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Brandstoffen Verwarming
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Zakelijke kans te koop — Ruse

EUR 51.500

Zakelijke kans (Te koop)

Referentie: EDEN-T91564380 / 91564380
RE/MAX River Estate is pleased to present an EXCLUSIVELY ready-made business in the center of the village of Ryahovo. Ryakhovo is situated on the right bank of the Danube River, 7 km north of the municipal center of Slivo Pole and 30 km northeast of the regional center of Ruse. There is a port on the Danube. The area of the property is 130 sq.m, and 35 sq.m cellar, and in 2020 a major renovation has been made. PVC windows everywhere replaced, the flooring is terracotta, the heating is electric. The distribution is as follows: -Large room; -Kitchen; -Corridor; -Two bedrooms; -Second entrance hall keto leads to the back entrance; -Bathroom with toilet and laundry room; The property is equipped with everything you need to start work and is ideal for lulapping for investment due to its good location. RE/MAX River Estate provides FREE assistance for all types of lending. Due to the fact that we are all over the world, our customers receive preferential terms from absolutely all banks. Meer bekijken Minder bekijken RE/MAX River Estate има удоволствието да Ви представи ЕКСКЛУЗИВНО готов действащ бизнес в центъра на село Ряхово. Ряхово е разположено на десния бряг на река Дунав на 7 километра на север от общинския център град Сливо поле и на 30 километра на североизток от областния център град Русе. Има пристанище на река Дунав. Площта на имота е 130 кв.м, и 35 кв.м изба, като през 2020 е правен основен ремонт. ПВЦ дограма навсякъде сменени, подовите настилки са теракота, отоплението е на ток. Разпределението е както следва: -Голямо помещение; -Кухня; -Коридор ; -Две спални ; -Второ антре кето води към задния вход; -Баня с тоалетна и перално помещение; Имотът е оборудван с всичко неоходимо за стартиране на работа и е идеален за залупуване с цел инвестиция поради добрата си локация. RE/MAX River Estate съдейства БЕЗПЛАТНО за всякакъв вид кредитиране. Поради факта, че сме в цял свят, нашите клиенти получават преференциални условия от абсолютно всички банки. RE/MAX River Estate freut sich, ein EXKLUSIVES Ready-made-Geschäft im Zentrum des Dorfes Ryahovo zu präsentieren. Rjachowo liegt am rechten Ufer der Donau, 7 km nördlich des Gemeindezentrums von Slivo Pole und 30 km nordöstlich des regionalen Zentrums von Ruse. Es gibt einen Hafen an der Donau. Die Fläche des Anwesens beträgt 130 m² und 35 m² Keller, und im Jahr 2020 wurde eine umfassende Renovierung durchgeführt. PVC-Fenster wurden überall ausgetauscht, der Bodenbelag ist Terrakotta, die Heizung ist elektrisch. Die Aufteilung ist wie folgt: -Großer Raum; -Küche; -Korridor; -Zwei Schlafzimmer; -Die zweite Eingangshalle Keto führt zum Hintereingang; -Badezimmer mit WC und Waschküche; Das Anwesen ist mit allem ausgestattet, was Sie brauchen, um mit der Arbeit zu beginnen, und ist aufgrund seiner guten Lage ideal für die Investition. RE/MAX River Estate bietet KOSTENLOSE Unterstützung für alle Arten von Krediten. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass wir auf der ganzen Welt vertreten sind, erhalten unsere Kunden Vorzugskonditionen von absolut allen Banken. RE/MAX River Estate è lieta di presentare un'attività ESCLUSIVAMENTE pronta nel centro del villaggio di Ryahovo. Ryakhovo si trova sulla riva destra del Danubio, 7 km a nord del centro comunale di Slivo Pole e 30 km a nord-est del centro regionale di Ruse. C'è un porto sul Danubio. La superficie della proprietà è di 130 mq, e 35 mq di cantina, e nel 2020 è stata effettuata un'importante ristrutturazione. Infissi in PVC ovunque sostituiti, la pavimentazione è in cotto, il riscaldamento è elettrico. La distribuzione è la seguente: -Ampia camera; -Cucina; -Corridoio; -Due camere da letto; -La seconda sala d'ingresso cheto conduce all'ingresso posteriore; -Bagno con wc e lavanderia; La proprietà è dotata di tutto il necessario per iniziare i lavori ed è ideale per lulapping per investimento grazie alla sua buona posizione. RE/MAX River Estate fornisce assistenza GRATUITA per tutti i tipi di prestito. Grazie al fatto che siamo presenti in tutto il mondo, i nostri clienti ricevono condizioni preferenziali da tutte le banche. RE/MAX River Estate is pleased to present an EXCLUSIVELY ready-made business in the center of the village of Ryahovo. Ryakhovo is situated on the right bank of the Danube River, 7 km north of the municipal center of Slivo Pole and 30 km northeast of the regional center of Ruse. There is a port on the Danube. The area of the property is 130 sq.m, and 35 sq.m cellar, and in 2020 a major renovation has been made. PVC windows everywhere replaced, the flooring is terracotta, the heating is electric. The distribution is as follows: -Large room; -Kitchen; -Corridor; -Two bedrooms; -Second entrance hall keto leads to the back entrance; -Bathroom with toilet and laundry room; The property is equipped with everything you need to start work and is ideal for lulapping for investment due to its good location. RE/MAX River Estate provides FREE assistance for all types of lending. Due to the fact that we are all over the world, our customers receive preferential terms from absolutely all banks. RE/MAX River Estate a le plaisir de vous présenter une entreprise EXCLUSIVEMENT prête à l’emploi dans le centre du village de Ryahovo. Ryakhovo est situé sur la rive droite du Danube, à 7 km au nord du centre municipal de Slivo Pole et à 30 km au nord-est du centre régional de Ruse. Il y a un port sur le Danube. La superficie de la propriété est de 130 m² et d’une cave de 35 m², et en 2020, une rénovation majeure a été effectuée. Fenêtres en PVC partout remplacées, le sol est en terre cuite, le chauffage est électrique. La distribution est la suivante : -Grande chambre ; -Cuisine; -Corridor; -Deux chambres à coucher ; -Deuxième hall d’entrée céto mène à l’entrée arrière ; -Salle de bain avec WC et buanderie ; La propriété est équipée de tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour commencer les travaux et est idéale pour l’investissement en raison de son bon emplacement. RE/MAX River Estate offre une assistance GRATUITE pour tous les types de prêts. En raison du fait que nous sommes partout dans le monde, nos clients bénéficient de conditions préférentielles de la part d’absolument toutes les banques.
Referentie: EDEN-T91564380
Land: BG
Stad: Ruse
Postcode: 7070
Categorie: Commercieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Zakelijke kans
Omvang woning: 129
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