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Magazijn & bedrijfsruimte te koop — Turgovishte

EUR 79.250

Magazijn & Bedrijfsruimte (Te koop)

Referentie: EDEN-T92175706 / 92175706
Top Estate Real Estate offers you an industrial property with a huge plot of land and a transformer station in the village of Sadina, Popovo municipality. The property is located in an urbanized area with a way of permanent use for a farmyard, the total area of the plots is 28 290 sq.m. and the total built-up area of the buildings is 4130 sq.m. Some of the buildings have been demolished and the rest are in condition for major reconstruction. The access to the property is year-round on an asphalt road, and its location is outside the village, which makes it suitable for production. There is a working power substation in the plot, and there is also a pumping station supplying the property with water. The size of the property, the availability of a power substation and its location make it suitable for the construction of PV plants, industrial production, as well as economic activity. Offer number 1713. We speak English. IMPORTANT! Top Estate's offers are first uploaded to the Facebook page of Top Estate Real Estate and ... and will be uploaded to real estate portals after 24 hours. Our clients receive assistance in lending in banking institutions, detailed verification of the documents of the property and personal service tailored to their requirements and needs. Take advantage! Meer bekijken Minder bekijken Топ Естейт Недвижими имоти Ви предлага промишлен имот с огромен парцел и трафопост в село Садина, община Попово. Имотът се намира в урбанизирана територия с начин на трайно ползване за стопански двор, като общата площ на парцелите е 28 290 кв.м, а общата застроената площ на сградите е 4130 кв.м. Част от сградите са разрушени, а останалите са в състояние за основна реконструкция. Достъпът до имота е целогодишен по асфалтов път, като местоположението му е извън чертите на селото, което го прави подходящ и за производство. В парцела е разположен работещ трафопост, като прилежаща е също и помпена станция, захранваща имота с вода. Големината на имота, наличието на трафопост и местоположението му, го правят подходящ за изграждане на ФЕЦ, промишлено производство, както и стопанска дейност. Номер на оферта 1713. We speak English. ВАЖНО! Офертите на Топ Естейт се качват първо във фейсбук страницата на Топ Естейт Недвижими имоти и ... и ще бъдат качвани в порталите за недвижими имоти след 24 часа. Нашите клиенти получават съдействие при кредитиране в банкови институции, детайлна проверка на документите на имота и персонално обслужване, съобразено с техните изисквания и нужди. Възползвайте се! Top Estate Real Estate offers you an industrial property with a huge plot of land and a transformer station in the village of Sadina, Popovo municipality. The property is located in an urbanized area with a way of permanent use for a farmyard, the total area of the plots is 28 290 sq.m. and the total built-up area of the buildings is 4130 sq.m. Some of the buildings have been demolished and the rest are in condition for major reconstruction. The access to the property is year-round on an asphalt road, and its location is outside the village, which makes it suitable for production. There is a working power substation in the plot, and there is also a pumping station supplying the property with water. The size of the property, the availability of a power substation and its location make it suitable for the construction of PV plants, industrial production, as well as economic activity. Offer number 1713. We speak English. IMPORTANT! Top Estate's offers are first uploaded to the Facebook page of Top Estate Real Estate and ... and will be uploaded to real estate portals after 24 hours. Our clients receive assistance in lending in banking institutions, detailed verification of the documents of the property and personal service tailored to their requirements and needs. Take advantage! Top Estate Real Estate vi offre una proprietà industriale con un enorme terreno e una stazione di trasformazione nel villaggio di Sadina, comune di Popovo. La proprietà si trova in una zona urbanizzata con un modo di uso permanente per un'aia, la superficie totale dei lotti è di 28 290 mq e la superficie totale edificata degli edifici è di 4130 mq. Alcuni degli edifici sono stati demoliti e il resto è in condizioni di grande ricostruzione. L'accesso alla proprietà è tutto l'anno su una strada asfaltata e la sua posizione è fuori dal paese, il che la rende adatta alla produzione. Nel terreno c'è una sottostazione elettrica funzionante e c'è anche una stazione di pompaggio adiacente che fornisce acqua alla proprietà. Le dimensioni dell'immobile, la disponibilità di una sottostazione elettrica e la sua ubicazione lo rendono adatto alla realizzazione di impianti fotovoltaici, alla produzione industriale, nonché all'attività economica. Offerta numero 1713. Parliamo inglese. IMPORTANTE! Le offerte di Top Estate vengono prima caricate sulla pagina Facebook di Top Estate Real Estate and ... e verranno caricate sui portali immobiliari dopo 24 ore. I nostri clienti ricevono assistenza per il prestito presso istituti bancari, verifica dettagliata dei documenti dell'immobile e un servizio personalizzato su misura per le loro esigenze e necessità. Approfittare!
Referentie: EDEN-T92175706
Land: BG
Stad: Targovishte
Postcode: 7841
Categorie: Commercieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Magazijn & Bedrijfsruimte
Omvang woning: 4.137


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Okt 2023
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