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Huis en eengezinswoning te koop — Oliveira do Bairro

EUR 285.000

Huis en eengezinswoning (Te koop)

3 k
3 slk
3 bk
lot 500
Referentie: EDEN-T96123927 / 96123927
Last 3 villas of the first Phase ! End of construction aimed for late 2024 early 2025.
In the next phase of sale, the properties will increase considerably.Don't miss this excellent opportunity to live in a quiet place, in the middle of nature, close to all services and accessibilities at an absolutely incredible price!This property is distinguished by its innovative engineering and design technology bringing the best of the four worlds, Efficiency, Durability, Tradition and the charm of a modern construction, combined with remarkable improvements in strength (built in reinforced concrete and ICF), thermal efficiency, seismic resistance, acoustic insulation, and a state-of-the-art ventilation system (VMC- Controlled Mechanical Ventilation). In addition, it stands out for its commitment to efficiency, being built in an impressive timeframe of 9 to 12 months. Below, we detail what makes this property unique: Detailed Features: Sturdiest: Every element of this home has been built with superior quality materials and advanced construction techniques. Reinforced foundations guarantee exceptional strength in addition to being built in reinforced concrete. You can count on a longer durability than most constructions. Faster Construction: Despite its solidity, this house was erected quickly due to the efficiency of the construction methods used. That means you can move into your new home in record time, saving you time and money. Improved Thermal: Advanced thermal insulation on all walls, ceiling, and windows provides an optimal indoor temperature in all seasons. You will save on energy bills and enjoy an always comfortable environment. Best Seismic Level: The structure of this house has been meticulously designed to withstand seismic events. Even in earthquake-susceptible areas, your safety is guaranteed. Acoustically-Improved: Thick walls, high-quality soundproofed windows, and advanced insulation techniques ensure that the home's environment is a haven of peace and tranquility. Advanced Ventilation System (VMC- Controlled Mechanical Ventilation): This property has a state-of-the-art ventilation system that keeps the air fresh and healthy, ensuring that your family always breathes the best air possible. Build in 9 to 12 Months: Committed to efficiency, this home is built in an impressive 9-12 month timeframe, allowing you to enjoy your new home faster. Similar to Traditional Construction: The architectural design and aesthetics of this property maintain the charm and modernism of a traditional building. From the façade to the interior details, you will find elements that evoke the feeling of home. Ideal Location: The property is strategically positioned to provide easy access to schools, shops, parks, and public transportation. You'll enjoy a quiet life while taking advantage of all the urban amenities at your fingertips. This house is more than a dwelling; It's an investment in comfort, safety, efficiency, air quality, and time. Schedule a visit today to explore in detail how this one-of-a-kind property could become your next home
Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Les 3 dernières villas de la première phase ! Fin des travaux prévue fin 2024 début 2025.
Dans la prochaine phase de vente, les propriétés augmenteront considérablement.Ne manquez pas cette excellente opportunité de vivre dans un endroit tranquille, en pleine nature, à proximité de tous les services et accessibilités à un prix absolument incroyable !Cette propriété se distingue par sa technologie innovante d’ingénierie et de conception apportant le meilleur des quatre mondes, l’efficacité, la durabilité, la tradition et le charme d’une construction moderne, combinée à des améliorations remarquables en matière de résistance (construit en béton armé et ICF), d’efficacité thermique, de résistance sismique, d’isolation acoustique et d’un système de ventilation de pointe (VMC - Ventilation Mécanique Contrôlée). De plus, il se distingue par son engagement envers l’efficacité, étant construit dans un délai impressionnant de 9 à 12 mois. Ci-dessous, nous détaillons ce qui rend cette propriété unique : Caractéristiques détaillées : Le plus robuste : Chaque élément de cette maison a été construit avec des matériaux de qualité supérieure et des techniques de construction avancées. Les fondations armées garantissent une résistance exceptionnelle en plus d’être construites en béton armé. Vous pouvez compter sur une durabilité plus longue que la plupart des constructions. Construction plus rapide : Malgré sa solidité, cette maison a été érigée rapidement en raison de l’efficacité des méthodes de construction utilisées. Cela signifie que vous pouvez emménager dans votre nouvelle maison en un temps record, ce qui vous permet d’économiser du temps et de l’argent. Thermique amélioré : L’isolation thermique avancée de tous les murs, plafonds et fenêtres offre une température intérieure optimale en toutes saisons. Vous économiserez sur vos factures d’énergie et profiterez d’un environnement toujours confortable. Meilleur niveau sismique : La structure de cette maison a été méticuleusement conçue pour résister aux événements sismiques. Même dans les zones sensibles aux tremblements de terre, votre sécurité est garantie. Amélioration de l’acoustique : Des murs épais, des fenêtres insonorisées de haute qualité et des techniques d’isolation avancées garantissent que l’environnement de la maison est un havre de paix et de tranquillité. Système de ventilation avancé (VMC - Ventilation mécanique contrôlée) : Cette propriété dispose d’un système de ventilation à la pointe de la technologie qui maintient l’air frais et sain, garantissant que votre famille respire toujours le meilleur air possible. Construction en 9 à 12 mois : Engagée dans l’efficacité, cette maison est construite dans un délai impressionnant de 9 à 12 mois, ce qui vous permet de profiter de votre nouvelle maison plus rapidement. Similaire à la construction traditionnelle : La conception architecturale et l’esthétique de cette propriété conservent le charme et le modernisme d’un bâtiment traditionnel. De la façade aux détails intérieurs, vous trouverez des éléments qui évoquent le sentiment d’être chez soi. Emplacement idéal : La propriété est stratégiquement positionnée pour offrir un accès facile aux écoles, aux magasins, aux parcs et aux transports en commun. Vous profiterez d’une vie tranquille tout en profitant de toutes les commodités urbaines à portée de main. Cette maison est plus qu’une habitation ; C’est un investissement dans le confort, la sécurité, l’efficacité, la qualité de l’air et le temps. Planifiez une visite dès aujourd’hui pour explorer en détail comment cette propriété unique en son genre pourrait devenir votre prochaine maison
Ultimas 3 moradias da primeira Fase ! Final da construção apontada para o final de 2024 inicio de 2025.
Na próxima fase de venda os imóveis irão sofrer um aumento considerável.Não perca esta excelente oportunidade de viver num sitio calmo, no meio da natureza ,próximo de todos os serviços e acessibilidades a um preço absolutamente incrível !Este imóvel distingue-se pela sua tecnologia inovadora de engenharia e design trazendo o melhor dos quatro mundos, Eficiência, Durabilidade, Tradição e o charme de uma construção moderna, combinados com melhorias notáveis em resistência (construídas em Betão armado e ICF), eficiência térmica, resistência sísmica, isolamento acústico, e um sistema de ventilação de última geração ( VMC- Ventilação mecânica controlada ) . Além disso, destaca-se pelo compromisso com a eficiência, sendo construído em um prazo impressionante de 9 a 12 meses. Abaixo, detalhamos o que torna esta propriedade única: Características Detalhadas: Mais Resistente: Cada elemento desta casa foi construído com materiais de qualidade superior e técnicas de construção avançadas. Fundações reforçadas garantem uma resistência excecional para além de serem construídas em Betão armado . Pode contar com uma durabilidade maior do que a maior parte das construções .
Construção Mais Rápida: Apesar da sua solidez, esta casa foi erguida com rapidez devido à eficiência dos métodos de construção utilizados. Isso significa que pode mudar-se para sua nova casa num tempo recorde, economizando tempo e dinheiro. Melhor a Nível Térmico: O isolamento térmico avançado em todas as paredes, teto e janelas proporciona uma temperatura interior ideal em todas as estações. Vai economizar em contas de energia e desfrutar de um ambiente sempre confortável.
Melhor a Nível Sísmico: A estrutura desta casa foi minuciosamente projetada para resistir a eventos sísmicos. Mesmo em áreas suscetíveis a terremotos, sua segurança está garantida. Melhor a Nível Acústico: Paredes espessas, janelas com isolamento acústico de alta qualidade e técnicas avançadas de isolamento asseguram que o ambiente da casa seja um refúgio de paz e tranquilidade. Sistema de Ventilação Avançado( VMC- Ventilação mecânica controlada ) : Esta propriedade conta com um sistema de ventilação de última geração que mantém o ar fresco e saudável, garantindo que sua família respire sempre o melhor ar possível.
Construção em 9 a 12 Meses: Comprometidos com a eficiência, esta casa é construída em um prazo impressionante de 9 a 12 meses, permitindo que você desfrute do seu novo lar mais rapidamente.
Semelhante à Construção Tradicional: O design arquitetônico e a estética desta propriedade mantêm o charme e o modernismo de uma construção tradicional. Desde a fachada até os detalhes interiores, encontrará elementos que evocam a sensação de lar. Localização Ideal: A propriedade está estrategicamente posicionada para fornecer fácil acesso a escolas, comércio, parques e transporte público. Vai desfrutar de uma vida tranquila, ao mesmo tempo em que aproveita todas as comodidades urbanas ao seu alcance.
Esta casa é mais do que uma moradia; é um investimento em conforto, segurança, eficiência, qualidade do ar, e tempo. Agende uma visita hoje mesmo para explorar em detalhes como esta propriedade única pode se tornar o seu próximo lar
Last 3 villas of the first Phase ! End of construction aimed for late 2024 early 2025.
In the next phase of sale, the properties will increase considerably.Don't miss this excellent opportunity to live in a quiet place, in the middle of nature, close to all services and accessibilities at an absolutely incredible price!This property is distinguished by its innovative engineering and design technology bringing the best of the four worlds, Efficiency, Durability, Tradition and the charm of a modern construction, combined with remarkable improvements in strength (built in reinforced concrete and ICF), thermal efficiency, seismic resistance, acoustic insulation, and a state-of-the-art ventilation system (VMC- Controlled Mechanical Ventilation). In addition, it stands out for its commitment to efficiency, being built in an impressive timeframe of 9 to 12 months. Below, we detail what makes this property unique: Detailed Features: Sturdiest: Every element of this home has been built with superior quality materials and advanced construction techniques. Reinforced foundations guarantee exceptional strength in addition to being built in reinforced concrete. You can count on a longer durability than most constructions. Faster Construction: Despite its solidity, this house was erected quickly due to the efficiency of the construction methods used. That means you can move into your new home in record time, saving you time and money. Improved Thermal: Advanced thermal insulation on all walls, ceiling, and windows provides an optimal indoor temperature in all seasons. You will save on energy bills and enjoy an always comfortable environment. Best Seismic Level: The structure of this house has been meticulously designed to withstand seismic events. Even in earthquake-susceptible areas, your safety is guaranteed. Acoustically-Improved: Thick walls, high-quality soundproofed windows, and advanced insulation techniques ensure that the home's environment is a haven of peace and tranquility. Advanced Ventilation System (VMC- Controlled Mechanical Ventilation): This property has a state-of-the-art ventilation system that keeps the air fresh and healthy, ensuring that your family always breathes the best air possible. Build in 9 to 12 Months: Committed to efficiency, this home is built in an impressive 9-12 month timeframe, allowing you to enjoy your new home faster. Similar to Traditional Construction: The architectural design and aesthetics of this property maintain the charm and modernism of a traditional building. From the façade to the interior details, you will find elements that evoke the feeling of home. Ideal Location: The property is strategically positioned to provide easy access to schools, shops, parks, and public transportation. You'll enjoy a quiet life while taking advantage of all the urban amenities at your fingertips. This house is more than a dwelling; It's an investment in comfort, safety, efficiency, air quality, and time. Schedule a visit today to explore in detail how this one-of-a-kind property could become your next home
Referentie: EDEN-T96123927
Land: PT
Stad: Oliveira Do Bairro
Categorie: Residentieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Huis en eengezinswoning
Omvang woning: 210
Omvang perceel: 500
Kamers: 3
Slaapkamers: 3
Badkamers: 3



Gemiddelde verkoopprijs per
Okt 2023
3 maanden
1 jaar
EUR 1.451


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