Huis en eengezinswoning (Te koop)
/ 568414
Type vermelding:
Te koop
Type woning:
Huis en eengezinswoning
Omvang woning:
153 m²
The house consists of a tavern and a floor, each 53 m², and auxiliary buildings (24 m²), with a garden of 74 m².
The plot has a total of 153 m2 and is surrounded by a yard wall.
The 60 cm thick stone walls guarantee excellent insulation and strength, making the house stable and resistant to weather conditions. All modern connections are available: new sewage system, electricity, water and cleanliness. All accounts are paid and active. Next to the house is an asphalted road, a parking space, a septic tank and a field toilet.
The property requires adaptation.It is located only a thousand meters from the sea, surrounded by pine forests, beautiful rocky and sandy beaches and a large body of water. Although it requires renovation, by removing the worn-out plaster, the house will shine again in its stony splendor, retaining the authentic charm of the old Dalmatian construction. This house is perfect to convert into retro apartments or for a family home, creating an idyllic environment in which it will be a pleasure to live and relax. It is ideal for investing in tourism or simply for a peaceful life in the Dalmatian idyll.The property is neat. If you are interested in this property or would like to learn more about the renovation possibilities, please contact us for additional information and the organization of a viewing.Božana Perović
Licensed sales agent
b.perovic@remax.hrID CODE: 300501015-480Božana Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 911 2954
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Location: Zadarska županija, Vrsi, Zukve.Ein altes Steinhaus zum Verkauf in Vrsi in der Nähe von Zadar, gelegen in einer ruhigen Umgebung, ideal für Liebhaber von Tradition, Tourismus und Leben im dalmatinischen Stil.
Das Haus besteht aus einer Taverne und einer Etage, jeweils 53 m², und Nebengebäuden (24 m²) mit einem Garten von 74 m².
Das Grundstück hat insgesamt 153 m2 und ist von einer Hofmauer umgeben.
Die 60 cm dicken Steinmauern garantieren eine hervorragende Isolierung und Festigkeit und machen das Haus stabil und witterungsbeständig. Alle modernen Anschlüsse sind vorhanden: neues Abwassersystem, Strom, Wasser und Sauberkeit. Alle Konten sind bezahlt und aktiv. Neben dem Haus gibt es eine asphaltierte Straße, einen Parkplatz, eine Klärgrube und eine Feldtoilette.
Die Immobilie bedarf einer Anpassung.Es liegt nur tausend Meter vom Meer entfernt, umgeben von Pinienwäldern, wunderschönen Fels- und Sandstränden und einem großen Gewässer. Obwohl eine Renovierung erforderlich ist, erstrahlt das Haus durch die Entfernung des abgenutzten Putzes wieder in seiner steinernen Pracht und behält dabei den authentischen Charme der alten dalmatinischen Bauweise. Dieses Haus lässt sich perfekt in Retro-Apartments oder als Einfamilienhaus umbauen und schafft so eine idyllische Umgebung, in der es ein Vergnügen ist, zu leben und zu entspannen. Es ist ideal für Investitionen in den Tourismus oder einfach für ein ruhiges Leben in der dalmatinischen Idylle.Das Anwesen ist ordentlich. Wenn Sie Interesse an dieser Immobilie haben oder mehr über die Sanierungsmöglichkeiten erfahren möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte für weitere Informationen und die Organisation einer Besichtigung.Božana Perović
Lizenzierter Handelsvertreter
b.perovic@remax.hrID CODE: 300501015-480Božana Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 911 2954
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: Location: Zadarska županija, Vrsi, Zukve.Prodaje se stara kamena kuća u Vrsima kod Zadra, smještena u mirnom okruženju, idealna za ljubitelje tradicije, turizma i života u dalmatinskom stilu.
Kuća se sastoji od konobe i kata, svaki po 53 m², te pomoćnih zgrada (24 m²), s okućnicom od 74 m².
Parcela sve zajedno ima 153m2 i ograđena je dvorišnim zidom.
Kameni zidovi debljine 60 cm garantiraju izvrsnu izolaciju i čvrstoću, čineći kuću stabilnom i otpornom na vremenske uvjete. Svi moderni priključci su dostupni: novi kanalizacijski sustav, struja, voda i čistoća. Svi računi se plaćaju te su aktivni. Uz kuću se nalazi asfaltirani put, parkirno mjesto, septička jama i poljski WC.
Nekretnina zahtjeva adaptaciju.Smještena je samo tisuću metara od mora, okružena borovim šumama, prekrasnim kamenitim i pjeskovitim plažama te velikim akvatorijem. Iako zahtijeva adaptaciju, otucanjem dotrajale žbuke, kuća će ponovo zasjati u svom kamenitom sjaju, zadržavajući autentični šarm stare dalmatinske gradnje. Ova kuća je savršena za pretvoriti u retro apartmane ili za obiteljsku kuću, stvarajući idilično okruženje u kojem će biti uživanje živjeti i odmarati se. Idealna je za ulaganje u turizam ili jednostavno za miran život u dalmatinskoj idili .Vlasništvo je uredno. Ako ste zainteresirani za ovu nekretninu ili želite saznati više o mogućnostima renovacije slobodno nas kontaktirajte za dodatne informacije i organizaciju razgledavanja.Božana Perović
Licencirani agent prodaje
b.perovic@remax.hrID KOD AGENCIJE: 300501015-480Božana Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 911 2954
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: Location: Zadarska županija, Vrsi, Zukve. Location: Zadarska županija, Vrsi, Zukve.An old stone house for sale in Vrsi near Zadar, located in a quiet environment, ideal for lovers of tradition, tourism and life in the Dalmatian style.
The house consists of a tavern and a floor, each 53 m², and auxiliary buildings (24 m²), with a garden of 74 m².
The plot has a total of 153 m2 and is surrounded by a yard wall.
The 60 cm thick stone walls guarantee excellent insulation and strength, making the house stable and resistant to weather conditions. All modern connections are available: new sewage system, electricity, water and cleanliness. All accounts are paid and active. Next to the house is an asphalted road, a parking space, a septic tank and a field toilet.
The property requires adaptation.It is located only a thousand meters from the sea, surrounded by pine forests, beautiful rocky and sandy beaches and a large body of water. Although it requires renovation, by removing the worn-out plaster, the house will shine again in its stony splendor, retaining the authentic charm of the old Dalmatian construction. This house is perfect to convert into retro apartments or for a family home, creating an idyllic environment in which it will be a pleasure to live and relax. It is ideal for investing in tourism or simply for a peaceful life in the Dalmatian idyll.The property is neat. If you are interested in this property or would like to learn more about the renovation possibilities, please contact us for additional information and the organization of a viewing.Božana Perović
Licensed sales agent
b.perovic@remax.hrID CODE: 300501015-480Božana Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 95 911 2954
Tel: 023299096