering the property offers a perfect blend of mixed shrub open country transitioning to dense Evergreen and Aspen cover. There is a good building site for a cabin or hunting lodge that offers outstanding views. There is a recently drilled water well on the property next to the homesite. Views of the North Park Valley can be had from almost anywhere on the property looking to the west. The property borders Routt National Forest to the east and one could walk straight from the property into National Forest to hunt or explore. The property is located in Colorado game management unit 6 which offers over-the-counter tags for both Archery and Rifle Elk Seasons and draw for Mule Deer. This area of the state boasts one of the strongest Elk populations in the country and offers exceptional hunting opportunities for someone willing to put in time to find unpressured areas. Being only a short drive into the Park the property is blessed with abundant fishing resources as North Park is the headwaters of the famed North Platte River. With 360 degrees of major mountain ranges in the Park, hundreds of high country lakes and streams feed into the valley and make up the North Platte River which flows north into Wyoming. This valley makes up one of the most diverse riparian stream ecosystems in the state and the variety of fishing resources and public access in North Park is extensive. Most of Jackson County is categorized as Alpine Valley and is a relatively high elevation basin with cold winters and cool summers. North Park is rimmed on the west by the Park Range and the Sierra Madre mountains, on the south by the Rabbit Ears Range and the Never Summer Mountains, and on the east by the Medicine Bow Mountains. The property is located just 12 miles northeast of Walden, Colorado the county seat of Jackson County and one of the least populated counties in the state. Walden has sufficient amenities with a grocery store, hardware store, and multiple good dining options. Driving distance from the ranch is approximately 1.5 hours to world-class skiing and amenities in Steamboat Springs, 1 hour from Laramie, WY, 2 hours from Fort Collins, CO and 2.5 hours from the Denver metro area. Commercial air service can be found in Laramie, WY just under an hour drive to the northeast.
Kings Canyon 35 se skládá z pěkné směsi otevřené krajiny a alpského lesa s přímým přístupem do národního lesa Routt. Hotel se může pochlubit prvotřídním výhledem na údolí řeky North Platte a park Range v North Parku. K dispozici je domácí pozemek připravený k výstavbě s nedávno postavenou silnicí, upravenou plochou pro základy a studnou. Přístup k objektu je sezónní s přístupem v zimě pouze sněžným skútrem nebo pásovým vozidlem. Kings Canyon 35 je na svou velikost rozmanitý objekt s množstvím různých nadmořských výšek a typů stanovišť vhodných pro lovnou zvěř po celý rok. Jižní částí pozemku protéká velký pramen živé vody, který poskytuje vodu pro dobytek a divokou zvěř v každém ročním období. Pozemek a lesní půda hraničící s pozemkem nabízí dokonalou kombinaci smíšené křovinaté otevřené krajiny přecházející do hustého stálezeleného a osikového porostu. Je zde dobré stavební místo pro srub nebo lovecký zámeček, který nabízí vynikající výhledy. Na pozemku vedle domova je nedávno vyvrtaná studna. Výhled na údolí North Park Valley lze mít téměř z jakéhokoli místa na pozemku s výhledem na západ. Pozemek sousedí s národním lesem Routt na východě a člověk může jít přímo z pozemku do národního lesa na lov nebo průzkum. Nemovitost se nachází v Coloradské jednotce pro správu zvěře 6, která nabízí volně prodejné značky pro Archery i Rifle Elk Seasons a losování pro Mule Deer. Tato oblast státu se může pochlubit jednou z nejsilnějších losích populací v zemi a nabízí výjimečné lovecké příležitosti pro někoho, kdo je ochoten věnovat čas hledání oblastí bez tlaku. Nemovitost je jen kousek jízdy do parku a je obdařena bohatými rybářskými zdroji, protože North Park je pramenem slavné řeky North Platte. S 360 stupni hlavních horských pásem v parku, stovky vysokohorských jezer a potoků se napájejí do údolí a tvoří řeku North Platte, která teče na sever do Wyomingu. Toto údolí tvoří jeden z nejrozmanitějších ekosystémů pobřežních potoků ve státě a rozmanitost rybářských zdrojů a veřejného přístupu v North Parku je rozsáhlá. Většina Jackson County je kategorizována jako Alpine Valley a je to relativně vysoko položená pánev s chladnými zimami a chladnými léty. North Park je na západě lemován pohořím Park Range a pohořím Sierra Madre, na jihu pohořím Rabbit Ears Range a Never Summer Mountains a na východě pohořím Medicine Bow. Nemovitost se nachází pouhých 12 mil severovýchodně od Waldenu v Coloradu, okresního města Jackson County a jednoho z nejméně obydlených okresů ve státě. Walden má dostatečné vybavení s obchodem s potravinami, železářstvím a několika dobrými možnostmi stravování. Dojezdová vzdálenost od ranče je přibližně 1,5 hodiny na prvotřídní lyžování a vybavení ve Steamboat Springs, 1 hodinu od Laramie, WY, 2 hodiny od Fort Collins, CO a 2,5 hodiny od oblasti metra Denver. Komerční leteckou dopravu najdete v Laramie, WY necelou hodinu jízdy na severovýchod.
Type vermelding:
Te koop
Type woning:
Huis en eengezinswoning
Omvang perceel:
141.640 m²