Residentieel - Te koop
  • Eboli


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Huis en eengezinswoning te koop — Eboli

EUR 780.000

Huis en eengezinswoning (Te koop)

7 k
4 slk
3 bk
lot 3.300
Referentie: DBMR-T512 / v003146
We are in the province of Salerno, nestled on a hill where Eboli dozes in the summer heat. The ancient part of the town dominates the last stretch of the Sele Valley, with the city extending at its feet. At the upper part stands the imposing castle, restored according to Vanvitelli's design, and the Capuchin church, built in a magnificent position. Surrounding the Eboli plain, you'll find a varied landscape of cereals, vegetables, vineyards, olive groves, and orchards.We stroll along the picturesque Via Paradiso, a little-frequented road that provides access to a few exclusive real estate properties, from which you can enjoy a fantastic panorama of the city and the surrounding plain as far as the eye can see.Our visit begins with an aperitif on the first large terrace in front of the entrance portico, having left the car in the spacious parking area. Before entering the villa, we let our gaze wander from the Alburnine peaks down to the coast of Punta Licosa, and up to the island of Capri. Accustomed to the mountains in the north, these views enchant me. Feeling the light breeze from the sea and the warmth of the sun makes me want to spend the rest of my stay here.But I promised you a visit, so let's start with the first room, a large and imposing atrium with floors and finishes in elegant marble, Venetian stucco, and crystal chandeliers, immediately conveying the property's elegance.To the right, we find the kitchen, always my favorite meeting place. With its generous size, beautiful fireplace, and exit onto the terrace, it has all the features to become the family's main gathering and discussion center. Also overlooking the atrium is the study on the ground floor, useful for those who can never get away from work, but it can also be transformed into a guest room or a reading and hobbies room. Next door, we find the first of the three large bathrooms in the house, complete with a window and shower.Climbing the splendid exposed marble staircase, illuminated by a series of oval windows, we reach the gallery where weapons, armor, and ancient objects are neatly displayed, giving an almost medieval touch. At the end of the gallery, we find the double bedroom with an en suite bathroom. The choice of the erker, a typical element of Nordic architecture, allows for the admiration of the incomparable panorama, which can be enjoyed even better from the large terrace accessible from a small living room next to the room.Currently, for family needs, the first floor has been divided into two sections. To visit the remaining part, we can access it from the two side terraces/gardens that follow the natural layout of the land, where citrus groves are a constant presence.The spaces and elegance continue to impress with a large living room equipped with an Italian-style billiard table, the third bathroom, and two rooms—one double and one single—both featuring the original erker. Finally, there's a large room with a kitchenette and an oven for bread and pizza, a must in the homeland of buffalo mozzarella.What more can I say? The spaces, the finishes, the furnishings—everything has its own order and elegance from times gone by. Bring your personal belongings and come live in your personal corner of paradise. Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Wir befinden uns in der Provinz Salerno, und hier, eingebettet auf einem Hügel, döst Eboli in der Sommerhitze. Der alte Teil der Stadt dominiert den letzten Abschnitt des Sele-Tals, während sich die Stadt zu seinen Füßen erstreckt.Im oberen Teil steht das imposante Schloss, das nach einem Entwurf von Vanvitelli restauriert wurde. Auch die Kapuzinerkirche wurde in herrlicher Lage errichtet. Rund um die Ebene von Eboli gibt es eine vielfältige Anpflanzung von Getreide, Gemüse, Weinbergen, Olivenhainen und Obstgärten.Wir wandern entlang der malerischen Via Paradiso, einer wenig befahrenen Straße, die den Zugang zu einigen exklusiven Immobilien ermöglicht und von der aus man bereits das fantastische Panorama der Stadt und der umliegenden Ebene genießen kann, so weit das Auge reicht.Nachdem wir das Auto auf dem großen Parkplatz abgestellt haben, beginnt unser Besuch mit einem Aperitif auf der ersten großen Terrasse vor dem Eingangsportikus. Bevor wir die Villa betreten, lassen wir unseren Blick von den Alburnine-Gipfeln über die Küste von Punta Licosa bis zur Insel Capri schweifen. Diese Ausblicke verzaubern mich, da ich an den Norden zwischen den Bergen gewöhnt bin. Ich spüre die leichte Brise, die vom Meer her weht, und die Wärme der Sonne, die mich umarmt, wecken in mir den Wunsch, den Rest meines kurzen Aufenthalts hier zu verbringen.Aber ich habe Ihnen einen Besuch versprochen, also stehen wir auf und beginnen mit diesem ersten Raum, einem großen und imposanten Atrium mit Böden und Oberflächen aus elegantem Marmor, venezianischem Stuck und Kristallkronleuchtern, die sofort die Eleganz des Anwesens vermitteln.Auf der rechten Seite finden wir die Küche. Sie ist immer mein Lieblingstreffpunkt und hat mit ihrer großzügigen Größe, dem schönen Kamin und dem Ausgang auf die Terrasse alle Eigenschaften, um zum wichtigsten Treffpunkt und Diskussionszentrum für die Familie zu werden.Ebenfalls mit Blick auf das Atrium befindet sich das Arbeitszimmer im Erdgeschoss. Es kann für diejenigen nützlich sein, die nie von der Arbeit wegkommen, kann aber bei Bedarf in ein Gästezimmer oder einen Lese- und Hobbyraum umgewandelt werden. Nebenan finden wir das erste der drei großen Badezimmer im Haus, mit Fenster und Dusche.Wenn wir die prächtige, freiliegende Marmortreppe hinaufsteigen, die durch eine Reihe ovaler Fenster beleuchtet wird, gelangen wir zur Galerie. Dort sind Waffen, Rüstungen und antike Gegenstände ordentlich platziert, was einen fast mittelalterlichen Touch verleiht. Am Ende der Galerie finden wir das Doppelzimmer mit eigenem Bad. Die Wahl des Erkers, eines typischen Elements der nordischen Architektur, von dem aus man das unvergleichliche Panorama bewundern kann, ist wunderschön und interessant. Das Panorama lässt sich noch besser von der großen Terrasse aus genießen, die von einem kleinen Wohnzimmer neben dem Zimmer zugänglich ist.Derzeit ist die erste Etage für Familienzwecke in zwei Teile geteilt. Um den restlichen Teil zu besichtigen, können wir ihn über die beiden seitlichen Terrassen und Gärten betreten, die der natürlichen Anordnung des Grundstücks folgen, auf dem es ständig Zitrushaine gibt.Die Eleganz setzt sich in einem großen Wohnzimmer mit einem Billardtisch im italienischen Stil, dem dritten Badezimmer, und den zwei Schlafzimmern fort, eines davon mit dem ursprünglichen Erker. Schließlich gibt es ein großes Zimmer mit Küchenzeile und einem Ofen für Brot und Pizza, ein Muss in der Heimat des Büffelmozzarella.Was kann ich noch mehr sagen? Die Räume, die Oberflächen, die Einrichtung – alles hat seine eigene Ordnung und Eleganz aus vergangenen Zeiten. Bringen Sie Ihre persönlichen Gegenstände mit und kommen Sie, um in Ihrer persönlichen Ecke des Paradieses zu leben. Siamo nella provincia di Salerno e qui, adagiata su di un colle, sonnecchia al calore estivo Eboli, la cui parte antica domina l'ultimo tratto della valle del Sele e la città si estende ai suoi piedi.
Sulla parte alta, si erge l'imponente castello restaurato su disegno del Vanvitelli, e in magnifica posizione è stata eretta anche la chiesa dei cappuccini.
Tutt'attorno la piana di Eboli, un insieme variamente coltivato di cereali, ortaggi, vigneti, oliveti e frutteti.
Percorriamo la pittoresca via Paradiso, una strada poco frequentata che da accesso a poche ed esclusive proprietà immobiliari e da cui si può già godere del fantastico panorama a perdita d’occhio sulla città e la pianura circostante.
La nostra visita, lasciata l’auto del grande parcheggio, inizia con un aperitivo nel primo e grande terrazzo di fronte al portico di ingresso. Prima di entrare nella villa lasciamo vagare il nostro sguardo dalle vette Alburnine per poi scendere alla costa di punta Licosa, fino all'isola di Capri.
Abituata al nord tra le montagne, questi panorami mi incantano, sentire la leggera brezza che dal mare arriva fin qui, il calore del sole che mi abbraccia mi fa venir voglia di trascorrere qui tutto il resto di questo mio breve soggiorno.
Ma vi ho promesso una visita e allora alziamoci ed iniziamo da questo primo ambiente, un grande ed imponente atrio con pavimenti e rifiniture in eleganti marmi, stucchi veneziani e i lampadari in cristallo che danno subito l'idea della signorilità dell'immobile.
Sulla destra troviamo la cucina, è sempre il mio posto di ritrovo preferito e questa, con la sua interessante metratura, il bel caminetto e l’uscita sul terrazzo antistante ha tutte le caratteristiche per diventare il centro principale d’incontro e di confronto della famiglia.
Sempre sull’atrio affaccia lo studio, posizionato al piano terra, può essere utile per chi non si riesce mai a staccare dal lavoro, ma all’occorrenza trasformato in una stanza per gli ospiti o in una sala di lettura e per gli hobbies.
A fianco troviamo il primo dei tre grandi bagni casa, finestrato e con doccia.
Salendo la splendida scala in marmo a vista, illuminata da una serie di finestre ovali, raggiungiamo il ballatoio in cui sono ordinatamente poste armi e armature e oggettistica antica che danno un tocco quasi medioevale, alla fine del quale trovino la stanza matrimoniale con bagno en suite. Bellissima e curiosa la scelta dell’erker, elemento tipico dell’architettura nordica, da cui ammirare l’impareggiabile panorama, lo stesso che possiamo godere ancora meglio dal grande terrazzo accessibile da un piccolo soggiorno posizionato a fianco della stanza.
Attualmente, per esigenze famigliari, il primo piano è stato diviso i due e per visitare la restante parte possiamo accedervi dai due terrazzi/giardini laterali che seguono l’andamento naturale del terreno dove la presenza di agrumeti e la costante.
Continuano quindi ammirati dagli spazi e dall’eleganza di un grande soggiorno allestito con un biliardo all’italiana, il terzo bagno, le due stanze una doppia ed una matrimoniale dove ritroviamo l’originale erker e per finire un ampio locale allestito con angolo cucina e forno per il pane e la pizza immancabile nella patria della mozzarella di bufala.
Che dire di più, gli spazi, le finiture gli arredi tutto ha un suo ordine ed un eleganza d’altri tempi, porta i tuoi effetti personali e vieni a vivere nel nel tuo angolo personale di Paradiso.
We are in the province of Salerno, nestled on a hill where Eboli dozes in the summer heat. The ancient part of the town dominates the last stretch of the Sele Valley, with the city extending at its feet. At the upper part stands the imposing castle, restored according to Vanvitelli's design, and the Capuchin church, built in a magnificent position. Surrounding the Eboli plain, you'll find a varied landscape of cereals, vegetables, vineyards, olive groves, and orchards.We stroll along the picturesque Via Paradiso, a little-frequented road that provides access to a few exclusive real estate properties, from which you can enjoy a fantastic panorama of the city and the surrounding plain as far as the eye can see.Our visit begins with an aperitif on the first large terrace in front of the entrance portico, having left the car in the spacious parking area. Before entering the villa, we let our gaze wander from the Alburnine peaks down to the coast of Punta Licosa, and up to the island of Capri. Accustomed to the mountains in the north, these views enchant me. Feeling the light breeze from the sea and the warmth of the sun makes me want to spend the rest of my stay here.But I promised you a visit, so let's start with the first room, a large and imposing atrium with floors and finishes in elegant marble, Venetian stucco, and crystal chandeliers, immediately conveying the property's elegance.To the right, we find the kitchen, always my favorite meeting place. With its generous size, beautiful fireplace, and exit onto the terrace, it has all the features to become the family's main gathering and discussion center. Also overlooking the atrium is the study on the ground floor, useful for those who can never get away from work, but it can also be transformed into a guest room or a reading and hobbies room. Next door, we find the first of the three large bathrooms in the house, complete with a window and shower.Climbing the splendid exposed marble staircase, illuminated by a series of oval windows, we reach the gallery where weapons, armor, and ancient objects are neatly displayed, giving an almost medieval touch. At the end of the gallery, we find the double bedroom with an en suite bathroom. The choice of the erker, a typical element of Nordic architecture, allows for the admiration of the incomparable panorama, which can be enjoyed even better from the large terrace accessible from a small living room next to the room.Currently, for family needs, the first floor has been divided into two sections. To visit the remaining part, we can access it from the two side terraces/gardens that follow the natural layout of the land, where citrus groves are a constant presence.The spaces and elegance continue to impress with a large living room equipped with an Italian-style billiard table, the third bathroom, and two rooms—one double and one single—both featuring the original erker. Finally, there's a large room with a kitchenette and an oven for bread and pizza, a must in the homeland of buffalo mozzarella.What more can I say? The spaces, the finishes, the furnishings—everything has its own order and elegance from times gone by. Bring your personal belongings and come live in your personal corner of paradise.
Referentie: DBMR-T512
Land: IT
Regio: Campania
Stad: Eboli
Postcode: 84025
Categorie: Residentieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Huis en eengezinswoning
Eigenschapssubtype: Herenhuis
Luxe: Ja
Omvang woning: 308
Omvang perceel: 3.300
Kamers: 7
Slaapkamers: 4
Badkamers: 3
Toilet: 3
Aantal verdiepingen: 2
Gemeubileerd: Ja
Staat: Goed
Verwarmingssysteem: Individueel
Verwarming Brandbaar: Gas
Parkeerplaatsen: 1
Deurtelefoon: Ja
Rustige plaats: Ja
Open haard: Ja
Balkon: Ja
Terras: Ja
Veranda: Ja


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