EUR 295.000
EUR 365.000
EUR 395.000
EUR 288.000
EUR 280.000
1 k
64 m²
EUR 380.000
The name Príncipe Real is in honor of the first-born son of D. Maria II and D. Fernando, who ascended the throne at the age of 16, after the death of his mother.
For many centuries this area, called Alto da Cotovia, was an abandoned field. And although several buildings were designed and started, such as the Lisbon Patriarchal, nothing grew in this area for a long time.
In the middle of the 19th century a project was started to build a water reservoir connected to the Águas Livres Aqueduct. In 1864, when the Patriarcal Reservoir was ready, this area gained a new life.
The square was renamed Praça do Príncipe Real and its garden, designed in a romantic English design above the reservoir, was completed in 1869. Around it were built palatial homes of wealthy gentlemen, many from Brazil, and that still characterize the layout of the neighborhood.We are Credit Intermediaries authorized by the Bank of Portugal with License Nº 0006930. We handle the entire credit process, always with the best market solutions and guarantee a quality follow-up until the deed is signed.
Talk to us. Make your simulation here. Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Pour investissement, nous avons cet appartement confortable situé au cur de Príncipe Real, loué à une personne âgée. Le montant du loyer est de 210,95 , payé ponctuellement. Les frais de copropriété actuels s'élèvent à 39,58 , incluant déjà un fonds de réserve. Il s'agit d'un investissement sûr. Le bâtiment est en excellent état, ayant été récemment mis à jour. Contactez-nous pour plus de détails.Plein de bâtiments portugais traditionnels, ce joli quartier de Lisbonne a attiré ces dernières années plusieurs boutiques, restaurants et bars aux paris plus modernes et différents.
Le nom Príncipe Real est un hommage au fils aîné de D. Maria II et D. Fernando, qui monta sur le trône à l'âge de 16 ans, après la mort de sa mère.
Pendant de nombreux siècles, cette zone, appelée Alto da Cotovia, a été un champ abandonné. Et, bien que plusieurs bâtiments aient été conçus et construits, comme le Patriarcat de Lisbonne, rien n'a poussé dans cette zone pendant longtemps.
Au milieu du XIXe siècle, un projet de construction d'un réservoir d'eau relié à l'aqueduc d'Águas Livres a été lancé. En 1864, lorsque le réservoir Patriarcal a été achevé, cette zone a connu une nouvelle vie.
La place a été rebaptisée Praça do Príncipe Real et son jardin, conçu dans un style anglais romantique au-dessus du réservoir, a été achevé en 1869. Les maisons palatiales de riches messieurs, souvent originaires du Brésil, ont été construites autour de la place et caractérisent toujours le quartier aujourd'hui.Nous sommes des intermédiaires de crédit autorisés par la Banque du Portugal avec la licence Nº 0006930. Nous nous occupons de tout le processus de crédit, toujours avec les meilleures solutions du marché et nous garantissons un suivi de qualité jusqu'à l'acte.
Parlez-en avec nous. Faites votre simulation ici. Para investimento, temos no coração do Príncipe Real este acolhedor apartamento, arrendado a uma idosa. O valor da renda é de 210,95, que é pago pontualmente. O valor atual do condomínio é de 39,58, que já inclui fundo de reserva.
Trata-se de um investimento seguro.
O edifício encontra-se em ótimo estado tendo sido atualizado recentemente.
Contate-nos para saber mais pormenores.Repleto de prédios tradicionais portugueses, este simpático bairro lisboeta nos últimos anos atraiu diversas lojas, restaurantes e bares com apostas mais modernas e diferentes.
O nome Príncipe Real é em homenagem ao filho primogênito de D. Maria II e D. Fernando, que ascendeu ao trono aos 16 anos, após a morte da mãe.
Durante muitos séculos esta zona, chamada de Alto da Cotovia, era um campo abandonado. E, apesar de vários edifícios terem sido projetados e iniciados, como a Patriarcal de Lisboa, nada cresceu nesta zona durante muito tempo.
Em meados do Século XIX iniciou-se um projeto para a construção de um reservatório de água ligado ao Aqueduto das Águas Livres. Em 1864, quando o Reservatório da Patriarcal ficou pronto, esta zona ganhou uma nova vida.
A praça passou a designar-se Praça do Príncipe Real e o seu jardim, projetado com um desenho romântico inglês por cima do reservatório, ficou pronto em 1869. Em seu redor foram sendo construídos palacetes de senhores abastados, muitos oriundos do Brasil, e que ainda hoje caracterizam a traça do bairro.Somos Intermediários de Crédito autorizados pelo Banco de Portugal com a Licença Nº 0006930. Tratamos de todo o Processo de Crédito, sempre com as melhores soluções de mercado e garantimos um acompanhamento de qualidade até à escritura.
Fale connosco. Faça aqui a sua simulação. For investment, we have this cozy apartment located in the heart of Príncipe Real, rented to an elderly person. The rent amount is 210.95, which is paid punctually. The current condominium fee is 39.58, which already includes a reserve fund. It is a secure investment. The building is in excellent condition, having been recently updated. Contact us for more details.Filled with traditional Portuguese buildings, in recent years this nice Lisbon neighborhood has attracted several stores, restaurants, and bars with more modern and different stakes.
The name Príncipe Real is in honor of the first-born son of D. Maria II and D. Fernando, who ascended the throne at the age of 16, after the death of his mother.
For many centuries this area, called Alto da Cotovia, was an abandoned field. And although several buildings were designed and started, such as the Lisbon Patriarchal, nothing grew in this area for a long time.
In the middle of the 19th century a project was started to build a water reservoir connected to the Águas Livres Aqueduct. In 1864, when the Patriarcal Reservoir was ready, this area gained a new life.
The square was renamed Praça do Príncipe Real and its garden, designed in a romantic English design above the reservoir, was completed in 1869. Around it were built palatial homes of wealthy gentlemen, many from Brazil, and that still characterize the layout of the neighborhood.We are Credit Intermediaries authorized by the Bank of Portugal with License Nº 0006930. We handle the entire credit process, always with the best market solutions and guarantee a quality follow-up until the deed is signed.
Talk to us. Make your simulation here.