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Magazijn & bedrijfsruimte te koop — Ruse

EUR 342.000

Magazijn & Bedrijfsruimte (Te koop)

Referentie: EDEN-T91284842 / 91284842
RE/MAX River Estate offers with exclusive representation a building for production, storage and warehouse of food products. The property has a total built-up area of 970 square meters. It is fulfilled according to all European requirements and has the necessary certificates. Located on ground and two underground floors such as: - Floor -2 designated for storage room and loading and unloading by means of lifts with a load capacity of 1.5 tons reaching the 1st floor. - Floor -1 with an external entrance consisting of 2 changing rooms (for outdoor and working clothes and equipment) with showers and a bathroom between them, a living room, a room for cleaning and disinfection of aprons working clothes and equipment, as well as two freezing chambers. - Ground floor consisting of a corridor with a filter for disinfection when entering the premises, a bathroom, offices, an entrance and a room for bringing packaging with disinfecting baths, a washbasin, storage rooms, a room for vacuuming finished products, refrigerated storage and defrosting chambers, freezing chambers, the total cubic capacity of the refrigeration chambers is 100 cubic meters, and the minus 120 cubic meters. It has a ventilation system, two elevators, a car disinfection site, 14 contactless sinks located in places of purpose, six sedimentary sewage shafts, a ramp with a roller blind for loading and unloading, new plumbing and electrical equipment. installations with power supply of 2 separate current sources. All siphons are basket type with grid and drainage for easy service and cleaning. The building has seven units - two for the minus cameras and five for the plus. Additional equipment may remain with an additional arrangement. If you have any further questions, you can call the phones! Meer bekijken Minder bekijken RE/MAX River Estate предлага с ексклузивно представителство сграда за производство, съхранение и склад на хранителни продукти. Имотът е с разгъната застроена площ от 970 квадратни метра. Изпълнена е по всички европейски изисквания и разполага с нужните сертификати. Разположена на приземен и два подземни етажа като: - Етаж -2 определен за складово помещение и товаро-разтоварна дейност посредством асансьори с товароносимост 1.5 тона стигащи до 1ви етаж. - Етаж -1 с външен вход състоящ се от 2 съблекални (за външни и работни дрехи и оборудване) с душове и санитарен възел помежду им, битова стая, помещение за почистване и дезинфекциране на престилки работни дрехи и оборудване, както и две минусови камери. - Приземен етаж състоящ се от коридор с филтър за дезинфекция при влизане в помещенията, санитарен възел, офиси, вход и помещение за внасяне на амбалаж с дезинфекциращи вани, умивалня, складови помещения, помещение за вакуумиране на готова продукция, хладилни камери за съхранение и за дефростация, минусови камери за замръзяване, като общата кубатура на хладилните камери е 100 кубични метра, а на минусовите 120 кубични метра. Разполага с вентилационна система, два асансьора, площадка за дезинфекция на автомобили, 14 безконтактни мивки разположени на места по предназначение, шест отаечни шахти за отпадни води, рампа с ролетна щора за товаро-разтоварна дейност, нови ВиК и Ел. инсталации със захранване от 2 отделни източника на ток. Всички сифони са тип кошница с решетка и дренаж за лесно обслужване и почистване. Сградата разполага със седем агрегата - два за минусовите камери и пет за плюсовите. Допълнителното оборудване е възможно да остане с допълнителни уговорка. При допълнителни въпроси можете да позвъните на посочените телефони! RE/MAX River Estate offers with exclusive representation a building for production, storage and warehouse of food products. The property has a total built-up area of 970 square meters. It is fulfilled according to all European requirements and has the necessary certificates. Located on ground and two underground floors such as: - Floor -2 designated for storage room and loading and unloading by means of lifts with a load capacity of 1.5 tons reaching the 1st floor. - Floor -1 with an external entrance consisting of 2 changing rooms (for outdoor and working clothes and equipment) with showers and a bathroom between them, a living room, a room for cleaning and disinfection of aprons working clothes and equipment, as well as two freezing chambers. - Ground floor consisting of a corridor with a filter for disinfection when entering the premises, a bathroom, offices, an entrance and a room for bringing packaging with disinfecting baths, a washbasin, storage rooms, a room for vacuuming finished products, refrigerated storage and defrosting chambers, freezing chambers, the total cubic capacity of the refrigeration chambers is 100 cubic meters, and the minus 120 cubic meters. It has a ventilation system, two elevators, a car disinfection site, 14 contactless sinks located in places of purpose, six sedimentary sewage shafts, a ramp with a roller blind for loading and unloading, new plumbing and electrical equipment. installations with power supply of 2 separate current sources. All siphons are basket type with grid and drainage for easy service and cleaning. The building has seven units - two for the minus cameras and five for the plus. Additional equipment may remain with an additional arrangement. If you have any further questions, you can call the phones!
Referentie: EDEN-T91284842
Land: BG
Stad: Ruse
Categorie: Commercieel
Type vermelding: Te koop
Type woning: Magazijn & Bedrijfsruimte
Omvang woning: 2.450


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Okt 2023
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1 jaar
EUR 994
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