Huis en eengezinswoning (Te koop)
30 k
10.200 m²
/ 12321
This property is situated in Siena's countryside, at the heart of Tuscany, and sprawls over more than 2,000 hectares of grounds, while encompassing a stunning castle, two big farmsteads, an agricultural and wine-making company and a hunting reserve. This property's two spacious farmsteads are close to each other but completely independent. Both have been recently refurbished by a renowned architecture studio and transformed into two sophisticated villas furnished with all comforts, each with its own garden, replete with roses and medicinal plants. Finally, this agritourism/hunting resort extends over 300 hectares, 180 of which are fenced, and include vineyards, small clearings and forests with Turkey oaks and firs that are populated by deer. Ref. 12321
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Una proprietà unica nel suo genere in vendita nel cuore della Toscana, in provincia di Siena, che si estende su una vasta tenuta di oltre duemila ettari comprendente un antico castello, due grandi poderi, un'azienda agricola e vitivinicola e una tenuta di caccia. Il complesso si estende sino a toccare ben tre diversi comuni, tra chilometri di bosco e macchia mediterranea, immerso nella più selvaggia e autentica atmosfera della campagna senese. I vigneti oggi esistenti, circa 18 ettari, producono eccellente Sauvignon Blanc e Pinot Noire. All'interno della proprietà, due grandi poderi, vicini tra loro ma completamente indipendenti, sono stati recentemente ristrutturati da un noto studio di architettura e trasformati in due lussuose ville dotate di ogni confort, ciascuna con giardino di pertinenza impreziosito da rose e piante officinali. Proseguendo troviamo il centro aziendale, cuore dell'attività agricola, e la foresteria, che accoglie gli ospiti durante le battute di caccia. La tenuta comprende ulteriori venticinque case coloniche con relativi annessi, completamente da restaurare. L'immobile di maggior fascino e prestigio storico, anche se bisognoso di grossi interventi di restauro, è certamente il castello medievale, costruito nel 1135, una struttura imponente di 2.000 mq che, dalla sua posizione soprelevata e dominante, sovrasta tutta la proprietà. Rif. 12321
В Тоскане, в окрестностях Сиены, выставлено на продажу элитное имение, занимающее несколько провинций и состоящее из старинного замка, двух вилл, агротуризма, виноградников, лесов и охотничьих угодий. Обе виллы недавно были отреставрированы и полностью пригодны для комфортного современного проживания. К каждой прилегает сад. В зоне агротуризма находится домик для гостей, приезжающих в охотничий сезон. Также в имение включено двадцать пять крестьянских домов, в настоящее время нуждающихся в реставрации. В реставрации нуждается и замок в 2000 кв. м., построенный в 1135 году. Аграрная структура занимает 300 гектаров, земли отведены под виноградники и высокие деревья, в угодьях обитают олени, лани, косули, кабаны, и другие животные. Под виноградники сортов «Савиньон» и «Пино нуар» отведено 18 гектаров земли. Ссылка: 12321
This property is situated in Siena's countryside, at the heart of Tuscany, and sprawls over more than 2,000 hectares of grounds, while encompassing a stunning castle, two big farmsteads, an agricultural and wine-making company and a hunting reserve. This property's two spacious farmsteads are close to each other but completely independent. Both have been recently refurbished by a renowned architecture studio and transformed into two sophisticated villas furnished with all comforts, each with its own garden, replete with roses and medicinal plants. Finally, this agritourism/hunting resort extends over 300 hectares, 180 of which are fenced, and include vineyards, small clearings and forests with Turkey oaks and firs that are populated by deer. Ref. 12321
Type vermelding:
Te koop
Type woning:
Huis en eengezinswoning
Omvang woning:
10.200 m²