Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation. With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line. Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7202
Meer bekijkenMinder bekijken
Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation. With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line. Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7202
Quinta da Areia en Sta. Cruz, Playa AzulLa extensa playa de arena y sus dunas caracterizan esta playa ideal para surfistas y bodyboard invernal, teniendo aguas más tranquilas en verano. Se encuentra entre acantilados y el río Sizandro La playa de Foz Sizandro, en Torres Vedras, combina la belleza de las aguas batidas del océano con la belleza del paisaje natural de la vegetación circundante. Con una extensa playa de arena, tiene la particularidad de convertirse en una casi isla, fruto del agua que rodea la playa. Buen acceso y algunos soportes de playa, nos invitan a baños.40 Ha junto a la primera línea de mar de Blue Beach. Categoría Energética: Exento #ref:7202
Quinta da Areia à Sta. Croix, Plage BleueLa vaste plage de sable et ses dunes caractérisent cette plage idéale pour les surfeurs et le bodyboard d'hiver, ayant des eaux d'été plus calmes. Il est situé entre les falaises et la rivière Sizandro La plage de Foz Sizandro, à Torres Vedras, combine la beauté des eaux battues de l'océan avec la beauté du paysage naturel de la végétation environnante. Avec une vaste plage de sable, elle a la particularité de devenir une quasi-île, fruit de l'eau qui entoure la plage. Bon accès et quelques supports de plage, nous invitent aux bains.40 Ha à côté de la première ligne de mer Blue Beach. Performance Énergétique: Exempt #ref:7202
Quinta da Areia em Sta. Cruz, Praia AzulO extenso areal e as suas dunas caracterizam esta praia ideal para praticantes de surf e de bodyboard de inverno, tendo águas mais calmas de verão. Está localizada entre falésias e o rio Sizandro A Praia da Foz Sizandro, em Torres Vedras, combina a beleza das águas batidas do oceano, com a beleza da paisagem natural da vegetação envolvente. Com um extenso areal, tem a particularidade de se tornar numa quase ilha, fruto da água que envolve a praia. Bons acessos e alguns apoios de praia, convidam-nos a banhos.40 Ha junto à Praia Azul primeira linha mar.Santa Cruz é uma localidade piscatória nas freguesias de Silveira e A dos Cunhados, concelho de Torres Vedras, em Portugal. É conhecida sobretudo pela sua praia e pelo seu Carnaval de verão.É um local propício a grande parte dos desportos de ondas, realizando-se aí, todos os anos o festival 'Ocean Spirit', de desportos de ondas onde se realizam provas oficias dos circuitos internacionais de diversas modalidades. Além da Praia de Santa Cruz propriamente dita, destacam-se outras: da Amoeira, Formosa, do Guincho, da Azenha, de Santa Helena, do Centro, do Norte, da Física, do Pisão, do Mirante e do Navio.A visitar Miradouro do Alto da Vela Miradouro de Santa Helena Capelinha de Santa Helena e o Cruzeiro Miradouro da Formosa Penedo do Guincho Azenha de Santa Cruz Torre Capela de Santa Helena Igreja da Santa Cruz Aeródromo Municipal Parque Municipal de Santa Cruz Monumento a Antero de Quental Monumento a Kazuo Dan Monumento a João de Barros (1881) Monumento ao Vereador João Augusto C. Pinto Categoria Energética: Isento #ref:7202
Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation. With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line. Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7202
Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation. With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line. Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7202
Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation. With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line. Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7202
Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation. With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line. Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:7202
Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation.
With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:7202 Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro
Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation.
With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:7202 Quinta da Areia en Sta. Cruz, Playa AzulLa extensa playa de arena y sus dunas caracterizan esta playa ideal para surfistas y bodyboard invernal, teniendo aguas más tranquilas en verano. Se encuentra entre acantilados y el río Sizandro
La playa de Foz Sizandro, en Torres Vedras, combina la belleza de las aguas batidas del océano con la belleza del paisaje natural de la vegetación circundante.
Con una extensa playa de arena, tiene la particularidad de convertirse en una casi isla, fruto del agua que rodea la playa. Buen acceso y algunos soportes de playa, nos invitan a baños.40 Ha junto a la primera línea de mar de Blue Beach.
Categoría Energética: Exento
#ref:7202 Quinta da Areia à Sta. Croix, Plage BleueLa vaste plage de sable et ses dunes caractérisent cette plage idéale pour les surfeurs et le bodyboard d'hiver, ayant des eaux d'été plus calmes. Il est situé entre les falaises et la rivière Sizandro
La plage de Foz Sizandro, à Torres Vedras, combine la beauté des eaux battues de l'océan avec la beauté du paysage naturel de la végétation environnante.
Avec une vaste plage de sable, elle a la particularité de devenir une quasi-île, fruit de l'eau qui entoure la plage. Bon accès et quelques supports de plage, nous invitent aux bains.40 Ha à côté de la première ligne de mer Blue Beach.
Performance Énergétique: Exempt
#ref:7202 Quinta da Areia em Sta. Cruz, Praia AzulO extenso areal e as suas dunas caracterizam esta praia ideal para praticantes de surf e de bodyboard de inverno, tendo águas mais calmas de verão. Está localizada entre falésias e o rio Sizandro
A Praia da Foz Sizandro, em Torres Vedras, combina a beleza das águas batidas do oceano, com a beleza da paisagem natural da vegetação envolvente.
Com um extenso areal, tem a particularidade de se tornar numa quase ilha, fruto da água que envolve a praia. Bons acessos e alguns apoios de praia, convidam-nos a banhos.40 Ha junto à Praia Azul primeira linha mar.Santa Cruz é uma localidade piscatória nas freguesias de Silveira e A dos Cunhados, concelho de Torres Vedras, em Portugal. É conhecida sobretudo pela sua praia e pelo seu Carnaval de verão.É um local propício a grande parte dos desportos de ondas, realizando-se aí, todos os anos o festival 'Ocean Spirit', de desportos de ondas onde se realizam provas oficias dos circuitos internacionais de diversas modalidades. Além da Praia de Santa Cruz propriamente dita, destacam-se outras: da Amoeira, Formosa, do Guincho, da Azenha, de Santa Helena, do Centro, do Norte, da Física, do Pisão, do Mirante e do Navio.A visitar
Miradouro do Alto da Vela
Miradouro de Santa Helena
Capelinha de Santa Helena e o Cruzeiro
Miradouro da Formosa
Penedo do Guincho
Azenha de Santa Cruz
Capela de Santa Helena
Igreja da Santa Cruz
Aeródromo Municipal
Parque Municipal de Santa Cruz
Monumento a Antero de Quental
Monumento a Kazuo Dan
Monumento a João de Barros (1881)
Monumento ao Vereador João Augusto C. Pinto
Categoria Energética: Isento
#ref:7202 Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro
Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation.
With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:7202 Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro
Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation.
With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:7202 Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro
Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation.
With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:7202 Quinta da Areia in Sta. Cross, Blue BeachThe extensive sandy beach and its dunes characterize this beach ideal for surfers and winter bodyboard, having calmer summer waters. It is located between cliffs and the River Sizandro
Foz Sizandro Beach, in Torres Vedras, combines the beauty of the ocean's beaten waters with the beauty of the natural landscape of the surrounding vegetation.
With an extensive sandy beach, it has the particularity of becoming an almost island, fruit of the water that surrounds the beach. Good access and some beach supports, invite us to baths.40 Ha next to the Blue Beach first sea line.
Energy Rating: Exempt