Mixed building called MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, intended for sale in private negotiation in enforcement proceedings (articles 832 and 833 of the Code of Civil Procedure), consisting of arable crops, holm oaks, cork oaks, olive trees, addresses of single-storey houses intended for housing, barn, cellar, porch, bread oven, ramada, stables, hayloft and five more addresses of houses in ruins. There is a rural lease contract (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploration, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers the mixed building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55 - section II, the rustic building, - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 62 - section II and the mixed building - Herdade da Favela - with the rustic matrix nº 3 - section Z. Lease agreement for the 3 plots for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with the annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be paid on August 15 of each year, without any specific distribution of the rent value for the 3 items. Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be requested in accordance with the provisions of Article 828 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Civil (if applicable). In the judicial sale, the presentation of the energy certificate and use license is waived, and the buyer is responsible for legalizing it (if necessary). The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18, 2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM. Matrix and building elements: Rustic Matrix No. 55 – section II with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha). Urban Matrix No. 1322 with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m². Urban Matrix No. 4451 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m². Urban Matrix No. 4453 with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m². Urban Matrix No. 4454 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m². Urban Matrix No. 4455 with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m². Urban Matrix No. 4457 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m². Land Registry Office of Ourique, under file no. 519 located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and registered in the urban and rustic land registry of this parish. _______________________________________________________ Mixed building called MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, intended for sale in private negotiation in the process of execution (articles 832 and 833 of the Code of Civil Procedure) , consisting of arable crops, holm oaks, cork oaks, olive trees, addresses of single-storey houses intended for housing, barn, wine cellar, porch, bread oven, ramada, stable, hayloft and five more dwellings of houses in ruins. There is a rural lease agreement (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploitation, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers this building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55-section II and the adjacent buildings - Monte Velho - with rustic matrix nº 62-section II and the building – Herdade da Favela – with rustic matrix nº 3-section Z. Lease contract for the 3 plots of land for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with an annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be settled on August 15th of each year, without any specific distribution of the rental value for the 3 items. Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be required in accordance with the provisions of article 828 of the Civil Code (if applicable). In judicial sales, the presentation of the energy certificate and usage license is waived, with the respective legalization (if necessary) being the responsibility of the purchaser. The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18,2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM. Matrix and building elements: Rustic Matrix nº 55 – section II., with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha). Urban Matrix nº 1322, with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, Total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m². Urban Matrix nº 4451 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4453, with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4454 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4455 , with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4457 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m². Land Registry Office of Ourique, under card n.º 519 , located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and inscribed in the urban and rustic property matrix of this parish.
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Μικτό κτίριο με την ονομασία MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, που προορίζεται για πώληση με ιδιωτική διαπραγμάτευση στο πλαίσιο διαδικασίας εκτέλεσης (άρθρα 832 και 833 του Κώδικα Πολιτικής Δικονομίας), αποτελούμενο από αροτραίες καλλιέργειες, πουρνάρια, φελλοφόρες βελανιδιές, ελαιόδεντρα, διευθύνσεις μονώροφων κατοικιών που προορίζονται για στέγαση, αχυρώνα, κελάρι, βεράντα, φούρνο ψωμιού, ramada, στάβλους, άχυρα και πέντε ακόμη διευθύνσεις ερειπωμένων σπιτιών. Υπάρχει σύμβαση αγροτικής μίσθωσης (που προορίζεται για γεωργική εξερεύνηση και υλοποίηση εξερεύνησης, φύτευσης και καλλιέργειας κάθε είδους καλλιεργειών και βόσκησης ζώων) που καλύπτει το μικτό κτίριο - Monte Velho - με τη ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 55 - τμήμα II, το ρουστίκ κτίριο, - Monte Velho - με τη ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 62 - τμήμα II και το μικτό κτίριο - Herdade da Favela - με τη ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 3 - τμήμα Z. Σύμβαση μίσθωσης για τα 3 οικόπεδα προς πώληση (IDs: ... , ... και ... υπογραφόμενη για 7 έτη, με δυνατότητα ανανέωσης για ίσα χρονικά διαστήματα, αρχής γενομένης από 01-11-2019, με ετήσια αξία 10.000,00 ευρώ, καταβλητέα στις 15 Αυγούστου κάθε έτους, χωρίς συγκεκριμένη κατανομή της μισθωτικής αξίας για τα 3 είδη. Τελικά, μπορεί να ζητηθεί η ανάγκη παράδοσης των εμπορευμάτων σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του άρθρου 828 του Κώδικα Πολιτικής Δικονομίας. Αστικές (εάν υπάρχουν). Στη δικαστική πώληση, παραιτείται η προσκόμιση του ενεργειακού πιστοποιητικού και της άδειας χρήσης και ο αγοραστής είναι υπεύθυνος για τη νομιμοποίησή του (εάν είναι απαραίτητο). Η αξία πώλησης των 865.107 ευρώ προκύπτει από την Έκθεση Αποτίμησης, που ολοκληρώθηκε στις 18 Ιανουαρίου 2023, ζητήθηκε από την Banco Santander και πραγματοποιήθηκε από εμπειρογνώμονα εκτιμητή εγγεγραμμένο στην CMVM. Μήτρα και δομικά στοιχεία: Rustic Matrix No. 55 – τμήμα II συνολικής επιφάνειας 1.081.250m² (108.125 εκτάρια). Urban Matrix No. 1322 με Κατανομή: Κατοικίες, με 10 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 803,50m², ABD 550,00m² και ABP 253,50m². Urban Matrix No. 4451 με Κατανομή: Αποθήκη και Αποθήκευση, με 4 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 106,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 106,00m². Urban Matrix No. 4453 με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Βιομηχανική Δραστηριότητα, με 2 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 230,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 230,00m². Urban Matrix No. 4454 με Κατανομή: Αποθήκη και Αποθήκευση, με 7 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 65,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 65,00m². Πολεοδομικός Πίνακας Νο 4455 με Κατανομή: Κατοικίες, με 23 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 520,00m², ABD 272,00m² και ABP 248,00m². Urban Matrix No. 4457 με Κατανομή: Αποθήκη και Αποθήκευση, με 13 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 1.063,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 1.063,00m². Κτηματολογικό Γραφείο του Ourique, με αριθμό φακέλου 519 που βρίσκεται στο Monte Velho, ενορία του Ourique, δήμος Ourique και είναι εγγεγραμμένο στο αστικό και ρουστίκ κτηματολόγιο αυτής της ενορίας. _______________________________________________________ Μικτό κτίριο που ονομάζεται MONTE VELHO στο OURIQUE, που προορίζεται για πώληση σε ιδιωτικό διαπραγμάτευση κατά τη διαδικασία εκτέλεσης (άρθρα 832 και 833 του κώδικα Πολιτική Δικονομία) , αποτελούμενη από αροτραίες καλλιέργειες, πουρνάρια, φελλοφόρες βελανιδιές, ελαιόδεντρα, διευθύνσεις μονώροφων κατοικιών που προορίζονται για στέγαση, αχυρώνα, κελάρι κρασιών, βεράντα, φούρνο ψωμιού, ραμάδα, στάβλο, άχυρο και πέντε ακόμη κατοικίες σπιτιών σε ερείπια. Υπάρχει σύμβαση αγροτικής μίσθωσης (που προορίζεται για γεωργική εξερεύνηση και υλοποίηση εκμετάλλευσης, φύτευσης και καλλιέργειας κάθε είδους καλλιεργειών και βόσκησης ζώων) που καλύπτει αυτό το κτίριο - Monte Velho - με τη ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 55-τμήμα II και τα παρακείμενα κτίρια - Monte Velho - με ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 62-τμήμα II και το κτίριο - Herdade da Favela - με ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 3-τμήμα Z. Μισθωτήριο συμβόλαιο για τα 3 οικόπεδα προς πώληση (ΚΩΔ: ... , ... και ... υπογεγραμμένο για 7 έτη, με δυνατότητα ανανέωσης για ίσα χρονικά διαστήματα, αρχής γενομένης από 01-11-2019, ετήσιας αξίας 10.000,00 ευρώ, το οποίο θα εξοφλείται στις 15 Αυγούστου κάθε έτους, χωρίς συγκεκριμένη κατανομή της μισθωτικής αξίας για τα 3 είδη. Τελικά, η ανάγκη παράδοσης των εμπορευμάτων μπορεί να απαιτηθεί σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του άρθρου 828 του Αστικού Κώδικα (εάν ισχύει). Στις δικαστικές πωλήσεις, αίρεται η προσκόμιση του ενεργειακού πιστοποιητικού και της άδειας χρήσης, με την αντίστοιχη νομιμοποίηση (εφόσον απαιτείται) να αποτελεί ευθύνη του αγοραστή. Η αξία πώλησης των 865.107 ευρώ προκύπτει από την Έκθεση Αποτίμησης, που ολοκληρώθηκε στις 18 Ιανουαρίου 2023, ζητήθηκε από την Banco Santander και διενεργήθηκε από εμπειρογνώμονα εκτιμητή εγγεγραμμένο στην CMVM. Μήτρα και δομικά στοιχεία: Rustic Matrix nº 55 – τμήμα II., συνολικής επιφάνειας 1.081.250m² (108.125 εκτάρια). Urban Matrix nº 1322, με Κατανομή: Κατοικίες, με 10 τμήματα, Συνολική έκταση 803,50m², ABD 550,00m² και ABP 253,50m². Urban Matrix nº 4451 , με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Αποθήκες, με 4 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 106,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 106,00m². Urban Matrix nº 4453, με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Βιομηχανική Δραστηριότητα, με 2 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 230,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 230,00m². Urban Matrix nº 4454 , με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Αποθήκες, με 7 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 65,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 65,00m². Urban Matrix nº 4455 , με Κατανομή: Κατοικίες, με 23 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 520,00m², ABD 272,00m² και ABP 248,00m². Urban Matrix nº 4457, με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Αποθήκες, με 13 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 1.063,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 1.063,00m². Κτηματολογικό Γραφείο του Ourique, με αριθμό δελτίου 519 , που βρίσκεται στο Monte Velho, ενορία του Ourique, δήμος Ourique και είναι εγγεγραμμένο στον πίνακα αστικής και ρουστίκ ιδιοκτησίας αυτής της ενορίας.
Prédio misto denominado MONTE VELHO em OURIQUE, destinado a venda em negociação particular em processo de execução (artigos 832 e 833 do Código do Processo Civil), composto por cultura arvense, azinheiras, sobreiros, oliveiras, moradas de casas térreas destinadas a habitação, celeiro, adega, alpendre, forno de cozer pão, ramada, cavalariça, palheiro e mais cinco moradas de casas em ruínas. Existe um contrato de arrendamento rural (destinado à exploração agrícola e implementação de exploração, plantação e cultivo de qualquer tipo de culturas e pastoreio de animais) que abrange o prédio misto - Monte Velho - com a matriz rústica nº 55-secção II, o prédio rústico, - Monte Velho - com a matriz rústica nº 62-secção II e o prédio misto – Herdade da Favela – com a matriz rústica nº 3 -secção Z. Contrato de arrendamento para os 3 terrenos em venda (IDs: ... ; ... e ... celebrado por 7 anos, com possibilidade de ser renovável por iguais períodos, com início em 01-11-2019, com o valor anual de 10.000,00 euros, a serem liquidados no dia 15 de Agosto de cada ano, sem qualquer distribuição específica do valor de renda para os 3 artigos. Eventualmente poderá ser requerida a necessidade da entrega dos bens de acordo com o disposto no artigo 828.º do C. P. Civil (caso se aplique). Na venda judicial é dispensada a apresentação do certificado energético e licença de utilização, constituindo ónus do adquirente a respetiva legalização (se necessário for). O valor de venda de 865.107 euros, resulta do Relatório de Avaliação, terminado em 18 de janeiro de 2023, solicitado pelo Banco Santander e realizado por um perito avaliador inscrito na CMVM. Elementos matriciais e prediais: Matriz Rústica nº 55 – secção II com área total de 1.081.250m² (108,125 ha). Matriz Urbana nº 1322 com Afectação: Habitação, com 10 divisões, Área total do terreno de 803,50m², ABD de 550,00m² e ABP de 253,50m². Matriz Urbana nº 4451 com Afectação: Arrecadações e Arrumos, com 4 divisões, Área total do terreno de 106,00m², ABD de 0,00m² e ABP de 106,00m². Matriz Urbana nº 4453 com Afectação: Armazéns e Actividade Industrial, com 2 divisões, Área total do terreno de 230,00m², ABD de 0,00m² e ABP de 230,00m². Matriz Urbana nº 4454 com Afectação: Arrecadações e Arrumos, com 7 divisões, Área total do terreno de 65,00m², ABD de 0,00m² e ABP de 65,00m². Matriz Urbana nº 4455 com Afectação: Habitação, com 23 divisões, Área total do terreno de 520,00m², ABD de 272,00m² e ABP de 248,00m². Matriz Urbana nº 4457 com Afectação: Arrecadações e Arrumos, com 13 divisões, Área total do terreno de 1.063,00m², ABD de 0,00m² e ABP de 1.063,00m². Conservatória do Registo Predial de Ourique, sob a ficha n.º 519 sito em Monte Velho, freguesia de Ourique, concelho de Ourique e inscrito na matriz predial urbana e rústica desta freguesia. _______________________________________________________ Mixed building called MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, intended for sale in private negotiation in the process of execution (articles 832 and 833 of the Code of Civil Procedure) , consisting of arable crops, holm oaks, cork oaks, olive trees, addresses of single-storey houses intended for housing, barn, wine cellar, porch, bread oven, ramada, stable, hayloft and five more dwellings of houses in ruins. There is a rural lease agreement (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploitation, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers this building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55-section II and the adjacent buildings - Monte Velho - with rustic matrix nº 62-section II and the building – Herdade da Favela – with rustic matrix nº 3-section Z. Lease contract for the 3 plots of land for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with an annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be settled on August 15th of each year, without any specific distribution of the rental value for the 3 items. Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be required in accordance with the provisions of article 828 of the Civil Code (if applicable). In judicial sales, the presentation of the energy certificate and usage license is waived, with the respective legalization (if necessary) being the responsibility of the purchaser. The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18,2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM. Matrix and building elements: Rustic Matrix nº 55 – section II., with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha). Urban Matrix nº 1322, with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, Total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m². Urban Matrix nº 4451 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4453, with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4454 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4455 , with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4457 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m². Land Registry Office of Ourique, under card n.º 519 , located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and inscribed in the urban and rustic property matrix of this parish.
Смесена сграда, наречена MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, предназначена за продажба при частни преговори в изпълнително производство (членове 832 и 833 от Гражданския процесуален кодекс), състояща се от полски култури, дъбове, коркови дъбове, маслинови дървета, адреси на едноетажни къщи, предназначени за жилища, плевня, изба, веранда, пещ за хляб, рамада, конюшни, сеновал и още пет адреса на къщи в руини. Съществува договор за наем на селски райони (предназначен за проучване на селското стопанство и извършване на проучване, засаждане и отглеждане на всякакъв вид култури и паша на животни), който обхваща смесената сграда - Монте Вельо - с рустик матрица No 55 - секция II, рустикалната сграда - Монте Вельо - с рустикална матрица No 62 - секция II и смесената сграда - Хердаде да Фавела - с рустикална матрица No 3 - секция Z. Договор за наем на 3-те парцела за продажба (идентификационни номера: ... ; ... и ... , подписан за 7 години, с възможност за подновяване за равни периоди, считано от 01.11.2019 г., с годишна стойност 10 000,00 евро, който се заплаща на 15 август всяка година, без конкретно разпределение на наемната стойност за 3-те артикула. В крайна сметка необходимостта от доставка на стоките може да бъде поискана в съответствие с разпоредбите на член 828 от Гражданския процесуален кодекс. Граждански (ако е приложимо). При съдебната продажба представянето на енергийния сертификат и лиценза за ползване се отменя, а купувачът носи отговорност за легализирането му (ако е необходимо). Продажната стойност от 865 107 евро е резултат от доклада за оценка, завършен на 18 януари 2023 г., поискан от Banco Santander и извършен от експертен оценител, регистриран в CMVM. Матрица и строителни елементи: Рустик матрица No 55 – секция II с обща площ 1 081 250 м² (108 125 ха). Градска матрица No 1322 с разпределение: Жилища, с 10 разпределения, обща площ на земята от 803.50m², ABD от 550.00m² и ABP от 253.50m². Градска матрица No 4451 с разпределение: Склад и склад, с 4 деления, обща площ от 106.00 м², АБД от 0.00 м² и АБП от 106.00 м². Градска матрица No 4453 с разпределение: Складове и промишлена дейност, с 2 подразделения, обща площ от 230.00m², ABD от 0.00m² и ABP от 230.00m². Градска матрица No 4454 с разпределение: Склад и съхранение, със 7 части, обща площ от 65.00 м², АБД от 0.00 м² и АБП от 65.00 м². Градска матрица No 4455 с разпределение: Жилища, с 23 разпределения, обща площ на земята от 520.00 м², ABD от 272.00 m² и ABP от 248.00 m². Градска матрица No 4457 с разпределение: Склад и съхранение, с 13 части, обща площ на земята от 1 063,00 м², АБД от 0,00 м² и АБП от 1 063,00 м². Служба по вписванията на Урике, под досие No 519, разположена в Монте Вельо, енория Оурике, община Оурике и регистрирана в градския и селския поземлен регистър на тази енория. _______________________________________________________ Смесена сграда, наречена MONTE VELHO в OURIQUE, предназначена за продажба в частни договаряне в процеса на изпълнение (членове 832 и 833 от Кодекса на Граждански процес) , състоящ се от полски култури, храстови дъбове, коркови дъбове, маслинови дървета, адреси на едноетажни къщи, предназначени за жилища, плевня, винарска изба, веранда, пещ за хляб, рамада, конюшня, сеновал и още пет жилища на къщи в руини. Съществува договор за наем на селски райони (предназначен за проучване на селското стопанство и осъществяване на експлоатация, засаждане и отглеждане на всякакъв вид култури и паша на животни), който обхваща тази сграда - Монте Вельо - с рустикална матрица No 55-секция II и прилежащите сгради - Монте Вельо - с рустикална матрица No 62-секция II и сградата - Herdade da Favela - с рустикална матрица No 3-секция Z. Договор за наем на 3 парцела за продажба (идентификационни номера: ... ; ... и ... , подписан за 7 години, с възможност за подновяване за равни периоди, започвайки на 01.11.2019 г., с годишна стойност 10 000,00 евро, който се урежда на 15 август всяка година, без конкретно разпределение на наемната стойност за 3-те обекта. В крайна сметка необходимостта от доставка на стоките може да се изисква в съответствие с разпоредбите на член 828 от Гражданския кодекс (ако е приложимо). При съдебни продажби представянето на енергийния сертификат и лиценза за ползване се отменя, като съответната легализация (ако е необходимо) е отговорност на купувача. Продажната стойност от 865 107 евро е резултат от доклада за оценка, завършен на 18 януари 2023 г., поискан от Banco Santander и извършен от експертен оценител, регистриран в CMVM. Матрица и строителни елементи: Рустик Матрица No 55 – секция II., с обща площ 1 081 250 м² (108 125 ха). Градска матрица No 1322, с разпределение: Жилища, с 10 разпределения, Обща площ на земята от 803.50m², ABD от 550.00m² и ABP от 253.50m². Градска матрица No 4451 , с разпределение: Складови помещения и складове, с 4 подразделения, обща площ от 106.00 м², АБД от 0.00 м² и АБП от 106.00 м². Градска матрица No 4453, с разпределение: Складове и промишлена дейност, с 2 подразделения, обща площ от 230.00m², ABD от 0.00m² и ABP от 230.00m². Градска матрица No 4454 , с разпределение: Складови помещения и складове, със 7 подразделения, обща площ на земята от 65.00 м², АБД от 0.00 м² и АБП от 65.00 м². Градска матрица No 4455 , с разпределение: Жилища, с 23 разпределения, обща площ от 520.00 м², АБД от 272.00 м² и АБП от 248.00 м². Градска матрица No 4457 , с разпределение: Складове и складове, с 13 подразделения, обща площ от 1 063,00 м², АБД от 0,00 м² и АБП от 1 063,00 м². Служба по вписванията на Урике, под карта No 519, разположена в Монте Вельо, енория на Оурике, община Оурике и вписана в матрицата на градската и селската собственост на тази енория.
Mixed building called MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, intended for sale in private negotiation in enforcement proceedings (articles 832 and 833 of the Code of Civil Procedure), consisting of arable crops, holm oaks, cork oaks, olive trees, addresses of single-storey houses intended for housing, barn, cellar, porch, bread oven, ramada, stables, hayloft and five more addresses of houses in ruins. There is a rural lease contract (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploration, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers the mixed building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55 - section II, the rustic building, - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 62 - section II and the mixed building - Herdade da Favela - with the rustic matrix nº 3 - section Z. Lease agreement for the 3 plots for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with the annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be paid on August 15 of each year, without any specific distribution of the rent value for the 3 items. Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be requested in accordance with the provisions of Article 828 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Civil (if applicable). In the judicial sale, the presentation of the energy certificate and use license is waived, and the buyer is responsible for legalizing it (if necessary). The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18, 2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM. Matrix and building elements: Rustic Matrix No. 55 – section II with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha). Urban Matrix No. 1322 with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m². Urban Matrix No. 4451 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m². Urban Matrix No. 4453 with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m². Urban Matrix No. 4454 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m². Urban Matrix No. 4455 with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m². Urban Matrix No. 4457 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m². Land Registry Office of Ourique, under file no. 519 located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and registered in the urban and rustic land registry of this parish. _______________________________________________________ Mixed building called MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, intended for sale in private negotiation in the process of execution (articles 832 and 833 of the Code of Civil Procedure) , consisting of arable crops, holm oaks, cork oaks, olive trees, addresses of single-storey houses intended for housing, barn, wine cellar, porch, bread oven, ramada, stable, hayloft and five more dwellings of houses in ruins. There is a rural lease agreement (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploitation, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers this building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55-section II and the adjacent buildings - Monte Velho - with rustic matrix nº 62-section II and the building – Herdade da Favela – with rustic matrix nº 3-section Z. Lease contract for the 3 plots of land for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with an annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be settled on August 15th of each year, without any specific distribution of the rental value for the 3 items. Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be required in accordance with the provisions of article 828 of the Civil Code (if applicable). In judicial sales, the presentation of the energy certificate and usage license is waived, with the respective legalization (if necessary) being the responsibility of the purchaser. The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18,2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM. Matrix and building elements: Rustic Matrix nº 55 – section II., with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha). Urban Matrix nº 1322, with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, Total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m². Urban Matrix nº 4451 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4453, with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4454 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4455 , with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m². Urban Matrix nº 4457 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m². Land Registry Office of Ourique, under card n.º 519 , located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and inscribed in the urban and rustic property matrix of this parish.
Immeuble mixte dénommé MONTE VELHO à OURIQUE, destiné à la vente en négociation privée en procédure d’exécution forcée (articles 832 et 833 du Code de procédure civile), composé de cultures arables, chênes verts, chênes lièges, oliviers, adresses de maisons de plain-pied destinées à l’habitation, grange, cave, porche, four à pain, ramada, écuries, grenier à foin et cinq autres adresses de maisons en ruines. Il existe un contrat de bail rural (destiné à l’exploration agricole et à la mise en œuvre de l’exploration, de la plantation et de la culture de tout type de cultures et de pâturage animal) qui couvre le bâtiment mixte - Monte Velho - avec la matrice rustique nº 55 - section II, le bâtiment rustique, - Monte Velho - avec la matrice rustique nº 62 - section II et le bâtiment mixte - Herdade da Favela - avec la matrice rustique nº 3 - section Z. Contrat de bail pour les 3 parcelles à vendre (ID : ... ; ... et ... signé pour 7 ans, avec la possibilité d’être renouvelable pour des périodes égales, à partir du 01-11-2019, d’une valeur annuelle de 10.000,00 euros, à payer le 15 août de chaque année, sans aucune répartition spécifique de la valeur locative pour les 3 articles. Enfin, la nécessité de livrer le bien peut être demandée conformément aux dispositions de l’article 828 du code de procédure civile. Civil (le cas échéant). Dans la vente judiciaire, la présentation du certificat énergétique et de la licence d’utilisation est supprimée, et l’acheteur est responsable de sa légalisation (si nécessaire). La valeur de vente de 865 107 euros résulte du rapport d’évaluation, achevé le 18 janvier 2023, demandé par Banco Santander et réalisé par un expert expert inscrit au CMVM. Matrice et éléments de construction : Matrice rustique n° 55 – section II d’une superficie totale de 1 081 250 m² (108 125 ha). Matrice urbaine n° 1322 avec allocation : Logement, avec 10 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 803,50m², ABD de 550,00m² et ABP de 253,50m². Matrice Urbaine n° 4451 avec Allocation : Stockage et Stockage, avec 4 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 106,00 m², ABD de 0,00 m² et ABP de 106,00 m². Matrice Urbaine n° 4453 avec Allocation : Entrepôts et Activité Industrielle, avec 2 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 230,00m², ABD de 0,00m² et ABP de 230,00m². Matrice urbaine n° 4454 avec allocation : Stockage et stockage, avec 7 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 65,00 m², ABD de 0,00 m² et ABP de 65,00 m². Matrice urbaine n° 4455 avec allocation : Logement, avec 23 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 520,00 m², ABD de 272,00 m² et ABP de 248,00 m². Matrice urbaine n° 4457 avec allocation : Stockage et stockage, avec 13 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 1 063,00 m², ABD de 0,00 m² et ABP de 1 063,00 m². Bureau de la publicité foncière d’Ourique, sous le numéro de dossier 519 situé à Monte Velho, paroisse d’Ourique, municipalité d’Ourique et inscrit au registre foncier urbain et rustique de cette paroisse. _______________________________________________________ Immeuble mixte appelé MONTE VELHO à OURIQUE, destiné à la vente en particulier négociation en cours d’exécution (articles 832 et 833 du Code de la Procédure civile), composée de cultures arables, de chênes verts, de chênes-lièges, d’oliviers, d’adresses de maisons de plain-pied destinées au logement, d’une grange, d’une cave à vin, d’un porche, d’un four à pain, d’une ramada, d’une écurie, d’un grenier à foin et de cinq autres habitations de maisons en ruines. Il existe un contrat de bail rural (destiné à l’exploration agricole et à la mise en œuvre de l’exploitation, de la plantation et de la culture de tout type de cultures et de pâturage animal) qui couvre ce bâtiment - Monte Velho - avec la matrice rustique nº 55-section II et les bâtiments adjacents - Monte Velho - avec matrice rustique nº 62-section II et le bâtiment - Herdade da Favela - avec matrice rustique nº 3-section Z. Contrat de bail pour les 3 parcelles de terrain à vendre (IDs : ... ; ... et ... signé pour 7 ans, avec la possibilité d’être renouvelable pour des périodes égales, à partir du 01-11-2019, d’une valeur annuelle de 10 000,00 euros, à régler le 15 août de chaque année, sans aucune répartition spécifique de la valeur locative pour les 3 articles. Enfin, la nécessité de livrer les marchandises peut être exigée conformément aux dispositions de l’article 828 du Code civil (le cas échéant). Dans les ventes judiciaires, la présentation du certificat énergétique et de la licence d’utilisation est supprimée, la légalisation respective (le cas échéant) étant à la charge de l’acheteur. La valeur de vente de 865 107 euros résulte du rapport d’évaluation, achevé le 18 janvier 2023, demandé par Banco Santander et réalisé par un expert expert inscrit au CMVM. Matrice et éléments de construction : Matrice Rustique nº 55 – section II., d’une superficie totale de 1 081 250 m² (108 125 ha). Matrice Urbaine nº 1322, avec Allocation : Logement, avec 10 divisions, Surface totale du terrain de 803,50m², ABD de 550,00m² et ABP de 253,50m². Matrice Urbaine nº 4451 , avec Allocation : Entrepôts et Stockage, avec 4 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 106,00m², ABD de 0,00m² et ABP de 106,00m². Matrice Urbaine nº 4453, avec Attribution : Entrepôts et Activité Industrielle, avec 2 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 230,00m², ABD de 0,00m² et ABP de 230,00m². Matrice Urbaine nº 4454 , avec Allocation : Entrepôts et Stockage, avec 7 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 65,00m², ABD de 0,00m² et ABP de 65,00m². Matrice Urbaine nº 4455 , avec Allocation : Logement, avec 23 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 520,00m², ABD de 272,00m² et ABP de 248,00m². Matrice Urbaine nº 4457 , avec Attribution : Entrepôts et Stockage, avec 13 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 1 063,00 m², ABD de 0,00 m² et ABP de 1 063,00 m². Bureau de la publicité foncière d’Ourique, sous la carte nº 519 , situé à Monte Velho, paroisse d’Ourique, municipalité d’Ourique et inscrit dans la matrice foncière urbaine et rustique de cette paroisse.
There is a rural lease contract (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploration, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers the mixed building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55 - section II, the rustic building, - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 62 - section II and the mixed building - Herdade da Favela - with the rustic matrix nº 3 - section Z.
Lease agreement for the 3 plots for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with the annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be paid on August 15 of each year, without any specific distribution of the rent value for the 3 items.
Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be requested in accordance with the provisions of Article 828 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Civil (if applicable).
In the judicial sale, the presentation of the energy certificate and use license is waived, and the buyer is responsible for legalizing it (if necessary).
The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18, 2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM.
Matrix and building elements:
Rustic Matrix No. 55 – section II with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha).
Urban Matrix No. 1322 with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m².
Urban Matrix No. 4451 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4453 with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4454 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4455 with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4457 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m².
Land Registry Office of Ourique, under file no. 519 located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and registered in the urban and rustic land registry of this parish.
Mixed building called MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, intended for sale in private
negotiation in the process of execution (articles 832 and 833 of the Code of
Civil Procedure) , consisting of arable crops, holm oaks, cork oaks, olive trees, addresses of single-storey houses intended for housing, barn, wine cellar, porch, bread oven, ramada, stable, hayloft and five more dwellings of houses in ruins.
There is a rural lease agreement (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploitation, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers this building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55-section II and the adjacent buildings - Monte Velho - with rustic matrix nº 62-section II and the building – Herdade da Favela – with rustic matrix nº 3-section Z.
Lease contract for the 3 plots of land for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with an annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be settled on August 15th of each year, without any specific distribution of the rental value for the 3 items.
Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be required in accordance with the provisions of article 828 of the Civil Code (if applicable).
In judicial sales, the presentation of the energy certificate and usage license is waived, with the respective legalization (if necessary) being the responsibility of the purchaser.
The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18,2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM.
Matrix and building elements:
Rustic Matrix nº 55 – section II., with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha).
Urban Matrix nº 1322, with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, Total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m².
Urban Matrix nº 4451 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4453, with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4454 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4455 , with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4457 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m².
Land Registry Office of Ourique, under card n.º 519 , located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and inscribed in the urban and rustic property matrix of this parish. Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Μικτό κτίριο με την ονομασία MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, που προορίζεται για πώληση με ιδιωτική διαπραγμάτευση στο πλαίσιο διαδικασίας εκτέλεσης (άρθρα 832 και 833 του Κώδικα Πολιτικής Δικονομίας), αποτελούμενο από αροτραίες καλλιέργειες, πουρνάρια, φελλοφόρες βελανιδιές, ελαιόδεντρα, διευθύνσεις μονώροφων κατοικιών που προορίζονται για στέγαση, αχυρώνα, κελάρι, βεράντα, φούρνο ψωμιού, ramada, στάβλους, άχυρα και πέντε ακόμη διευθύνσεις ερειπωμένων σπιτιών.
Υπάρχει σύμβαση αγροτικής μίσθωσης (που προορίζεται για γεωργική εξερεύνηση και υλοποίηση εξερεύνησης, φύτευσης και καλλιέργειας κάθε είδους καλλιεργειών και βόσκησης ζώων) που καλύπτει το μικτό κτίριο - Monte Velho - με τη ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 55 - τμήμα II, το ρουστίκ κτίριο, - Monte Velho - με τη ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 62 - τμήμα II και το μικτό κτίριο - Herdade da Favela - με τη ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 3 - τμήμα Z.
Σύμβαση μίσθωσης για τα 3 οικόπεδα προς πώληση (IDs: ... , ... και ... υπογραφόμενη για 7 έτη, με δυνατότητα ανανέωσης για ίσα χρονικά διαστήματα, αρχής γενομένης από 01-11-2019, με ετήσια αξία 10.000,00 ευρώ, καταβλητέα στις 15 Αυγούστου κάθε έτους, χωρίς συγκεκριμένη κατανομή της μισθωτικής αξίας για τα 3 είδη.
Τελικά, μπορεί να ζητηθεί η ανάγκη παράδοσης των εμπορευμάτων σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του άρθρου 828 του Κώδικα Πολιτικής Δικονομίας. Αστικές (εάν υπάρχουν).
Στη δικαστική πώληση, παραιτείται η προσκόμιση του ενεργειακού πιστοποιητικού και της άδειας χρήσης και ο αγοραστής είναι υπεύθυνος για τη νομιμοποίησή του (εάν είναι απαραίτητο).
Η αξία πώλησης των 865.107 ευρώ προκύπτει από την Έκθεση Αποτίμησης, που ολοκληρώθηκε στις 18 Ιανουαρίου 2023, ζητήθηκε από την Banco Santander και πραγματοποιήθηκε από εμπειρογνώμονα εκτιμητή εγγεγραμμένο στην CMVM.
Μήτρα και δομικά στοιχεία:
Rustic Matrix No. 55 – τμήμα II συνολικής επιφάνειας 1.081.250m² (108.125 εκτάρια).
Urban Matrix No. 1322 με Κατανομή: Κατοικίες, με 10 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 803,50m², ABD 550,00m² και ABP 253,50m².
Urban Matrix No. 4451 με Κατανομή: Αποθήκη και Αποθήκευση, με 4 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 106,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 106,00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4453 με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Βιομηχανική Δραστηριότητα, με 2 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 230,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 230,00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4454 με Κατανομή: Αποθήκη και Αποθήκευση, με 7 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 65,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 65,00m².
Πολεοδομικός Πίνακας Νο 4455 με Κατανομή: Κατοικίες, με 23 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 520,00m², ABD 272,00m² και ABP 248,00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4457 με Κατανομή: Αποθήκη και Αποθήκευση, με 13 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 1.063,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 1.063,00m².
Κτηματολογικό Γραφείο του Ourique, με αριθμό φακέλου 519 που βρίσκεται στο Monte Velho, ενορία του Ourique, δήμος Ourique και είναι εγγεγραμμένο στο αστικό και ρουστίκ κτηματολόγιο αυτής της ενορίας.
Μικτό κτίριο που ονομάζεται MONTE VELHO στο OURIQUE, που προορίζεται για πώληση σε ιδιωτικό
διαπραγμάτευση κατά τη διαδικασία εκτέλεσης (άρθρα 832 και 833 του κώδικα
Πολιτική Δικονομία) , αποτελούμενη από αροτραίες καλλιέργειες, πουρνάρια, φελλοφόρες βελανιδιές, ελαιόδεντρα, διευθύνσεις μονώροφων κατοικιών που προορίζονται για στέγαση, αχυρώνα, κελάρι κρασιών, βεράντα, φούρνο ψωμιού, ραμάδα, στάβλο, άχυρο και πέντε ακόμη κατοικίες σπιτιών σε ερείπια.
Υπάρχει σύμβαση αγροτικής μίσθωσης (που προορίζεται για γεωργική εξερεύνηση και υλοποίηση εκμετάλλευσης, φύτευσης και καλλιέργειας κάθε είδους καλλιεργειών και βόσκησης ζώων) που καλύπτει αυτό το κτίριο - Monte Velho - με τη ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 55-τμήμα II και τα παρακείμενα κτίρια - Monte Velho - με ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 62-τμήμα II και το κτίριο - Herdade da Favela - με ρουστίκ μήτρα nº 3-τμήμα Z.
Μισθωτήριο συμβόλαιο για τα 3 οικόπεδα προς πώληση (ΚΩΔ: ... , ... και ... υπογεγραμμένο για 7 έτη, με δυνατότητα ανανέωσης για ίσα χρονικά διαστήματα, αρχής γενομένης από 01-11-2019, ετήσιας αξίας 10.000,00 ευρώ, το οποίο θα εξοφλείται στις 15 Αυγούστου κάθε έτους, χωρίς συγκεκριμένη κατανομή της μισθωτικής αξίας για τα 3 είδη.
Τελικά, η ανάγκη παράδοσης των εμπορευμάτων μπορεί να απαιτηθεί σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις του άρθρου 828 του Αστικού Κώδικα (εάν ισχύει).
Στις δικαστικές πωλήσεις, αίρεται η προσκόμιση του ενεργειακού πιστοποιητικού και της άδειας χρήσης, με την αντίστοιχη νομιμοποίηση (εφόσον απαιτείται) να αποτελεί ευθύνη του αγοραστή.
Η αξία πώλησης των 865.107 ευρώ προκύπτει από την Έκθεση Αποτίμησης, που ολοκληρώθηκε στις 18 Ιανουαρίου 2023, ζητήθηκε από την Banco Santander και διενεργήθηκε από εμπειρογνώμονα εκτιμητή εγγεγραμμένο στην CMVM.
Μήτρα και δομικά στοιχεία:
Rustic Matrix nº 55 – τμήμα II., συνολικής επιφάνειας 1.081.250m² (108.125 εκτάρια).
Urban Matrix nº 1322, με Κατανομή: Κατοικίες, με 10 τμήματα, Συνολική έκταση 803,50m², ABD 550,00m² και ABP 253,50m².
Urban Matrix nº 4451 , με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Αποθήκες, με 4 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 106,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 106,00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4453, με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Βιομηχανική Δραστηριότητα, με 2 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 230,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 230,00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4454 , με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Αποθήκες, με 7 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 65,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 65,00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4455 , με Κατανομή: Κατοικίες, με 23 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 520,00m², ABD 272,00m² και ABP 248,00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4457, με Κατανομή: Αποθήκες και Αποθήκες, με 13 τμήματα, συνολικής έκτασης 1.063,00m², ABD 0,00m² και ABP 1.063,00m².
Κτηματολογικό Γραφείο του Ourique, με αριθμό δελτίου 519 , που βρίσκεται στο Monte Velho, ενορία του Ourique, δήμος Ourique και είναι εγγεγραμμένο στον πίνακα αστικής και ρουστίκ ιδιοκτησίας αυτής της ενορίας. Prédio misto denominado MONTE VELHO em OURIQUE, destinado a venda em negociação particular em processo de execução (artigos 832 e 833 do Código do Processo Civil), composto por cultura arvense, azinheiras, sobreiros, oliveiras, moradas de casas térreas destinadas a habitação, celeiro, adega, alpendre, forno de cozer pão, ramada, cavalariça, palheiro e mais cinco moradas de casas em ruínas.
Existe um contrato de arrendamento rural (destinado à exploração agrícola e implementação de exploração, plantação e cultivo de qualquer tipo de culturas e pastoreio de animais) que abrange o prédio misto - Monte Velho - com a matriz rústica nº 55-secção II, o prédio rústico, - Monte Velho - com a matriz rústica nº 62-secção II e o prédio misto – Herdade da Favela – com a matriz rústica nº 3 -secção Z.
Contrato de arrendamento para os 3 terrenos em venda (IDs: ... ; ... e ... celebrado por 7 anos, com possibilidade de ser renovável por iguais períodos, com início em 01-11-2019, com o valor anual de 10.000,00 euros, a serem liquidados no dia 15 de Agosto de cada ano, sem qualquer distribuição específica do valor de renda para os 3 artigos.
Eventualmente poderá ser requerida a necessidade da entrega dos bens de acordo com o disposto no artigo 828.º do C. P. Civil (caso se aplique).
Na venda judicial é dispensada a apresentação do certificado energético e licença de utilização, constituindo ónus do adquirente a respetiva legalização (se necessário for).
O valor de venda de 865.107 euros, resulta do Relatório de Avaliação, terminado em 18 de janeiro de 2023, solicitado pelo Banco Santander e realizado por um perito avaliador inscrito na CMVM.
Elementos matriciais e prediais:
Matriz Rústica nº 55 – secção II com área total de 1.081.250m² (108,125 ha).
Matriz Urbana nº 1322 com Afectação: Habitação, com 10 divisões, Área total do terreno de 803,50m², ABD de 550,00m² e ABP de 253,50m².
Matriz Urbana nº 4451 com Afectação: Arrecadações e Arrumos, com 4 divisões, Área total do terreno de 106,00m², ABD de 0,00m² e ABP de 106,00m².
Matriz Urbana nº 4453 com Afectação: Armazéns e Actividade Industrial, com 2 divisões, Área total do terreno de 230,00m², ABD de 0,00m² e ABP de 230,00m².
Matriz Urbana nº 4454 com Afectação: Arrecadações e Arrumos, com 7 divisões, Área total do terreno de 65,00m², ABD de 0,00m² e ABP de 65,00m².
Matriz Urbana nº 4455 com Afectação: Habitação, com 23 divisões, Área total do terreno de 520,00m², ABD de 272,00m² e ABP de 248,00m².
Matriz Urbana nº 4457 com Afectação: Arrecadações e Arrumos, com 13 divisões, Área total do terreno de 1.063,00m², ABD de 0,00m² e ABP de 1.063,00m².
Conservatória do Registo Predial de Ourique, sob a ficha n.º 519 sito em Monte Velho, freguesia de Ourique, concelho de Ourique e inscrito na matriz predial urbana e rústica desta freguesia.
Mixed building called MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, intended for sale in private
negotiation in the process of execution (articles 832 and 833 of the Code of
Civil Procedure) , consisting of arable crops, holm oaks, cork oaks, olive trees, addresses of single-storey houses intended for housing, barn, wine cellar, porch, bread oven, ramada, stable, hayloft and five more dwellings of houses in ruins.
There is a rural lease agreement (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploitation, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers this building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55-section II and the adjacent buildings - Monte Velho - with rustic matrix nº 62-section II and the building – Herdade da Favela – with rustic matrix nº 3-section Z.
Lease contract for the 3 plots of land for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with an annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be settled on August 15th of each year, without any specific distribution of the rental value for the 3 items.
Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be required in accordance with the provisions of article 828 of the Civil Code (if applicable).
In judicial sales, the presentation of the energy certificate and usage license is waived, with the respective legalization (if necessary) being the responsibility of the purchaser.
The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18,2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM.
Matrix and building elements:
Rustic Matrix nº 55 – section II., with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha).
Urban Matrix nº 1322, with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, Total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m².
Urban Matrix nº 4451 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4453, with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4454 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4455 , with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4457 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m².
Land Registry Office of Ourique, under card n.º 519 , located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and inscribed in the urban and rustic property matrix of this parish. Смесена сграда, наречена MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, предназначена за продажба при частни преговори в изпълнително производство (членове 832 и 833 от Гражданския процесуален кодекс), състояща се от полски култури, дъбове, коркови дъбове, маслинови дървета, адреси на едноетажни къщи, предназначени за жилища, плевня, изба, веранда, пещ за хляб, рамада, конюшни, сеновал и още пет адреса на къщи в руини.
Съществува договор за наем на селски райони (предназначен за проучване на селското стопанство и извършване на проучване, засаждане и отглеждане на всякакъв вид култури и паша на животни), който обхваща смесената сграда - Монте Вельо - с рустик матрица No 55 - секция II, рустикалната сграда - Монте Вельо - с рустикална матрица No 62 - секция II и смесената сграда - Хердаде да Фавела - с рустикална матрица No 3 - секция Z.
Договор за наем на 3-те парцела за продажба (идентификационни номера: ... ; ... и ... , подписан за 7 години, с възможност за подновяване за равни периоди, считано от 01.11.2019 г., с годишна стойност 10 000,00 евро, който се заплаща на 15 август всяка година, без конкретно разпределение на наемната стойност за 3-те артикула.
В крайна сметка необходимостта от доставка на стоките може да бъде поискана в съответствие с разпоредбите на член 828 от Гражданския процесуален кодекс. Граждански (ако е приложимо).
При съдебната продажба представянето на енергийния сертификат и лиценза за ползване се отменя, а купувачът носи отговорност за легализирането му (ако е необходимо).
Продажната стойност от 865 107 евро е резултат от доклада за оценка, завършен на 18 януари 2023 г., поискан от Banco Santander и извършен от експертен оценител, регистриран в CMVM.
Матрица и строителни елементи:
Рустик матрица No 55 – секция II с обща площ 1 081 250 м² (108 125 ха).
Градска матрица No 1322 с разпределение: Жилища, с 10 разпределения, обща площ на земята от 803.50m², ABD от 550.00m² и ABP от 253.50m².
Градска матрица No 4451 с разпределение: Склад и склад, с 4 деления, обща площ от 106.00 м², АБД от 0.00 м² и АБП от 106.00 м².
Градска матрица No 4453 с разпределение: Складове и промишлена дейност, с 2 подразделения, обща площ от 230.00m², ABD от 0.00m² и ABP от 230.00m².
Градска матрица No 4454 с разпределение: Склад и съхранение, със 7 части, обща площ от 65.00 м², АБД от 0.00 м² и АБП от 65.00 м².
Градска матрица No 4455 с разпределение: Жилища, с 23 разпределения, обща площ на земята от 520.00 м², ABD от 272.00 m² и ABP от 248.00 m².
Градска матрица No 4457 с разпределение: Склад и съхранение, с 13 части, обща площ на земята от 1 063,00 м², АБД от 0,00 м² и АБП от 1 063,00 м².
Служба по вписванията на Урике, под досие No 519, разположена в Монте Вельо, енория Оурике, община Оурике и регистрирана в градския и селския поземлен регистър на тази енория.
Смесена сграда, наречена MONTE VELHO в OURIQUE, предназначена за продажба в частни
договаряне в процеса на изпълнение (членове 832 и 833 от Кодекса на
Граждански процес) , състоящ се от полски култури, храстови дъбове, коркови дъбове, маслинови дървета, адреси на едноетажни къщи, предназначени за жилища, плевня, винарска изба, веранда, пещ за хляб, рамада, конюшня, сеновал и още пет жилища на къщи в руини.
Съществува договор за наем на селски райони (предназначен за проучване на селското стопанство и осъществяване на експлоатация, засаждане и отглеждане на всякакъв вид култури и паша на животни), който обхваща тази сграда - Монте Вельо - с рустикална матрица No 55-секция II и прилежащите сгради - Монте Вельо - с рустикална матрица No 62-секция II и сградата - Herdade da Favela - с рустикална матрица No 3-секция Z.
Договор за наем на 3 парцела за продажба (идентификационни номера: ... ; ... и ... , подписан за 7 години, с възможност за подновяване за равни периоди, започвайки на 01.11.2019 г., с годишна стойност 10 000,00 евро, който се урежда на 15 август всяка година, без конкретно разпределение на наемната стойност за 3-те обекта.
В крайна сметка необходимостта от доставка на стоките може да се изисква в съответствие с разпоредбите на член 828 от Гражданския кодекс (ако е приложимо).
При съдебни продажби представянето на енергийния сертификат и лиценза за ползване се отменя, като съответната легализация (ако е необходимо) е отговорност на купувача.
Продажната стойност от 865 107 евро е резултат от доклада за оценка, завършен на 18 януари 2023 г., поискан от Banco Santander и извършен от експертен оценител, регистриран в CMVM.
Матрица и строителни елементи:
Рустик Матрица No 55 – секция II., с обща площ 1 081 250 м² (108 125 ха).
Градска матрица No 1322, с разпределение: Жилища, с 10 разпределения, Обща площ на земята от 803.50m², ABD от 550.00m² и ABP от 253.50m².
Градска матрица No 4451 , с разпределение: Складови помещения и складове, с 4 подразделения, обща площ от 106.00 м², АБД от 0.00 м² и АБП от 106.00 м².
Градска матрица No 4453, с разпределение: Складове и промишлена дейност, с 2 подразделения, обща площ от 230.00m², ABD от 0.00m² и ABP от 230.00m².
Градска матрица No 4454 , с разпределение: Складови помещения и складове, със 7 подразделения, обща площ на земята от 65.00 м², АБД от 0.00 м² и АБП от 65.00 м².
Градска матрица No 4455 , с разпределение: Жилища, с 23 разпределения, обща площ от 520.00 м², АБД от 272.00 м² и АБП от 248.00 м².
Градска матрица No 4457 , с разпределение: Складове и складове, с 13 подразделения, обща площ от 1 063,00 м², АБД от 0,00 м² и АБП от 1 063,00 м².
Служба по вписванията на Урике, под карта No 519, разположена в Монте Вельо, енория на Оурике, община Оурике и вписана в матрицата на градската и селската собственост на тази енория. Mixed building called MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, intended for sale in private negotiation in enforcement proceedings (articles 832 and 833 of the Code of Civil Procedure), consisting of arable crops, holm oaks, cork oaks, olive trees, addresses of single-storey houses intended for housing, barn, cellar, porch, bread oven, ramada, stables, hayloft and five more addresses of houses in ruins.
There is a rural lease contract (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploration, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers the mixed building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55 - section II, the rustic building, - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 62 - section II and the mixed building - Herdade da Favela - with the rustic matrix nº 3 - section Z.
Lease agreement for the 3 plots for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with the annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be paid on August 15 of each year, without any specific distribution of the rent value for the 3 items.
Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be requested in accordance with the provisions of Article 828 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Civil (if applicable).
In the judicial sale, the presentation of the energy certificate and use license is waived, and the buyer is responsible for legalizing it (if necessary).
The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18, 2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM.
Matrix and building elements:
Rustic Matrix No. 55 – section II with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha).
Urban Matrix No. 1322 with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m².
Urban Matrix No. 4451 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4453 with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4454 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4455 with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m².
Urban Matrix No. 4457 with Allocation: Storage and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m².
Land Registry Office of Ourique, under file no. 519 located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and registered in the urban and rustic land registry of this parish.
Mixed building called MONTE VELHO in OURIQUE, intended for sale in private
negotiation in the process of execution (articles 832 and 833 of the Code of
Civil Procedure) , consisting of arable crops, holm oaks, cork oaks, olive trees, addresses of single-storey houses intended for housing, barn, wine cellar, porch, bread oven, ramada, stable, hayloft and five more dwellings of houses in ruins.
There is a rural lease agreement (intended for agricultural exploration and implementation of exploitation, planting and cultivation of any type of crops and animal grazing) that covers this building - Monte Velho - with the rustic matrix nº 55-section II and the adjacent buildings - Monte Velho - with rustic matrix nº 62-section II and the building – Herdade da Favela – with rustic matrix nº 3-section Z.
Lease contract for the 3 plots of land for sale (IDs: ... ; ... and ... signed for 7 years, with the possibility of being renewable for equal periods, starting on 01-11-2019, with an annual value of 10,000.00 euros, to be settled on August 15th of each year, without any specific distribution of the rental value for the 3 items.
Eventually, the need to deliver the goods may be required in accordance with the provisions of article 828 of the Civil Code (if applicable).
In judicial sales, the presentation of the energy certificate and usage license is waived, with the respective legalization (if necessary) being the responsibility of the purchaser.
The sale value of 865,107 euros results from the Valuation Report, completed on January 18,2023, requested by Banco Santander and carried out by an expert appraiser registered with the CMVM.
Matrix and building elements:
Rustic Matrix nº 55 – section II., with a total area of 1,081,250m² (108,125 ha).
Urban Matrix nº 1322, with Allocation: Housing, with 10 divisions, Total land area of 803.50m², ABD of 550.00m² and ABP of 253.50m².
Urban Matrix nº 4451 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 4 divisions, total land area of 106.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 106.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4453, with Allocation: Warehouses and Industrial Activity, with 2 divisions, total land area of 230.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 230.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4454 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 7 divisions, total land area of 65.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 65.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4455 , with Allocation: Housing, with 23 divisions, total land area of 520.00m², ABD of 272.00m² and ABP of 248.00m².
Urban Matrix nº 4457 , with Allocation: Storerooms and Storage, with 13 divisions, total land area of 1,063.00m², ABD of 0.00m² and ABP of 1,063.00m².
Land Registry Office of Ourique, under card n.º 519 , located in Monte Velho, parish of Ourique, municipality of Ourique and inscribed in the urban and rustic property matrix of this parish. Immeuble mixte dénommé MONTE VELHO à OURIQUE, destiné à la vente en négociation privée en procédure d’exécution forcée (articles 832 et 833 du Code de procédure civile), composé de cultures arables, chênes verts, chênes lièges, oliviers, adresses de maisons de plain-pied destinées à l’habitation, grange, cave, porche, four à pain, ramada, écuries, grenier à foin et cinq autres adresses de maisons en ruines.
Il existe un contrat de bail rural (destiné à l’exploration agricole et à la mise en œuvre de l’exploration, de la plantation et de la culture de tout type de cultures et de pâturage animal) qui couvre le bâtiment mixte - Monte Velho - avec la matrice rustique nº 55 - section II, le bâtiment rustique, - Monte Velho - avec la matrice rustique nº 62 - section II et le bâtiment mixte - Herdade da Favela - avec la matrice rustique nº 3 - section Z.
Contrat de bail pour les 3 parcelles à vendre (ID : ... ; ... et ... signé pour 7 ans, avec la possibilité d’être renouvelable pour des périodes égales, à partir du 01-11-2019, d’une valeur annuelle de 10.000,00 euros, à payer le 15 août de chaque année, sans aucune répartition spécifique de la valeur locative pour les 3 articles.
Enfin, la nécessité de livrer le bien peut être demandée conformément aux dispositions de l’article 828 du code de procédure civile. Civil (le cas échéant).
Dans la vente judiciaire, la présentation du certificat énergétique et de la licence d’utilisation est supprimée, et l’acheteur est responsable de sa légalisation (si nécessaire).
La valeur de vente de 865 107 euros résulte du rapport d’évaluation, achevé le 18 janvier 2023, demandé par Banco Santander et réalisé par un expert expert inscrit au CMVM.
Matrice et éléments de construction :
Matrice rustique n° 55 – section II d’une superficie totale de 1 081 250 m² (108 125 ha).
Matrice urbaine n° 1322 avec allocation : Logement, avec 10 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 803,50m², ABD de 550,00m² et ABP de 253,50m².
Matrice Urbaine n° 4451 avec Allocation : Stockage et Stockage, avec 4 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 106,00 m², ABD de 0,00 m² et ABP de 106,00 m².
Matrice Urbaine n° 4453 avec Allocation : Entrepôts et Activité Industrielle, avec 2 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 230,00m², ABD de 0,00m² et ABP de 230,00m².
Matrice urbaine n° 4454 avec allocation : Stockage et stockage, avec 7 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 65,00 m², ABD de 0,00 m² et ABP de 65,00 m².
Matrice urbaine n° 4455 avec allocation : Logement, avec 23 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 520,00 m², ABD de 272,00 m² et ABP de 248,00 m².
Matrice urbaine n° 4457 avec allocation : Stockage et stockage, avec 13 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 1 063,00 m², ABD de 0,00 m² et ABP de 1 063,00 m².
Bureau de la publicité foncière d’Ourique, sous le numéro de dossier 519 situé à Monte Velho, paroisse d’Ourique, municipalité d’Ourique et inscrit au registre foncier urbain et rustique de cette paroisse.
Immeuble mixte appelé MONTE VELHO à OURIQUE, destiné à la vente en particulier
négociation en cours d’exécution (articles 832 et 833 du Code de la
Procédure civile), composée de cultures arables, de chênes verts, de chênes-lièges, d’oliviers, d’adresses de maisons de plain-pied destinées au logement, d’une grange, d’une cave à vin, d’un porche, d’un four à pain, d’une ramada, d’une écurie, d’un grenier à foin et de cinq autres habitations de maisons en ruines.
Il existe un contrat de bail rural (destiné à l’exploration agricole et à la mise en œuvre de l’exploitation, de la plantation et de la culture de tout type de cultures et de pâturage animal) qui couvre ce bâtiment - Monte Velho - avec la matrice rustique nº 55-section II et les bâtiments adjacents - Monte Velho - avec matrice rustique nº 62-section II et le bâtiment - Herdade da Favela - avec matrice rustique nº 3-section Z.
Contrat de bail pour les 3 parcelles de terrain à vendre (IDs : ... ; ... et ... signé pour 7 ans, avec la possibilité d’être renouvelable pour des périodes égales, à partir du 01-11-2019, d’une valeur annuelle de 10 000,00 euros, à régler le 15 août de chaque année, sans aucune répartition spécifique de la valeur locative pour les 3 articles.
Enfin, la nécessité de livrer les marchandises peut être exigée conformément aux dispositions de l’article 828 du Code civil (le cas échéant).
Dans les ventes judiciaires, la présentation du certificat énergétique et de la licence d’utilisation est supprimée, la légalisation respective (le cas échéant) étant à la charge de l’acheteur.
La valeur de vente de 865 107 euros résulte du rapport d’évaluation, achevé le 18 janvier 2023, demandé par Banco Santander et réalisé par un expert expert inscrit au CMVM.
Matrice et éléments de construction :
Matrice Rustique nº 55 – section II., d’une superficie totale de 1 081 250 m² (108 125 ha).
Matrice Urbaine nº 1322, avec Allocation : Logement, avec 10 divisions, Surface totale du terrain de 803,50m², ABD de 550,00m² et ABP de 253,50m².
Matrice Urbaine nº 4451 , avec Allocation : Entrepôts et Stockage, avec 4 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 106,00m², ABD de 0,00m² et ABP de 106,00m².
Matrice Urbaine nº 4453, avec Attribution : Entrepôts et Activité Industrielle, avec 2 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 230,00m², ABD de 0,00m² et ABP de 230,00m².
Matrice Urbaine nº 4454 , avec Allocation : Entrepôts et Stockage, avec 7 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 65,00m², ABD de 0,00m² et ABP de 65,00m².
Matrice Urbaine nº 4455 , avec Allocation : Logement, avec 23 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 520,00m², ABD de 272,00m² et ABP de 248,00m².
Matrice Urbaine nº 4457 , avec Attribution : Entrepôts et Stockage, avec 13 divisions, superficie totale du terrain de 1 063,00 m², ABD de 0,00 m² et ABP de 1 063,00 m².
Bureau de la publicité foncière d’Ourique, sous la carte nº 519 , situé à Monte Velho, paroisse d’Ourique, municipalité d’Ourique et inscrit dans la matrice foncière urbaine et rustique de cette paroisse.