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Zakelijke kans te koop — Ruse

EUR 52.900

Zakelijke kans (Te koop)

Referentie: EDEN-T93483096 / 93483096
RE/MAX River Estate offers its customers a commercial space on the ground floor in Ruse. The price includes full ownership of the plot. The property has a large face and consists of a commercial hall, a bathroom and a warehouse. Located on one level, completely renovated, including the roof, high-end marble flooring, ice lighting, internal insulation, PVC windows, fully replaced plumbing and electrical installations, and private bathroom after repair. Aspiration in the toilet and in the warehouse. Including one-year property insurance. Wiring for video surveillance and internet. It has German protection from electric shocks on the electrical wiring. The premise is located in the lively part of the city and in close proximity to grocery stores, commercial premises, beauty salons and restaurants, which predisposes high flow of people and quick business realization. It is waiting for its new owners! For additional questions and scheduling of viewings at a convenient time for you, call the specified phone! RE/MAX River Estate provides FREE assistance for all types of lending. Due to the fact that we are all over the world, our customers receive preferential terms from absolutely all banks. Meer bekijken Minder bekijken RE/MAX River Estate offers its customers a commercial space on the ground floor in Ruse. The price includes full ownership of the plot. The property has a large face and consists of a commercial hall, a bathroom and a warehouse. Located on one level, completely renovated, including the roof, high-end marble flooring, ice lighting, internal insulation, PVC windows, fully replaced plumbing and electrical installations, and private bathroom after repair. Aspiration in the toilet and in the warehouse. Including one-year property insurance. Wiring for video surveillance and internet. It has German protection from electric shocks on the electrical wiring. The premise is located in the lively part of the city and in close proximity to grocery stores, commercial premises, beauty salons and restaurants, which predisposes high flow of people and quick business realization. It is waiting for its new owners! For additional questions and scheduling of viewings at a convenient time for you, call the specified phone! RE/MAX River Estate provides FREE assistance for all types of lending. Due to the fact that we are all over the world, our customers receive preferential terms from absolutely all banks. RE/MAX River Estate предлага на ЕКСКЛУЗИВНО своите клиенти търговско помещение на партерен етаж в град Русе. В цената е включена и пълната собственост върху парцела. Имотът е с голямо лице и се състои се от търговска зала, санитарен възел и склад. Разположен на едно ниво, напълно реновиран, включително и на покрива, настилка от висок клас мрамор, лед осветление, вътрешна изолация, PVC дограма, изцяло подменени ВиК и ЕЛ инсталации, и собствен санитарен възел след ремонт. Аспирация в тоалетната и в склада. С включена едногодишна застраховка на имота. Окабеляване за видеонаблюдение и интернет. Разполага с немска защита от токови удари по електрическата инсталация. Помещението се намира в оживената част на града и в непосредствена близост до хранителни магазини, търговски помещения, салони за красота и заведения за хранене, което предразполага висок човекопоток и бърза реализация на бизнес. Очаква новите си собственици! За допълнителни въпроси и насрочване на огледи в удобно за вас време позвънете на посоченият телефон! RE/MAX River Estate съдейства БЕЗПЛАТНО за всякакъв вид кредитиране. Поради факта, че сме в цял свят, нашите клиенти получават преференциални условия от абсолютно всички банки. RE/MAX River Estate offre à ses clients un espace commercial au rez-de-chaussée à Ruse. Le prix comprend la pleine propriété de la parcelle. La propriété a une grande façade et se compose d’un hall commercial, d’une salle de bain et d’un entrepôt. Situé sur un seul niveau, entièrement rénové, incluant la toiture, le plancher de marbre haut de gamme, l’éclairage de glace, l’isolation intérieure, les fenêtres en PVC, la plomberie et les installations électriques entièrement remplacées, et la salle de bain privée après réparation. Aspiration dans les toilettes et dans l’entrepôt. Y compris une assurance habitation d’un an. Câblage pour la vidéosurveillance et internet. Il dispose d’une protection allemande contre les chocs électriques sur le câblage électrique. Le local est situé dans la partie animée de la ville et à proximité des épiceries, des locaux commerciaux, des salons de beauté et des restaurants, ce qui prédispose à un flux élevé de personnes et à une réalisation rapide des affaires. Il attend ses nouveaux propriétaires ! Si vous avez d’autres questions et si vous souhaitez planifier des visites à l’heure qui vous convient, appelez le numéro de téléphone indiqué ! RE/MAX River Estate offre une assistance GRATUITE pour tous les types de prêts. En raison du fait que nous sommes partout dans le monde, nos clients bénéficient de conditions préférentielles de la part d’absolument toutes les banques.
Referentie: EDEN-T93483096
Land: BG
Stad: Ruse
Categorie: Commercieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Zakelijke kans
Omvang woning: 40
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