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Zakelijke kans te koop — Sofiya-Grad

EUR 139.700

Zakelijke kans (Te koop)

Referentie: EDEN-T98351864 / 98351864
Premises with the status of a shop/workshop on the ground floor. The ceilings are 4.00 meters high, two entrances to the courtyard of the building. It consists of one room and a bathroom. For repair. Redevelopment is possible. The property is also suitable for office, art studio, living, etc. Near the metro station Lion's Bridge. Solid brick building from 1941, excellently maintained. The area is quiet, close to a metro station and public transport stops. Call now and quote this code 576777 Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Помещение със статут на магазин/работилница на партерен етаж. Таваните са свисочина 4.00 метра, два входа към двора на сградата. Състои се от едно помещение и санитарен възел. За ремонт. Възможно е преустройство. Имотът е подходящ и за офис, арт-студио, за живеене и др. Близо до метростанция Лъвов мост. Масивна тухлена сграда от 1941 година, отлично поддържана. Районът е тих, близо до метростанция и спирки на обществен транспорт. Обади се сега и цитирай този код 576777 Prémisse avec le statut de magasin / atelier au rez-de-chaussée. Les plafonds sont de 4,00 mètres de haut, deux entrées sur la cour de l’immeuble. Il se compose d’une chambre et d’une salle de bains. Pour les réparations. Un réaménagement est possible. La propriété est également adaptée pour bureau, studio d’art, salon, etc. Près de la station de métro Lions' Bridge. Bâtiment massif en briques de 1941, bien entretenu. Le quartier est calme, à proximité d’une station de métro et des arrêts de transports en commun. Appelez maintenant et citez ce code 576777 Priestory so štatútom obchodu/dielne na prízemí. Stropy sú vysoké 4,00 metra, dva vchody do dvora budovy. Skladá sa z jednej izby a kúpeľne. Na opravu. Prestavba je možná. Nehnuteľnosť je vhodná aj do kancelárií, umeleckých ateliérov, bývania atď. V blízkosti stanice metra Lion's Bridge. Masívna murovaná stavba z roku 1941, výborne udržiavaná. Táto oblasť je pokojná, v blízkosti stanice metra a zastávok verejnej dopravy. Zavolajte teraz a citujte tento kód 576777 Premises with the status of a shop/workshop on the ground floor. The ceilings are 4.00 meters high, two entrances to the courtyard of the building. It consists of one room and a bathroom. For repair. Redevelopment is possible. The property is also suitable for office, art studio, living, etc. Near the metro station Lion's Bridge. Solid brick building from 1941, excellently maintained. The area is quiet, close to a metro station and public transport stops. Call now and quote this code 576777
Referentie: EDEN-T98351864
Land: BG
Stad: Sofia
Categorie: Commercieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Zakelijke kans
Omvang woning: 64
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