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Appartement & condo te koop — Nossa Senhora do Bispo

EUR 112.500

Appartement & Condo (Te koop)

2 k
2 slk
1 bk
Referentie: EDEN-T96122314 / 96122314
This 2 bedroom apartment, located in the parish of Nossa Senhora do Bispo, in Montemor-o-Novo, is being subject to deep partial remodeling, namely, installation of new water plumbing, electrical installation, kitchen and its equipment, floors and painting, among other improvements It has entrance hall, semi-equipped kitchen, connected to the dining room and living area, pantry, balcony and laundry, a bathroom, two bedrooms and attic. The condominium has a common interior courtyard.With regard to accessibility, the A6 motorway crosses Montemor-o-Novo from West to East and ensures connections between the metropolitan area of Lisbon and the Spanish capital through the border of Caia. Also noteworthy is the IC10, which connects the North zone to Montemor-o-Novo to EN253 that connects Montemor to the Algarve/South via Alcácer do Sal.The railway network is a regional line with passenger and freight traffic, and the municipality is covered by the section between Casa Branca and Évora, a total of 26.2 km, with a station in Casa Branca, which has a regular offer of trains.Montemor-o-Novo is 100 km from Lisbon airport, 70km from Beja airfield and in port terms, the nearest infrastructures are Lisbon, Setúbal and Sines. Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Cet appartement de 2 chambres, situé dans la paroisse de Nossa Senhora do Bispo, à Montemor-o-Novo, fait lobjet dun remodelage partiel profond, à savoir linstallation dune nouvelle plomberie deau, linstallation électrique, la cuisine et ses équipements, les sols et la peinture, entre autres améliorations. Il dispose dun hall dentrée, cuisine semi-équipée, reliée à la salle à manger et au salon, cellier, balcon et buanderie, une salle de bains, deux chambres et grenier. La copropriété dispose dune cour intérieure commune.En ce qui concerne laccessibilité, lautoroute A6 traverse Montemor-o-Novo douest en est et assure des liaisons entre la zone métropolitaine de Lisbonne et la capitale espagnole à travers la frontière de Caia. Il convient également de noter lIC10, qui relie la zone nord à Montemor-o-Novo à la norme EN253 qui relie Montemor à lAlgarve / Sud via Alcácer do Sal.
Le réseau ferroviaire est une ligne régionale avec le trafic de passagers et de marchandises, et la municipalité est couverte par la section entre Casa Branca et Évora, un total de 26,2 km, avec une gare à Casa Branca, qui a une offre régulière de trains.Montemor-o-Novo est à 100 km de laéroport de Lisbonne, à 70 km de laérodrome de Beja et en termes portuaires, les infrastructures les plus proches sont Lisbonne, Setúbal et Sines.
Este apartamento T2, localizado na freguesia de Nossa Senhora do Bispo, em Montemor-o-Novo, encontra-se a ser objeto de remodelação parcial profunda, nomeadamente, instalação de nova canalização de água, instalação elétrica, cozinha e respetivo equipamento, pavimentos e pintura, entre outras melhorias Dispõe de hall de entrada, cozinha semi-equipada, ligada à sala de refeições e zona de estar, despensa, varanda e lavandaria, uma casa de banho, dois quartos e sótão. O condomínio dispõe de pátio interior comum.No que respeita a acessibilidades, a autoestrada A6 atravessa Montemor-o-Novo de Oeste para Este e assegura ligações entre a área metropolitana de Lisboa e a capital espanhola através da fronteira do Caia. Destaca-se também o IC10, que liga a zona Norte a Montemor-o-Novo a EN253 que liga Montemor ao Algarve/Sul via Alcácer do Sal.A rede ferroviária é uma linha regional com tráfego de passageiros e de mercadorias, sendo o concelho abrangido pelo troço entre Casa Branca e Évora, num total de 26,2 Km, com estação em Casa Branca, que tem uma oferta regular de comboios.Montemor-o-Novo fica a 100 km do aeroporto de Lisboa, a 70km do aeródromo de Beja e em termos portuários, as infraestruturas mais próximas são Lisboa, Setúbal e Sines. This 2 bedroom apartment, located in the parish of Nossa Senhora do Bispo, in Montemor-o-Novo, is being subject to deep partial remodeling, namely, installation of new water plumbing, electrical installation, kitchen and its equipment, floors and painting, among other improvements It has entrance hall, semi-equipped kitchen, connected to the dining room and living area, pantry, balcony and laundry, a bathroom, two bedrooms and attic. The condominium has a common interior courtyard.With regard to accessibility, the A6 motorway crosses Montemor-o-Novo from West to East and ensures connections between the metropolitan area of Lisbon and the Spanish capital through the border of Caia. Also noteworthy is the IC10, which connects the North zone to Montemor-o-Novo to EN253 that connects Montemor to the Algarve/South via Alcácer do Sal.The railway network is a regional line with passenger and freight traffic, and the municipality is covered by the section between Casa Branca and Évora, a total of 26.2 km, with a station in Casa Branca, which has a regular offer of trains.Montemor-o-Novo is 100 km from Lisbon airport, 70km from Beja airfield and in port terms, the nearest infrastructures are Lisbon, Setúbal and Sines.
Referentie: EDEN-T96122314
Land: PT
Stad: Montemor-O-Novo
Categorie: Residentieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Appartement & Condo
Omvang woning: 78
Kamers: 2
Slaapkamers: 2
Badkamers: 1
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